The Next Step will be Political Prisons.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the next step in the total destruction of the US Constitutional system and western civilization, will be to go after conservatives criminally. They are already talking about fabricating some charge to jail Trump. His followers will not be far behind. After our Reichstag moment on the 6th the writing is on the wall. The same people who were in charge in 1933 Germany are in charge of the US today. I know, the Nazi meme is floated all the time, it’s trite and overused, however, in this case it is entirely appropriate, since the progressives have the exact same policies as the Nazis did… from eugenics to world dominion. Today’s progressives are even antisemitic. The Mark of the Beast will follow shortly after all the powerful conservatives are imprisoned for political crimes.

What makes me think the democrats and RINOs will go after conservatives criminally? Because… history. The purity tests are already happening. Those who are not progressive enough, in the progressive movement, are ostracized. Like Ellen DeGeneres and J K Rowling for example. Those who would turn on their allies for the smallest breach of political correctness, obviously, will have no problem destroying a conservative, who disagrees on everything! Only a fool would think otherwise. The closest analogue to the future the psychopathic elite have in store is the Chinese Communist Party model. They adore that system. Political prisoners are the norm there, as is organ harvesting. History is rife with other equally evil examples of tyrants using criminal law as a weapon… lawfare.

The burning of the Reichstag was a seminal moment in the rise of Hitler to power. The faux riots January 6 in DC are the same. It is reported, the rioters that stormed the government buildings were ANTIFA and BLM infiltrators. That was bad enough, but the Capitol Hill Police removed the barricades, apparently, to encourage the riot. There are many credible sources for it. It is well known today the Reichstag was burned by the Nazis as a false flag, to blame on the communists. On the 6th the false flag was by the American Nazi party, progressives, to blame on conservatives. In an utterly pathological act, they manipulated the American people into hating ourselves… for what our mortal enemies did. Jan 6th will facilitate the American Nazi party’s rise.

The media is already prepping us for political prisons. The first one that will be charged, for crimes against the deep state, will be Trump. The media is all agog about it. That will be a show trial, but once he is in prison, and commits suicide by self strangulation, the lid can come off. The precedent will be set, and the Supreme Court can fall back on the Korematsu ruling, allowing FDR to imprison US citizens, because of their eye shape. A very progressive ruling allowing progressives to be themselves… despotic tyrants. The media then, was all for jailing Americans for their eye shape, now, for our opinions. We can expect the Court to lean heavily on that abortion of justice to implement their final solution. Because no oppression can happen without the consent and support of the media.

The end game is laid out on the Georgia Guide stones. They explain what the progressives have in mind for the human race. Population limited to 10% of today’s. I don’t know how they plan on achieving that goal, exterminating 90% of the human race, but you have to admit, it is aspirational. Political prisons are a good first step to their dark paradise. New York even has legislation pending for Covid camps to imprison the sick. Like the TB sanatoriums. Unlike TB however, (consumption is a far more dangerous disease than the Wuhan flu) the US didn’t burn the Constitution to fight it. Showing that erasing our Constitution is the plan, not a contingency. Get ready for the lawfare, the democrats are not reverting to kittens, now they have grown into lions. Later comes the circular firing squads.


John Pepin

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