Races To The Bottom

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in races to the bottom the good are hobbled, and the corrupt get a head start. That’s why insufferable scumbags like to start them. Take for example, the efforts to undermine election integrity, the importation of unlimited illegal aliens, and the use of riots as a political weapon. Each of these are effectively a race to the bottom. The faction that starts it always gleefully runs ahead. Gaining an unfair advantage. Which is why humanity is always hobbled. Because the corrupt win the races to the bottom. Especially the ones they start. We’re not mere spectators of the spectacle though. We’re participants whether or not we participate. The answer then, is to participate… and call off races to the bottom. For our good and the good of posterity.

Election integrity or more properly, the lack of election integrity, is a race to the bottom. How? The more shenanigans effect the outcome of elections the more politicians will have to use them. Eventually every faction will have to use mischief else become irrelevant. That’s why the republicans in the US have to ballot harvest, encourage mail in voting and are hiring lawyers by the gross. US elections, and indeed elections across the world, are increasingly becoming races to the bottom. The most corrupt win. France proves that. The more fraud becomes normalized and wins elections, the more it will be used. Which clearly, hobbles the honest and gives the corrupt a post advantage. Then again, it’s only a race to the bottom, because we’ve allowed it to become a race to the bottom.

Allowing unlimited amounts of illegal aliens to enter the nation is a sprint to the bottom of a snake pit. The chaos they bring alone is civilization destroying. Though that chaos, crime and resulting outrage justifies despotism. Which is the ribbon they want to run through. Eventually, those factions seeking to preserve the civilization will have to resort to, importing people who like and want to preserve the civilization as well… to balance the importation of criminals, terrorists and welfare cheats. In that race, those seeking chaos are rounding the second turn while the other faction hasn’t even left the gate. Crime has become normalized in Europe and the US now. Only “racists” are outraged when little girls are stabbed, bombs go off, or people are beheaded in Spain. Because we’ve allowed it.

The summer of love 2020 saw the widespread use of riots as a political weapon. The rioters were given room to vent. Arson was tolerated by the elite as was iconoclasm. Anything was justified to get Trump out of office. Even releasing a gain of function chimeric virus on mankind followed up with a shot that killed more than the virus. But that’s a different story. Here, the use of fiery but peaceful protests, against the overdose death of a drug addict in police custody, was an obligation. The medical experts assured us marching, crowding together or rioting wasn’t a vector for disease, but going to church was. Then when the other faction protested over the election fraud race to the bottom, the faction that started all of them, arrested and jailed the peaceful protesters. While allowing violent leftists to go free.

Races to the bottom are spectacles that everyone sees. They’re undeniable. As are the ones we’re participating in right now. While entertaining, these races to the bottom will lower not only our lot, but the lot of mankind perhaps forever. As participants we could make a difference. We could speak up and demand election integrity. We might call our representatives, and point out we’re displeased with the importation of unlimited illegals, in their race to the bottom. Else some of us could request criminal consequences for those elite guilty of criminal offenses. Like election fraud, bio weapons research, rioting, and openly breaking immigration law. If we did these things, these races to the bottom would have to stop. It’s our cheering them on that gives them wings. So stop cheering and start booing.


John Pepin

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Ecology As An Analogue Of Economics

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world’s ecosystem is an example of perfect competition. Habitats are an analogue of an economy. Or more appropriately, free enterprise is an analogue of an ecosystem. Each entity vying for the same limited resources. In doing so they increase the stock of resources, winnow out the weak and constantly improve in production and efficiency. Free enterprise is the same. In it people compete for limited resources, and in doing so increase the stock of resources, winnow out weak companies and constantly improve our standard of living… by increasing production and efficiency. As life has invaded every nook and cranny of Earth, the market system has opened every avenue of profit. Why is this important? Because any other view of capitalism is flawed and leads to error.

