Transparency, Accountability and Consequences

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a novel concept of governance is, to increase transparency, accountability and consequences on people, depending on their ability to harm the nation, society and the culture. While at the same time lowering surveillance on people with low ability to harm. Which is the opposite of the way things are done today. The elite argue that they need total surveillance to protect us from each other. While they don’t need any oversight or limitation. Because they’re such great people. So the paradigm we live under is, the more power to harm, the less surveillance, accountability and consequences applied, while the smaller someone is, the greater the surveillance, accountability and consequences for actions. The jack boot that kicks the little guy… protects the big guy’s foot.

“Above the law,” isn’t a saying, as much as a way of life for the elite. One could fill tomes with examples of the elite getting away with things that little people are spending decades in prison for. How many people are in prison for cocaine? Even as it’s freely passed around the Biden White house. When Hillary was let off Scot free for an illegal email server, with top secret information on it, that she destroyed, a measly sailor went to prison, for emailing a picture to his girlfriend of himself, onboard a nuclear submarine. He may still be in prison. Who could forget the tsunami of lies from the mouths of bureaucrats, even as those same functionaries demanded General Flynn, Roger Stone and Scooter Libby go to prison for a decade on a perjury frame? Then there’s the Epstein cover up.

Being above the law is abetted by working in the dark. The lack of transparency is claimed due to “national security,” to protect the elite that are undermining our security, is a handy tool. Allowing anyone to see what their government is doing, on their behalf, is a clear danger to national security. Since the security of the elite depends on us not knowing the crimes they’re up to. The freedom of information act was a needed reform, but the default should be transparency. Rather than requiring reams of paperwork to get access to what the government is doing. Moreover, many governments don’t even have a freedom of information law. Keeping the workings of those governments black boxes. The only thing that grows in darkness, is corruption… and we have a bumper crop of that.

Transparency needs to be the default. If we’re paying for government in taxes, inflation and lost opportunity due to regulation, then we’re entitled to know what’s going on. Everything government does has to be transparent, else it’s underhanded. Because people are people. If a bank teller, on dozens of cameras and computers monitoring their drawers, can’t be trusted… how much less people who work in the dark, and are above the law when caught? When a congressperson is getting a kickback from a corporation we should know about it. If a representative is using inside information, to make insider trades, that’s proof we need transparency… to eliminate inside information. Moreover, the quality of laws and regulations would improve, if those making them were accountable for the results.

The solution is transparency, accountability and consequences. If everything government does is transparent, there will be no insider information to trade on. Nor will there be back room deals for cronies. People used to working in the dark will recoil at the light. It’ll blind their eyes, burn their skin, and sere their mouths. Add accountability to that torture and the elite will scream, “unfair!” Add to that, holding them to their own laws, will make any elite consider getting a real job. Until they realize real jobs have inescapable accountability, transparency and consequences. So, despite the elite calling us ruthless, vindictive and haters, for holding them to their own laws, we have to do it. Not only for our own good, the good of our loved ones, and our nations, but for the elite’s own eternal good as well.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


A government that stands in the way,

Of aid to folks in stress and disarray,

Is not our friend,

It does tend,

To be the enemy of humanity each and every day.


As long as it protected the narrative 230 was sacrosanct,

The courts protected it in the face of constitutional angst,

But it allows the weak,

To think and speak,

So the left’s support has been well and truly yanked.


There once was a faction of traitors,

As trustworthy as rabid gaters,

They rang a chime,

Bring us some wine,

And doing evil is in their natures.


Many think the politicians are elite,

Running states with tone and beat,

Though it does prove,

They’re not so smooth,

When people are voting with their feet.


There once was a faction globalist,

Their economics tended to fascist,

Command as they might,

They made quite a site,

When their new clothes turned out to be nudist.


