
Dear Friends,


Racism is bad but not universally,

Grouping us in ways diabolically,

A lie is a lie,

Even when sly,

Because racism is a word used manipulatively.


The Brits have been conquered from within,

By manipulation, immigration and spin,

Social flaws,

Hate laws,

And they will only be applied to a mis-thinking citizen.


The left doesn’t care about truth the least,

Upon usurped power they love to feast,

It’s the profession’s honor,

Turn it into a monster,

Done by hypocrites in the thought police.


There once was an AG Barr,

By being a shill he’s gone far,

In glasses nerdy,

Hairdo purdy,

And inside his soul is a char.


There once was a lawyer Cobb,

A worthless mustachioed slob,

A bitter pill,

Typical shill,

And his customers he would rob.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Right Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, elitists like to think they’ll be at the top if a totalitarian system comes in, but when they’re excluded from the halls of power, they often become enraged. Too little too late for them though. They’ve ceded their right to a say by their past strident statements. Some honestly believe in the rightness of monarchy, others the wisdom of aristocracy, while there are those who prefer democracy. Despite the fact history proves them all failures. Each leading the state and people into unrecoverable disasters. The siren song of using state power to solve societal problems, is one that’s easy for everyone to hear, and alluring to the elite’s ear. Nevertheless, the problem of the right ordering of society remains. How to order society without the government eventually driving us into a ditch?

Class Elitists think that experts should run the show. Why not? They’re smarter, better educated and dog gone it… better people. Elitists look down on humanity as ignorant, foolish and easily manipulated. Which is an example of projection. The elite may be highly educated but that doesn’t mean they know anything of value. Since the elite aren’t subject to the corrective feedback mechanisms you and I are, they’re susceptible to ever more insane ideas. Moreover, living in an echo chamber atop an ivory tower, makes them easy to manipulate. Which results in a despot, rising from within the dross of aristocracy, to become Caesar. Bypassing any good that might come of a Marcus Aurelius, and going directly to Nero. Making rule by the elite, aristocracy, a stop on the path to collapse.

Totalitarian elitists believe that republics and democracies are wrong forms in that no one takes responsibility for the nation’s outcome. For good or bad, the wire pullers in parliament sit at the table, changing the course of nations, get rich doing so, and hide when the bill of responsibility comes due. That’s why totalitarian elitists believe in a monarch. To rightly order society, make laws that make sense and take responsibility for the results. Then force everyone to get onboard. Corporations, individuals and government, all on one page, working together to make the Fuhrer’s goals come true. Because that’s how monarchy always ends up. With a Fuhrer. History is unambiguous on this fact. No state governed by a monarch hasn’t quickly become a tyranny. It’s the nature of despotism.

Democrats are of the opinion that people are best served who serve themselves. Every person should have an equal say. Get rid of parliament and monarch in favor of a total democratic system. We have the technology. Then the people would choose, the people would win or lose, and the people would bear responsibility. This notion is idealistic in it’s simplicity. While generally, the people are canny, we’re subject to mob mentality. A demagogue can stir us into a froth getting us to vote against our best interest, as did Alcibiades, and lead a people into disaster. Like Syracuse. Moreover, democracy can be the source of internal friction. That friction heating up a society to the melting point. At which the elite step in and take over. To stop the chaos. Leading to oligarchy then tyranny and finally collapse.

A republic, Aristotle’s ideal form of government is great… on paper. Republics, as history has shown, are just as subject to being perverted as any other form of government. Even the advent of Constitutionally limited government has failed. Because, whenever people are vested with power over others, good people will turn bad, bad people will be attracted to it, and the run of the mill person will be turned off by the whole sordid affair. What’s the answer then? To take the US founder’s republican solution the next step. Limit the elite by constitution, pit them against each other, add absolute transparency as the default, and give it teeth. If government is limited, the damage it can do is also limited. No matter who rules, limit them, by constitution, penalty, responsibility and transparency.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Counter Party Risk

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the higher the counter party risk, the more expensive, difficult and scary it is to do business. If counter party risk gets too high, business can’t be done, and economic activity ceases. Put personally, upon discovering you can’t trust the person your dealing with, will you still do business with them? If you do, the likelihood is that they won’t meet their obligations, once you’ve met yours. Lawyers are an expedient to get past counter party risk, to some extent, but they’re a poor solution. Being corrupt themselves. If the counter party is sufficiently corrupt, they’ll use a lawyer to swindle you. So if counter party risk becomes too great, so much so that attorneys are no protection, they’re a threat, economic activity must cease. Until counter party risk has been solved again.