The entities within a capitalist system are people and firms, while the entities in an ecosystem, are the plants and animals. The entities in both are producers, consumers, and innovators. How can a plant or dumb animal be an innovator? By “evolving.” Panda’s are looking into the future… when bamboo will take over traditional forests, as modern trees took over the ancient conifer forests, and conifers the fern forests before them. In a million years bamboo will probably make up a huge percentage of the available edible biomass, and so Pandas are forcing themselves through an evolutionary choke point, to develop the ability to efficiently eat bamboo. Thus shoring up their dietary needs for perhaps millions of years. What does it matter if they’re doing it intentionally, accidentally or driven by a morphic field?

Left to itself free enterprise will seek the most efficient means of production as does an ecosystem. A habitat will have every possible area of habitation taken up by some species. Moreover, with a line of others looking to take that spot, if it should become available. In an environment then, each niche is taken by the most efficient. The moment a more efficient player comes along, that place is taken away. The nature of nature is to be efficient, reward the productive, and punish the sick. In nature, economics and human affairs, “To whom much is given, everything will be given, and to whom little is given, everything will be taken away.” In other words, in business as well as nature… it’s dog eat dog. Fairness however is a mammalian innovation. Which seems to give a strong advantage. Given our success.

The market system has critical industries like an ecosystem has keystone species. If a keystone species is taken out the system collapses to a new equilibrium. A far less productive one. Over time, if conditions are right, a new species steps in to fill that empty niche. There are critical industries as well. If the steel industry disappeared for some reason, there would be ripples of industry collapses across the economy. Everything that relies on steel would go away. Critical industries, like keystone species, are subject to the stupidity of mankind. Oil is a keystone industry yet the elite are hell bent on its destruction. Judging by its analogue in ecology, would result in the destruction of every industry that relies on oil. Should oil be taken out, the economy would collapse, to a new less productive paradigm.

If we want to understand free enterprise then, we have to look at its analogue. That’s how we discerned the collapse of the wave function. By judging the interference patterns as like the interference of waves on a lake. The analogue then was water. The analogue of the collapse was that of spray paint going through a nozzle. That’s how science is often done. By analogue. So if we apply this paradigm to economics we can better understand them. Both the economy and ecology are complex systems. So Mount Fuji type rules only apply to them in the most general sense. That’s why economies can’t be controlled by governments. It’s like a government controlling an ecosystem. Sooner or later a bad decision will eliminate a keystone species, and collapse the ecology… or economy.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, International Power, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Anti democratic is the far right,

Against them the rest must fight,

Riot for heaven sakes,

Do whatever it takes,

And only see them by our darkened gaslight.


I had something succinct to say,

But now it’s gone clean away,

Clever and wise,

Cutting to size,

So now I’m just left to bray.


We’re ruled by the arrogant few,

Who know better than me and you,

Egos on jumbotron,

Despots in chiffon,

And with a complete lack of self awareness too.


The political capital of the left is spent,

Leftists have no idea where it all went,

Make it ungovernable,

Freedom is intolerable,

But when they do give them the Jan 6th treatment.


Censorship is done by the unwise elite,

Born by an emotion from deep underneath,

Try to blind,

And you’ll find,

Rip out our tongues and all we have left are teeth.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Law, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Censorship Is A Malignant Appeal To Authority

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, either all offensive language must be censored, else no offensive language be censored. Why no middle ground? The politically favored claim the authority to censor. They choose what offensive language is allowed and what language isn’t. Creating a feedback loop enforcing and enhancing their political favor. In other words, as long as some are censored and others aren’t, that censorship will strengthen the strong and weaken the weak… making it malignant. That some don’t instantly grasp this fundamental truth is they haven’t advanced to that level of mental comprehension. Which means, those who argue for censorship are either hypocrites seeking power, or mentally underdeveloped. Making censorship a malignant appeal to authority.

Censorship is always justified by appeal to authority. “Appeal to authority” is an Enlightenment principle that no matter the authority, they are fallible and no amount of knowledge or prophesy, can outmatch discourse. In other words, appeal to authority is a way to get around discussion. The authority is always right and those who deny it are by definition, doomed, damned or stupid. Appeal to authority however fails in that no matter how smart, learned and wise the authority is, they are certainly wrong about everything. How could I say such a thing? By looking at history. The smartest, wisest and most learned in 1000 AD, were wrong about everything. Just as the expert today, who knows everything there is to know about nothing, will be proven wrong about everything they believe in a few centuries.

