Trump’s Indictment And Parallel Systems

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now the elite have proven they don’t even care about the appearance of law, why should we take it seriously either? When the judges, prosecutors and lawyers hold law in contempt, exploiting it as a means for the strong to oppress the weak, the weak have no obligation to oblige. Other than the ever present threat of punishment, law is a thing to be avoided. Be like water. Where the government stomps a jack boot in the way, simply flow around it. The way to do that is to set up parallel systems. Let the tyrants play their games as we build the systems to go around their oppression. If we have a parallel society in place, their CBDCs, surveillance and manipulations will fall on air, because we will not be there. We will be using our own systems, organically built from the ground up, not theirs.

One thing any police officer knows is the public’s perception is the public’s reality. If a beat cop knows this then don’t you suppose the elite at the top of the legal hierarchy does as well? They know they are discrediting the rule of law. That may be their intent. Who can say? We do know they are either evil or stupid. The classic binary option. Neither of which is a glowing recommendation of them. Nevertheless, the elite are creating the public perception, that law is only a means for the strong to oppress the weak. They have to also know that the moment the masses make the leap, they will hold law in as much contempt as the elite… who write, administer and adjudicate it. Once everyone holds the law in absolute contempt, law will become superfluous.

The courts have gone to extreme lengths to discredit themselves. In this they are following a well trod path laid down by the rest of the expert class. In their rush to implement the administrative state, they have bulldozed the Constitution and precedent. Look at the lack of a trial that Alex Jones got, the double trials it took to get the Whitmer patsies back on the hook, and the eight hundred days of pretrial detention of the progressive faction’s political prisoners. Some say a democrat will stand and exclaim, arresting Trump to keep him off the ballot, is wrong. No democrat would dare though… because the ostracism is so effective. Their ostracism would be immediate, terrible and permanent. This is the end game, and no traitors to the movement will be tolerated, by the intolerant.

People who cannot be trusted… cannot be trusted, no matter how many times they claim to be the most trustworthy people who ever lived. In fact, that very assertion is a clue that someone is a liar. Claiming to be absolutely truthful is a Machiavellian manipulation, right out of The Prince. A little trick of the mind is that we tend to project our foibles on others. That is why a thief is paranoid about being stolen from, a liar thinks everyone is lying and a swindler thinks everyone is as worthless as himself. These are part of what is called the dark triad personality disorders. Untrustworthy, manipulative and heartless characterize these people. I ask you, don’t the actions of the elite today epitomize the dark personality disorder? Showing themselves to be psychopaths, Machiavellian and narcissists… very progressive!

When the system turns on the people, the people need to turn their backs on the system. Instead of getting angry, just don’t use it, go around it. I suspect one of the goals of attacking the rule of law, from their positions as prosecutors, judges and bureaucrats, is violence. If someone acts out, the elite will have their excuse to crack down on us, with God knows what force. Violence from pro Americans will be treated worse than the “insurrectionists,” who traitorously sought a redress of grievances. The answer is to be like water. If you step in a stream, you don’t stop the flow, your foot merely gets wet. If we are as water, with parallel systems in place, we will be as a bog, when they try to step on our face, and the only thing that will happen, is their foot will get waterlogged.


John Pepin

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