Wealth follows morality. Because, when people trust each other, they’re more willing to do business. The more business that takes place the more wealth that’s generated. It’s as simple as that. If you can’t trust the carton of milk your buying has milk, or sewage in it… your not likely to buy it. Why would you? If the car you bought doesn’t have a title, so you can’t drive it, what good is it? Once you’ve done your part, and the other refuses to pay, why continue working for them? Commerce comes to a halt. That’s why so many nations with a culture of corruption will always be impoverished. Moreover, the citizens of those nations will resent foreigners who become wealthy, because they have ethics, and thus can do business. Eventually ostracizing the only people capable of lifting that country from poverty.

The elite in the US and Europe are so stupid they don’t understand that they’re ruining the reputation of the US and Europe. Thus creating a counter party risk that’s rapidly becoming an insurmountable economic hurdle. No where is this more obvious or deadly to the economy than in NY. By their actions, the court system in NY state has magnified counter party risk, by orders of magnitude. Who in their right mind would start a business or move a firm to NY? Where the courts will punish you if you’re deemed politically toxic. Today that’s as easy as hiring competent people. Which means, those firms staying in NY are probably zombie companies, supported by political favor. By increasing counter party risk with lawfare, the NY court system has gutted it’s economy.

As banks, especially too big to fail banks talk about bail ins, where they openly tell us they’ll steal our deposits to pay their debts, like Jon Corzine did, they increase their perceived counter party risk. Banks have a dismal reputation today and they’re striving hard to make it worse. Effectively zero interest on our deposits, fees up the wazoo, and now they tell us our money isn’t even safe in their sticky hands? No wonder there’s a giant sucking sound of deposits draining out of banks. Moreover, the banks have abandoned small businesses for investing in “safe” government debt. So, as they lose deposits they have to cash in Treasuries at a loss to free up the cash. Because they have made themselves too great a counter party risk to do business with today.

The only way destroying one’s reputation makes sense, is if they think the economy is switching from the free market to socialism, and they’ll be rewarded political favor for it. Socialism is a system where counter party risk is irrelevant. Because, under socialism trade is based on political favor, not prices, quality or trust. The economy runs on bureaucracy not freedom, and who trusts bureaucrats, other than to create problems? As the US and the entire Western elites obliterate our trust, we can expect things to get progressively worse. Slowly at first then speeding up to a mighty crash. Using law as a weapon, giving legal passes to politically favored people, and using contracts as toilet paper, will result in general poverty. Unless we stop it by being outraged and speaking up.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


It seems to me we have demons in power,

As the world turns and our milk goes sour,

Lies prevail,

Fraud by mail,

And the elite toss bombs on us from their ivory tower.


Some would say retail store security is deficient,

Others calculate government corruption coefficient,

Stabbings are swell,

We mustn’t dwell,

Because the elite call it cultural enrichment.


As a clumsy child I wasn’t well regarded,

The last picked in everything and discarded,

Lacking knack,

They held me back,

And my teachers thought I was mentally retarded.


Biden is tactically brilliant it’s true,

He is much slyer than me and you,

To corruption a monument,

No fear of impeachment,

Cause if he was Kamala would step in his shoe.


Worry worry fret and fear,

The bird flu is coming here,

Sudden death,

Hold your breath,

And give up everything you hold dear.



John Pepin

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Conjecture On Göbekli Tepe

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the moment the climate settled down, primitive hunter gatherers started cities. Not megalopolises but trading centers. Where useful items were traded. In other words, the petite bourgeoisie came to being almost the moment it was possible. Making commerce a basic human trait. Who knows what Göbekli Tepe was, but the perpetual need for resources that come from other areas, is a problem that’s plagued mankind since the dawn of time. The answer apparently has been, and will probably always be, commerce. There would be no examples of towns in the archaeological record, since a wooden town abandoned five thousand years ago, would have rotted into nothing millennia ago. Even the cities of American First nations people, are gone, but for arrowheads.