Governments are crooked as a coil,

Putting our tax money out to spoil,

Corrupt as poop,

Don’t eat their soup,

And the elite have privilege while the rest of us toil.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Idealists In Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason government fails at everything it puts its hand to, is because government is idealistic, while the world is complex. Which is why the private sector is pragmatic. In the real world actions have consequences and we have to cut our losses, if we make a bad decision… but bureaucrats have the full weight and power of the government backing their bad decisions. There’s no need to back down from anything no matter how in the wrong the government is. Like Pnut the squirrel. How much did that display of unlimited power cost the taxpayer? To what end? Because who cares if someone is keeping a squirrel? It’s a freaking squirrel! But to idealists, its the principle that matters… not the best outcome. That’s why government fails at everything it puts its hand to.

Idealism has its place, in church… but not in government. The world is complex, which means it requires pragmatic governments, not idealistic ones. Because an idealist doesn’t pay attention to feedback. They’re single minded. In that single mindedness, an idealist will cross any bridge and burn it… if it moves them towards their perceived goal. No cost is too high, because someone else pays it. No violence is off limits, since others suffer it. Plus, no measure is too extreme, in the face of humiliation. That’s why governments go to war… killing millions. Because they can’t back down, that would cost them face. An idealist in government need not back down… there’s unlimited money to force their will. Since bureaucracy is an artificial world of order it perfectly suits an idealist.

In the real world however, where actions have consequences, idealists are eaten for lunch by pragmatists. Because the real world has competition. Under a regime of competition, the best competitors win, not the most idealistic. Because reality is a constantly changing landscape. A dancing landscape if you will. The pragmatist is able to change plans midstream. While the idealist can’t. Which makes the pragmatist mindset more effective in chaotic situations. Because the pragmatist is able to adapt. While the idealist’s mind is glass. So shatters rather than bends. Yet in government, it need not bend, ever. Everyone else has to bend. While this paradigm is made possible by government’s monopoly on violence, it leads to poor outcomes, for the people, society and that nation.

Governments are made up of idealists who refuse to accept feedback. Because they don’t have to. Lacking that feedback they can’t but go offtrack. Like any blindfolded race car driver would. No matter how well such a person has mapped the territory, they will go off the road, because they cant see it. Moreover, idealists think themselves more moral than pragmatists. Who’re always compromising. So idealists look down their noses at pragmatists. Since Trump is not only a dreaded pragmatist, but a populist as well, no wonder the idealists in government have gone to such lengths to keep him out of power. A pragmatist with real power would force the idealists to bend. Since they can’t, they fear breaking instead. Learning from feedback and compromise are the pragmatist’s secret weapon.

The cost to society of a government that seeks to win at everything, regardless of the cost, is more than simply money. Yes, it’s very expensive to the taxpayer, but lost opportunity extends far into the future. For every business that would have otherwise succeeded, innovation that was held back and entrepreneur crushed by regulation and hubris, the cost to the future is incalculable. That’s why I advocate for pragmatic government. Because of the benefits we could all share if the government became more pragmatic and less idealistic. The role of the state, isn’t to perpetuate and enlarge the state, but to protect the rights of the citizens in this chaotic world. From other states, organizations and indeed itself. Only a pragmatic government is capable of that in a complex system.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Our Elite Lack Honor

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the quality that our elites most lack, is honor. Take for example, the lame duck President Biden, encouraging Ukraine to launch US long range weapons into Russia… a move Putin has called a red line for nuclear war. Trying to burn the world down on his way out of office, is the action of a villain, not a man of honor. Moreover, we all know Biden isn’t in charge, the deep state is. So the real villain is the administrative state pulling the senile old man’s strings. I suppose there are bunkers under DC that the elite can escape into. It appears they would prefer that to going to prison. Imprisoned in an underground bunker for life… or go to jail for a year or two in a luxury detention center. The one requires honor… while the other requires pathology.

While there are many metrics we could use to gauge the quality of leadership of a faction, I think we can all agree, if a faction burned down the world in nuclear fire, they would be the worse people to have ever existed. Because they would have committed the worst crime it’s possible to commit. Genocide of the human race. Simply bringing us closer to that possibility is proof that the leadership we have now is unfit. When someone becomes the leader of an organization, the existence of that organization rests on their shoulders. If I were elected Grand Knight of a local K of C chapter, and it didn’t exist at the end of my term, that would be proof I was unfit for the job. The longevity of an organization proves the quality of leadership, informing us if the leadership is honorable, or not.

