Why Are The Elite Creating Chaos?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, wise people should ask themselves, why are the elite introducing so much chaos into the world? Some might be doing it because they are the acme of “liberal” and see chaos as a good thing. They believe chaos is an end. Others may see chaos as a destabilizing force that opens the door to something else. They see chaos as a means. Most people however, see chaos as an evil, to be avoided at all costs. Because it costs so much. Conservatives epitomize the last category… those who see chaos as too expensive, in crime, wealth and suffering, to be an end or a means. Conservatives see chaos as a thing to be avoided. No matter where on this spectrum the elite fall, it is patently obvious they are introducing chaos, yet have the most to lose, unless they have a plan that is not obvious?

The “liberal” personality type is one that is high in openness to new experience, low in disgust and disorderly. In a well functioning culture and society their place is to encourage growth. Chaos is their wheelhouse. The “conservative” personality is typified by orderliness, limited new experiences and pretty high in disgust. Their place in a well functioning culture and society is to keep the train on the rails. Order is their wheelhouse. Logically, we should all want the optimum culture, society and economy, to foster our personal, filial and species wide well being. Pragmatically, the only means to that end, history provides… is when personal liberty to introduce chaos into our own lives is protected, and the elite are barred from introducing chaos into society, such as the US model, meets this criteria.

The wise seek balance. Machiavelli once said that a stable tyranny is better for the people than an unstable democracy. Because in an unstable democracy business cannot be done. People starve. While in a stable tyranny business works fine. His point was that political representation is less important than stability for the economy. That is why the CCP was able to pull in so much industry. They were a stable tyranny. The elite today, have taken away our political representation at the ballot box with mail in fraud, they have kicked the legs out from our economic table, they have flooded our streets with thieves from foreign lands and made a mockery of our most treasured liberties. We have neither stable tyranny, nor unstable democracy, we have something else… unstable oligarchy.

Firebombing the ground floor of a building from the penthouse is typically a bad idea. Unless those doing the firebombing have a helicopter waiting to get them to safety. Before the edifice collapses in a cloud of flame and smoke. Taking everyone else with it. This is an apt illustration of what the elite are doing today though. From the penthouse, they are lobbing Molotov cocktails down at the ground floor. So again… why? They may be liberal and just want chaos… but that would make them stupid (which indubitably some are). They are clearly not conservatives who seek order above all else. That leaves us with the conclusion the elite must be creating chaos, as a means to an end. The chaos they are fostering must be a force to open a door that otherwise would remain closed to them.

If we listen to their own words, the speeches of the World Economic Forum, the would be global fascist oligarchy, they seek to lower the human population to a more manageable number. The WEF has mentioned they don’t need 70% of us. Eugenics has always been a fascination of the central planners. From Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryant to Adolph Hitler, eugenics has been and stays on the table. Most of all, global, unlimited, and unaccountable power is what they seek. How do I know this? Because if their plans were benevolent or beneficent, they would not have to use chaos and subterfuge to implement them. Since chaos, with all its dangers to the elite, is the only force capable of opening that door… screams to me that oppression, darkness and evil are on the other side.


John Pepin

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