Imagine the utility for hunter gatherers to have a central location to trade items. A trade network of fine obsidian would be invaluable. Tribes could go to a central location, or pass through once a year, and trade goods. A large chunk of obsidian could be made into a myriad of tools. Arrowheads, knives and scrapers to name a few. A tribe so equipped could venture into places that are devoid of good stone for tools. They would be like people forging into the wilderness with bronze or iron tools. In fact the archaeological record does show vast trade networks set up thousands of years ago. The bronze age was made possible by the importation of tin from Britain to Sumeria. Such a trade network didn’t spring up overnight. It was an evolution of the ancient trade networks that traded stone, hides and cinnabar.

Farming is often considered to be the turning point of human civilization. It’s creation allowing people, “for the first time,” to gather into towns and cities. Thus began the city state age. Yet, how does farming create bronze? Or copper for that matter? In good years farming can give the farmer spare time to innovate, but innovation requires access to materials. The more exotic the materials available the greater the ability to innovate. Meanwhile, there are examples of farming from before Göbekli Tepe, in the Levant during the glacial maximum, yet they didn’t even have pottery. It was trade that opened up mankind to innovations such as effective farming, metallurgy and shipbuilding. Because no one place could supply everything that’s needed. As with making a pencil today, much had to be imported.

Göbekli Tepe predates pottery, yet sported relief carved stone, pillars and plazas. It and the other sites like it may have been for rituals, public meetings or, open air markets. I think they were neolithic shopping malls if you will. Tribes might pass through once or twice a year, to trade the things they picked up in their travels, for things they needed. A trading center would start out as a good well, and someone with a propensity to talk, instead of do. The talker, and well, becomes a nexus. His family specializes in commerce for a living instead of hunter gathering. That life choice makes it easier for the hunter gatherers. By opening up a much larger territory of materials to them than they could ever find themselves. That good well and trader could, in a thousand years, turn into Göbekli Tepe.

We tend to think everything is recent. Like Adam Smith’s division of labor. But the efficiency of that system was used by cavemen. It wasn’t named. Much of what we “know” is simply the named wisdom of the ages. Making us feel smart since we have words for them. The best proof however are hunter gatherer tribes with little contact with the outside world. They always have a village. To fabricate cloth, pottery and projectiles. Archaeology proves people had settlements even before pottery. So I maintain, mankind created settlements the moment the climate made it possible, maybe before. Civilization and wealth leading to a Göbekli Tepe, doesn’t have to be based on farming as the historians say… the wealth can, and usually is, based on commerce.


John Pepin

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Creature From The Black Academy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the academy has created its own Frankenstein’s monster, and is only now realizing it. With the pro genocide protests, happening on our college and university campuses, the creature they set upon the world is wreaking havoc in their own backyard. That monster they’ve unleashed is post modernism. A perverted philosophy, that posits there’s no God, and so there’s no good and no evil… Capitalism, nationalism and individualism however are evil… While collectivism, totalitarianism and lies are good. Based on begging the question, post modernism and progressivism create chaos wherever they seep. Now that chaos has come home to the academy they get to taste their own cooking.

Post modernism, the newest phase of progressivism, has stunk up our universities for decades now. It’s funk reaches into every institution of the West today. The kids who’s minds were polluted with the virus of post modernism, lack the tools to understand they’ve been programmed. As a Bond villain might program a victim to become an unwitting assassin. They simply act out the programming in their capacities, as executives of corporations, bureaucrats and think tankers. Politicians are controlled by the Epsteinesque tactics of bribery, blackmail and threats against their families. So the progressive faction, representing the post modernist philosophy, have captured not only two branches of government, as Madison warned us about, but all three… plus the media and our corporations. A truly fascist enterprise.