Today the censoring authorities are the “experts.” Before it was the church fathers, before that it was the druidic class, and so on. There is always an all knowing expert class that seeks to control the people by controlling the cultural narrative. Today’s experts claim to have the full weight and backing of The Science, behind their edicts. Thinking those of us that balk at their omniscience and omnipotence are the epitome of arrogant. Just as the Church Fathers had the full backing of God himself. Making those who didn’t accept their authority, damned, to Hell itself. Today the experts are backed by the science, and so people who refuse to follow their edicts are doomed. To burn to death when the planet bursts into flame, any moment now, because you arrogantly drove your car to work.

I wonder why those who claim to be so wise, educated and far seeing never admit when they’re wrong? You would think people who don’t have a stake as they claim, except to promote truth, would be happy to change their position upon receiving new data. That’s how wise people act in the world. As their knowledge increases, they discard outdated notions, for updated more correct ones. Moreover, the wise understand that they’re never absolutely right. Only egoists think they’re always right. There’s always some error in human thinking. It can’t be helped because we’re flawed. So the malignant censors, who claim to be duty bound to censor our wrong think, can’t be the sages they believe, since they’re incapable of changing their minds, or admitting they’re wrong. They’re egoists.

Censorship then is an egoistic therefore malignant appeal to authority as a means to power. The censors never amend their thinking even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Take the lie, Covid came from a pangolin. The evidence points squarely to the Wuhan lab yet the experts staunchly refuse to follow the evidence. Proving they’re either under developed mentally or hypocrites who’re gaslighting us. We know that no matter how smart and educated the politically favored are, they are certainly wrong about everything, as will be proven in a century or less. While claiming to be the authority we must appeal to before we speak. To insure we don’t “misinform” others. Proving the malignant censors unwise, egoistic hypocrites and profoundly mentally under developed.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


There once was a gal from Hong Kong,

Her love of freedom was terribly strong,

She protested the CCP,

Was beaten by degree,

And with a split lip she struggled along.


There once was a judge named Amy,

Her rulings were always a bit gamey,

She had great effect,

The powerful to protect,

And in truth she is a corporatist crazy.


The state puts rinos in a position,

To pervert the politics of the nation,

The horse before the cart,

They’re progressives at heart,

Showing the republicans are controlled opposition.


Democracy is such a bother,

It’s vexing to an elitist author,

So ban the populists,

Allow a raised red fist,

And it’s the downtrodden that they’ll really clobber.


A sight a sight here comes the far right,

With bad intent they terrify and fright,

For peace they are aspiring,

As the left is peacefully rioting,

And the hypocrisy has reached an incredible height.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Wokeness Is Pure Bigotry

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Wokeness and so called anti racist rhetoric, is actually the acme of bigotry. Not simply as Mark Dice says, “Anti whiteness,” but anti… black, Asian, Indian, Latino, indeed, it’s anti human. “Protecting” some people isn’t an act of kindness, it’s an act of arrogant superiority. The victim is incapable, due to intellect, social standing, or a heritage of evil, so needs to be treated differently… by our superiors. The woke think themselves our betters. That’s why they’re obligated to control us untermenschen. Which is the definition of a bigot, someone who thinks they’re better than others. Making the woke ideology bigoted by design. Which means, those purple haired zealots screaming at us about what words we’re allowed use… are in fact the worst bigots there are.

The motivating factor isn’t a sense of altruism, it’s a sense of superiority. Only people absolutely convinced they’re right and can’t be wrong, (the classic definition of a narcissist) will use law to enforce their morality on everyone else. While at the same time claiming others using law to enforce their morality is evil. Epitomizing hypocrisy as well as narcissism, and bigotry. Narcissists who feel themselves superior to the rest of us have no problem with their own hypocrisy though. In fact calling attention to their hypocrisy is itself a crime. Because it proves the pointer unwise. Even foolish. Why? Because to not see the world from the narcissist’s point of view is proof of foolishness. Only an idiot sees the world differently than the all wise, all knowing, and all feeling… narcissist.