As long as their creation was causing the chaos they wanted, to usher in the new age of global utopia, it was great. Now however, the rioting students, the most privileged people to ever live, are destroying university buildings, campuses and reputations. Why shouldn’t they? Most children of privilege have never suffered consequences for their actions. Missing a vital lesson that everyone has to learn. So they disconnect their own actions from consequences, but are only too happy to enforce consequences on others. The hypocrites. Then again, why wouldn’t they be? They’re children in the most profound sense. Like all children, they’re entitled, quick to anger and easily manipulated. They know they won’t get the Jan 6th treatment, they’ll get the velvet glove. Their parents are too connected for anything else.

Post modernism works its dark magic by begging the question. Reducing us to a single action or attribute, we may not have, or have done, and using that to group us as victims or perpetrators, is as circular as a sphere. That perverse notion is a recipe for chaos. Opening the floodgates of attacks and reprisals. The progressives claim a baby is a perpetrator, because of his or her race, ethnicity or religion… as they say the Jewish victims on October 7th were. Imagine a philosophy so profoundly perverted, it says that people who put babies in ovens, and cook them alive… are the real victims, and the babies are the villains? The babies got what they had coming. Because the babies were Jews and the Moloch priests were Palestinians. (Who, because of birth, are always, everywhere and only victims, no matter what). The progressive faction gets to choose who is a victim and who’s irredeemable.

The corrupted notion of post modernist progressivism is a virus, concocted in a lab, to kill the nation state. So a new, better system, can take its place. To that end, it’s ministers sacrifice people to their god. Let’s face it, cooking babies alive is a purer way to worship Moloch, than dismemberment by abortion. Progressives maintain you’re a victim or a villain, depending on your birth, no matter your actions. That’s how post modernist beg the question to dehumanize people. They decide who’s human and who isn’t. Exploiting immature rich kids, as pawns, they have the perfect sappers. Revolutionaries who are above the law. With their monopoly on the media, government and corporations, the progressive faction can implement their globalist plans, and build a better Beast System.


John Pepin

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Post Science, Science

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, just as we’re in post Constitutional America, we’re also in post scientific method, science, and post rational, logic. Instead of using reductionism to come to conclusions about the world, our elites have flipped the script and use reductionist arguments to discredit truth, and defend lies. Why do you think Boeing has had such a string of failures? Bad luck? I don’t think so. They’ve changed their hiring practices, for diversity, instead of merit. People who think math is racist aren’t optimal engineer candidates. Even physicists are caught in the post modernist mind trap. They have to parrot lies, they know are lies, else get ostracized from the scientific community. We’ve reverted to an iron age philosophy, that predates Christian ideas of absolute truth, universal justice and the Golden Rule.

Those tasked with the preservation of the US system, have abandoned it, for a melding of fascism and communism. Because they’re so much smarter than the founding fathers, Greatest generation and every Enlightenment thinker. Which is why we’re in post Constitutional America. Because of the arrogance of the elite. Today, we’re treated to an opera about how evil the US is, because it had slavery a century and a half ago. “The US was founded on racism.” Which is obviously a reductionist argument, reducing the whole, to a single point. A point that’s then taken out of context. The irrational logic then continues, slavery today is not discrediting of the systems or people that do it, today, but of the people who outlawed it back then… and their posterity. Using a moral argument they themselves reject.

Scientists are limited by politics. Those limitations come in a variety of flavors. To stay in the good graces of the people with the purse strings, they have to lie. Lie about climate, politics and even physics itself. Anything that goes against the politically favored narrative is verboten. That’s how a Harvard Professor got canceled for saying, men are better at math than women. A clearly bigoted fact. Then he tried to justify his macho remark with statistics. Further proving his unworthiness. Though, thought is only limited, in ways the elites don’t like. Unlimited amounts of money are available to explore those ideas the elite approve of. So, scientists have to lie to stay in the funding lane, they’re limited in the facts they are allowed to say in public, and their research is limited… by political reality.

The age of reason is over and we’re boldly marching back into an age of irrationality. Led by the priests of logic, bureaucrats, scientists and experts. They explain how peaceful protests for a return to Constitutional rule is insurrection, but riots, iconoclasm, arson, beatings, and trashing cities are protected speech… if they’re in the name of destroying the West. Scientists exploit their great intellect to explain why climate change went on for three billion years, without man on the planet… but now it’s all on us. How the only way to preserve democracy, is with open mail in voting without signature match, or verification of any kind. Why it’s in children’s best interest to immediately castrate them if they question their sexual identity. Justifying a myriad of idiotic notions the elite want to be true.

All hail our wise, smart and nutter elites. They’re moving us from the Age of Reason to a new Dark Age. A general collapse generated by the elite’s obtusity. In their wisdom, the experts, scientists and corporations bow to politics in everything. As Hitler counseled in his book, Mein Kampf. Some might balk at following Hitler’s plan so closely, but not our elites, they’re made of sterner stuff. Following in the footsteps of Mao, Stalin and Chang Kai Chek, they’re boldly going where every other despot has gone. Abandoning scientific reason for political expedience they’re taking the low road. With locked doors, and us in the back seat, it looks like we’re in for one Hell of a ride. Buckle up folks, because we know where this road leads. Try to preserve the Christian ideas of truth, justice and the Golden Rule.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Closing the noose ever tighter,

As our faces grow ever whiter,

Take this and eat,

Our lab grown meat,

If that’s not to your taste here have a spider.


The deep richness and velvety taste of the irony,

Told by demons decked out in their finest finery,

Russian elections ain’t fair,

Mail in’s safe we swear,

And jail without bail those seeking election integrity.


Farmers can relax no need to worry,

In Rotherham, London and Surry,

The elite have it in hand,

Peace throughout the land,

Because there’ll be a nuclear war by next January.


Illegal immigrant crime is taking its toll,

While government has redefined its role,

Because rape and violence have flair,

Go after the guy typing in his under ware,

And now it’s obvious that chaos is the goal.


When a judge is corrupt as vulture vomit,

They must keep the splash in the closet,

Reek does tingle,

Noses wrinkle,

And everyone is gagged especially the target.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cultural Subtext

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a subtext of our culture is that we as individuals are inept, and not to be trusted, while government is adept, and always to be trusted. While the reality is that no one is always adept or inept, and no one is always wise or foolish, both individuals and governments. All are capable of right action, smart thought and wise awareness. Nevertheless, individuals are inculcated with the notion, we should not trust ourselves, our hearts or conscience. Always to question ourselves… but not the government, or more precisely, the experts. While it makes sense to question our base desires, questioning one’s conscience, is foolish. Individuals, you and I, are more capable to decide what suits us. Therefore, it’s our duty to smash that pernicious and negative mindset, that we should always defer to experts.

Cultures have subtexts that are unspoken ideas that permeate the zeitgeist. America used to have the subtext that anyone can get rich. That was one of the reasons the US was so resilient in the face of socialist propaganda. The progressive economist Veblen, said, the reason Americans can’t be made to hate the rich, is because every American thinks he could become rich. Making that mindset self destructive. Progressives have successfully changed the subtext of US culture, from anyone can get rich, to only old money is legitimate. The elite have created such a labyrinth of bars to wealth, and incorporated the difficulty in our public education curriculum, that natives only seek a job… fearing the challenges of starting a business, and so, few are entrepreneurs.

Part of the reason so few are entrepreneurs nowadays is that we don’t have self confidence. The self confidence that comes from accomplishment, not from baseless praise. The experts took industrial arts, and home economics out of the curriculum, because it makes kids self sufficient. The ability to take care of oneself gives a sense of confidence. While, the inability to care for one’s own basic needs, cuts the self confidence from a person. Those who can’t even cook a biscuit, are natural followers, not leaders. I suspect, a symptom of this toxic mindset is the fact so many people eat out… even cooks. Because, as long as we’re a cog on a sprocket, we’re comfortable. Lacking that sense of self sufficiency that industrial arts and home economics gives, we become weak, susceptible to propaganda and ductile.

This programming is so deep, powerful and esoteric that it keeps us from seeing the obvious. Because the obvious goes against our programming. We still worship government. Despite the multitude of catastrophic government failures. The US government just had a debacle in Afghanistan, and immediately, launched into another potentially nuclear war. That war is rapidly becoming another debacle. Who could have seen that coming? Oh, everyone, who isn’t programmed not to. The 2008 financial crisis went past, and government did nothing to solve the underlying problems, and so we face them again today, but worse. The dragon has grown. Meanwhile, us individuals have shored up our personal economies, cut our spending to balance our budgets, and kept peace with our neighbors.