Altruism motivates people to give, superiority motivates people to take, and the woke only take. While they claim any reticence to give to them is outright greed. Their avarice however isn’t greed. Their wants are their needs. Like a baby. Meanwhile, the altruistic are givers. They give their time, energy and money to causes they believe benefit mankind. People who are altruistic give to charity. Not political charity, real charity. Political charity is a donation to one’s own political power over others. The altruistic don’t seek to control others… only to help. While takers use other’s misfortune as an opportunity to take. From the downtrodden, society and the future. The future? By using the power of the State to borrow money, they can spend, to be paid back by our descendants. The future.

Woke ideology then is bigoted, narcissistic, anti human and based on a sense of superiority over the rest of humanity. Like other members of the dark triad, now dark tetrad personality disorders, anger is their primary emotion. So they use it to great effect. The woke are perpetually mad. Everything triggers them. Moreover, the woke lack real empathy, like a psychopath. How? The empathy they claim to have is always self serving. Moreover, the woke like to manipulate others, by law, intimidation and violence. Like any other Machiavellian. I have to wonder if sadism isn’t in there somewhere too. Because the woke so enjoy seeing others suffer. While I find the suffering of others upsetting, especially innocents… the woke seem to relish it. Which is the classic definition of a sadist.

All of which makes the woke, or in other words, progressive post modernists… sadistic, psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, anti human, and hypocritical bigots, who’s ideology has run its course. As the first incarnation of the progressive movement discredited itself, with its open and cloying evil, so had to go underground for a century, soon, this incarnation will be forced back underground. Else it’ll usher in the End Times. How could I say that? Because not only is the post modernist movement all the things I mentioned above, but it’s actions mirror the end times prophesy. I mean really. Revelations isn’t a road map… its a warning. But look at the opening ceremonies of this year’s Olympics, and tell me the post modernist progressive wokesters who put it on… aren’t the people of the End times?


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Political Power And Prosperity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the fastest way to political power, is to vilify and destroy the prosperous, while the fastest way to prosperity, is to empower the prosperous, and so political power rises and falls with prosperity. As prosperity rises political power falls, and when political power rises, prosperity falls. Who do I mean by prosperous? The 20% of Price’s 80/20 rule. The prosperous are usually if not always the hardest most efficient workers. While politicians work hard at gaining power over others, the prosperous work hard, at making the lives of others easier. Nevertheless politicians can point to the wealth of the prosperous as proof of villainy. And they have. Ushering in the deaths of untold millions of human beings, by famine and oppression… but amassing vast political power in the process.


The 80/20 rule states that 80% of the work in any organization is done by 20% of the workers. The same holds true of a nation. This leads to Pareto distributions, as the 20% of the 20% of the 20%, etc… adds up. Which means a small part of society gets almost everything done and makes most of the money. Like the Kulaks, the Jews and Elon Musk. When the people who get almost everything done are taken out of the equation, the things they used to do, don’t get done. This leads to famines, technological regress and economic collapse. Spoiled elites who haven’t reached Piaget’s formal operational level are unable to process this though. To them this concept is alien. Like pouring an equal amount of water from a tall glass to a short one, and thinking the tall one holds more.

History is a tale of woe, regarding politicians garnering power by vilifying a prosperous segment of society… to the detriment of that segment and society as a whole. When Lenin wanted power he vilified the Kulaks. The prosperous farmers. “Their prosperity is stolen from you!” Was the mantra. Leading to the extermination of the Kulaks. Often whole families would be abducted by the State, hauled to Siberia in the winter, and abandoned to die in the cold. The result was a famine that decimated the people who cheered the slaughter of the Kulaks. You know who didn’t starve? The politicians who made it happen. That’s who. They took the remaining food and sold it on the world market for ready cash to industrialize the Soviet Union. At the cost of millions of Ukrainian lives.