Empirical evidence would suggest, individuals are in fact the competent ones, and government is usually inept. The exact opposite of our cultural subtext. Individuals have to constantly clean up the mess that government creates… economic, international and domestic. When government creates a perverted incentive, it’s individuals that adapt to keep our nation running smoothly. The more government screws it up, the harder we have to work to keep it straight. Which shows, we are more than a cog on a sprocket, and more adept than government with all it’s experts, and billions of dollars. They rely on us to bail them out constantly. I’m here to tell you… government and experts are not adept, they’re inept. We’re the wise, smart and competent ones, realize it then think, speak and act accordingly.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, International Power, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ridicule and Outrage

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the people’s reaction to the absurd Scottish hate crime law… is how it’s done. Soon that nonsensical abuse of thought will be tossed in the rubbish heap. Due to public outrage. Moreover that reaction will cause the elite to think twice before passing another absurd law like that. Outrage is only effective when the outraged tell their representatives though. Seething in quiet does nothing to help anyone. While it may seem safer, holding it in will eventually lead to it’s explosive escape. That’s exactly what the elite want. For us to rise up so they can clamp down. As Van Jones said. Holding our outrage in, will lead to us rising up. If however, were we to vent, the elite would bend in the steam. That’s one way we can straighten out our crooked as a coil elites.

Outrage has immense power to change the paradigm. The elite live in constant fear of losing their power. Like chickens with an eye to the sky for birds of prey, the elite are on the lookout for any threat to their prerogative. Vociferous public outrage is the equivalent of a red tailed hawk perched on a post overlooking the chicken yard. Which will drive the elite to doing the right thing… even if it burns. That’s why we need to voice our opinion to our representatives. To vent, so pressure doesn’t build, and to let them know their beloved power is being threatened. If we add ridicule to outrage, we have the perfect weapon, to use against our narcissistic elites. Authority is corroded by ridicule more effectively than acid wears limestone. Because ridicule both defies authority and makes authorities a joke.

We’ve been trained to only be outraged at the things the elite want us outraged at… and nothing else. No matter how outrageous it is. The elite have taught us to seek their approval to be outraged. If they’re outraged, then it’s our duty to be, and if they’re not, it’s bad manners to be outraged. We get our orders from the evening news. They tell us what we’re supposed to be afraid of, worry about and be angry at. Then they tell us how to channel that anger. We’re supposed to hate Elon Musk for being anti censorship. The elite want us to demand to be censored. It’s outrageous that you or I could say whatever we want. I demand to be silenced! Or not… depending on if I’m a puppet, or a sovereign human being. Puppets have no need for free speech… or the suffrage for that matter.

The sovereign people of Scotland and indeed Britain have added ridicule to their outrage. The reaction to the absurd hate crime law was immediate and overwhelming. That’s how you do it. Immediate and overwhelming outrage directed at the elite. Followed up by round after round of vicious ridicule. You see how the Scottish elites backed down. Especially when the law they passed to tyrannize Scots was used against them. The reputation damage from the ridicule will haunt them for the rest of their lives. As it should be. If we reacted with the same level of outrage, when our elites act despotically, they would cut it out. That, or lose their power, the one thing the elite are terrified of more than anything else. As the elite in Scotland have shown.

Outrage and ridicule are a steam chamber for us to assert our power to change the paradigm. If Americans had been outraged at the Waters of America law, it wouldn’t have taken 20 years and millions of dollars in litigation as well as all the harm done… to prove that legislation unconstitutional. Immediate outrage and ridicule would have saved millions in lawyer fees, two decades of lost wealth for American citizens, and kept the elite in line. Instead, we take it, and rely on someone else to go bankrupt to save our Rights. Try being a mature human being, don’t seethe inside, speak, let the elite know how you feel. Ridicule those elites who blurt stupidity, do idiotic things and pass moronic legislation. Threaten their power with ridicule and outrage… and they’ll straighten out.


John Pepin

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