When politicians exterminate the most productive segment of society, their power surges as a result. That power is accompanied by the loss of the production of those people. So, while the masses have less to work with, less food to eat and less capital to invest… the politicians have more. So the Pareto distribution isn’t solved by political redistribution, from the productive, but is merely switched from being merit based to based on political favor. Which of course, is to the benefit of the politically favored…. the politicians, bureaucrats and their bootlicks. The government’s wealth comes at great cost to the people. Which is perfectly fine… to the pathologically politically favored. The wealth of the nation is destroyed wholesale… but the wealth of the political class is expanded astonishingly.

Vilifying and destroying the prosperous though requires an unwise people. Because a wise people will recognize, they will not only have to work harder if the hard workers are gone, but they’ll face shortages, and political oppression as well. While there will always be some stupid people in any nation, the culture largely determines the percentage. A culture of corruption creates stupid people. History is adamant on this point. Moreover, it makes sense if you consider that, A corrupt people can never be free… as Machiavelli said. Since corruption flows from the top down, a corrupt nation has corrupt leaders. Given that, which choice would our leaders make, increase our wealth or their political power and wealth… at cost to the nation, by attacking the hard working, efficient and prosperous?


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


AG Ken Paxton is a true sentinel,

Fighting the deep state’s evil tentacles,

Better sleep light,

They attack in the night,

And he’s the Dennis Becker of Attorney Generals.


There once was an expert named pink,

She knew what other people did think,

Like pealing a rind,

She’d reward their mind,

And report what she saw with a wink.


Sit down quiet and do what you aught,

All our protests will come to naught,

Do as they say,

Say it their way,

And once they control our speech they control our thought.


The corruption isn’t going to stop,

The elite never worry about a cop,

Profit abounds,

Cash register sounds,

And it’s because dross floats to the top.


When a dementia patient runs a nation,

With out of control crime drugs and inflation,

The President’s drugged,

And your phone is bugged,

These are undeniable signs of a declining civilization.



John Pepin

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Make Public Opinion Matter Again

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite are indignant, the people of Europe and America are unwilling to lower our standard of living, so the elite can feel good about themselves. How selfish of us. Which brings us to the evil of public opinion. The elite hate to have to consider the will of the governed. Especially when that opinion conflicts with their plans. The globalist elite plan to lower the population, the survivor’s standard of living, and trap us in fifteen minute cities. We’ll own nothing and be happy… or else. That the will of the people conflicts with this goal is a conundrum. Unremarkably, the will of the people is always the same boring thing, a good standard of living, peace and safety. All of which conflict with the goals of the elite. Making us the problem.

By every measure our lot is going down. Driven down intentionally by the powerful. Inflation is eating away our wages, crime is diminishing our quality of life, and disease is now a problem where it wasn’t before. All done to stem climate change, reduce our burden on the planet and make more gold available to the rich. That we don’t like it, isn’t a problem for the elite… it’s a problem for us. The elite are perfectly happy with inexorably driving down our standard of living. It’s public opinion that creates issues. Which is another reason to lower the population… to lower the power of the will of the people. If there are less people, we have less power. Moreover, the opinion of the victims can be mitigated with judicious propaganda, vilification of truth tellers and outright lawfare.

The elite think our living too high on the hog is dangerous… to their privilege. Therefore our lives have to be made harder. So theirs can be marginally better. They want to put those of us that survive the culling in fifteen minute cities. Where we’ll live in tenements like Cabrini Green, have no cars, and no hope. But the elite think if we’re given unlimited access to debauchery we’ll be happy. That’s why they say, we’ll own nothing and be happy. Because we’ll be in a ditch, hopped up on drugs, riddled with VD and too stupid to know better. If the fifteen minute city plan creates a feedback loop, that wipes out mankind, so be it. The elite want to replace us with AI anyway. Public opinion is speciesist. So why pay attention to selfish people who would rather live than be replaced by AI.

The speciesist will of the people then is only a problem when it’s heeded. As long as the elite pay no attention to the masses, with torches and pitchforks, our opinion is irrelevant. More to the point, it’s dangerous. We all know, things that are dangerous need to be eliminated, like free speech, freedom of association, and the freedom of self protection. So the elite are working diligently night and day to demolish those roadblocks. While their storm troopers in Antifa and BLM busy themselves with rioting, iconoclasm and terrorism, the top is using the courts to eviscerate our Rights. Justified because bigots like us who think our right to exist, trumps the elite’s right to do as they please, need to be put in our place. A pine box buried in the ground.

Else we could use our opinion and will to fight back? While the elite would be incensed at our arrogance, they would have to bend, or break. Since public opinion is so obvious, people want decent lives to raise a family, it should be easy to meet. If we demand it be met. If instead, we continue to allow the elite their head, they’ll continue to run out of control. Until we’re swept off and land in a pile. So I say it’s time to pull back on the reigns. Get them under control. Then force absolute transparency on government, limit their power and prosecute those elites who’ve broken the law. Making examples of them. That’s the way to make public opinion matter again. Only if the will of the people forces change on the elite… will the elite change. Until then we’re riding a crazy horse headed for a chasm.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Nuclear Family

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the nuclear family is under attack by the cultural elite, whether intentional or not. One could argue that dysfunctional families are a font of story. Moreover, they create characters that are broken enough to function in a tale. So the attacks are masked as the only source of story. Utilizing the David Copperfield approach. Though that’s not the only source of character flaw. Many people born of and raised by wonderful families, are terrible people, and many who are thrown aside, are wonderful human beings. For our culture to focus only on bad fathers, oedipal mothers and narcissistic families, eschewing all other sources of story, shows their blindness or malintent. Whether or not the cultural elite know what they’re doing, the effect is the same, the nuclear family is under attack.

TV shows today that get multiple seasons generally seek to replace the nuclear family with a hybrid structure. Created because of the horrible childhoods of the protagonists. Disparate people come together as a family to replace the family they, never had, escaped from, or yearned for. Normalizing hybrid structures and establishing a nuclear family as bad. It’s a thing you escape from. You would never seek to be in one. A subtle, subconscious manipulation, that’s almost certainly lowered the population. I am in favor of people experiencing life in the best way they can. If a hybrid structure is all that’s available, then so be it. But a hybrid structure is not the ultimate nor is it ideal. The nuclear family, honed over a million years of human development, is the ideal. Though sometimes warped.

The escaping from your family narrative plays well to a teen aged audience. People in the midst of an existential crisis of existence are open to manipulation in ways they wouldn’t be before or after. Teaching the youth that having a family is a bad thing then encourages them not to have families. Instead turns the energy God gave them for pairing up and having children, careers and lives… to self destructive narcissistic behavior. Because, someone smoking crack, on welfare, masturbating to porn in a basement, and considering strangers on Facebook family… is far better than living the American dream. Girls have a time limit on having children just as men who die in their twenties are limited too. Shilling a childless hybrid existence to teens filled with angst is like offering candy to a baby.

The cultural elite are bolstered by the state in their efforts against the nuclear family, wittingly or unwittingly. How? By creating laws and court precedent that increasingly makes it self destructive for a man to get married. In divorce, his rights don’t exist. Nor do the child’s. The mother’s interests are of little concern to the state as well. The only concern of the state… is the state. How many children disappear into the state system never to be seen again? More than you could imagine. Taken from broken homes and put into the hands of slavers. For their own good. There are reports that over fifty thousand unaccompanied minors have disappeared in the last few years. Wittingly or unwittingly then, the legal system has created perverted legal incentives, against marriage, children and families.

In the West, the birth rate isn’t close to the replacement rate. The aborted children have been replaced by migrants. Instead of starting families and having lives, many of us lived the slut life, aborted our kids and will die alone, lonesome, and terrified to face judgment for what we’ve done. Most of our unmarried women today are Eleanor Rigbys. Tragic, angry and befuddled why they’re so tragic and angry. We have a few generations of sad useless men without skill, gumption or hope. The cultural elite have us reaping what they’ve sown. Yes, we’re victims, but we couldn’t have been made victims, without our witting or unwitting consent. Maybe its time to change the paradigm, legal, social and cultural? So… exalt the nuclear family, fathers and mothers, to save the scarce next generation.


John Pepin

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