In the case of nuclear war, the interests of every person on Earth is effected. To the ideologues in power, pragmatism is out of the question, it’s the principle. And if the principle leads to human extinction, or a thousand years of suffering… so be it. That must be the way those who are encouraging Ukraine to start World War Three are thinking. Can you imagine of another option? How else does such escalation end? Plus, why escalate across the perceived nuclear threshold… as a lame duck? That’s marching the troops into a minefield before exchanging command. Those encouraging ending the world, are either ideologues who believe the point is everything, simple criminals trying to cover up their crimes with arson, or maybe both. None of which is indicative of honorable leaders.

Of course, the senile Biden isn’t in charge, he’s merely a hand puppet for the deep state… as Kamala Harris would have been. So it’s not the lame duck President who’s encouraging nuclear war, but the bureaucrats who are the real power behind the throne. Not only in the US but in every nation across the planet. The advantage of a puppet is that he takes the rap for the deep state’s crimes. Who’s getting the blame for the illegal alien tsunami? Not the administrative state, it’s the dementia patient. They’ve put Biden on the hook for a nuclear war, should one break out… and we survive it. The history books will say Biden started it, when in fact it was Blinken, Burns and Miley. As is usually the case, the wire pullers who cause the disaster, avoid blame, because they’re manipulative parasites.

Whether or not Putin launches ICBMs for crossing that red line, the very crossing of it is dishonorable. They’re scum risen to the top to smother all life below. If nothing else, this is proof they all need to be arrested, for a multitude of crimes, tried, and imprisoned if found guilty. Maybe going all the way back to 911. If we as a society have decided to put people in prison for non violent victimless crimes, then to be consistent, we must hold accountable those guilty of trying to trigger nuclear Armageddon. Because to imprison non violent people for victimless crimes, while allowing the most violent criminals who’s potential victims are our loved ones, to escape justice, is frankly, the definition of unjust, is stupid… and lacks honor.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


There once was a bully on the block,

Viciously he attacked to stay on top,

Holding a cold beer,

He said you better fear,

Until someone came and cleaned his clock.


There once was a bureaucracy so deceitful,

They lied even when a lie was unhelpful,

The FBI agent said with a moan,

As he slathered on cologne,

The other maggots around me smell awful.


CCP elites are known to be zealous,

Their secrets to them are precious,

A nuclear calamity,

Double up security,

While our elites look at the cover up and are jealous.


There once was a gal name Kamila,

Her mind was as sharp as vanilla,

She said with a harrumph,

Don’t vote for Trump,

And I’ll do for you what I did for North Carolina.


Violence is often senseless,

Happening when we’re careless,

Look up straight,

Smile and be awake,

And always maintain situational awareness.


Propaganda is a great tool,

Effecting the mind of a fool,

Though all of us play,

The fool in our day,

And given enough it makes even the intelligent drool.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Faction And Fallacy

Dear friends,

It seems to me, the fallacy the progressive faction falls for is, the fallacy of popularity and its opposite, the fallacy of unpopularity. Both are a form of the appeal to authority fallacy. While conservative factions tend to rely too much on the fallacy of common knowledge. If a popular person says anything… the progressive faction follows in lockstep. If however an unpopular person says something, it’s to be considered a lie, no matter how provable. That’s why democrats dwell so much on persons and so little on policy. Meanwhile, republicans follow common knowledge, like a dog does a scent trail. The problem with appeal to authority, popularity and common knowledge is, they’re often wrong. While discourse, investigation and attempts to falsify lead to real knowledge and truths.

Appeal to authority and it’s siblings, appeal to popularity and the dismissing of the unpopular, are fallacies in that they usually lead to wrong conclusions. If Goebbels came in from outside, soaking wet and said, “It’s raining out there.” Would you disbelieve him because he was the Nazi propaganda minister? Maybe, but one thing we know, if it was Trump, democrats would ridicule him for it. Climate change is based entirely on appeal to authority. Despite the IPCC email scandal, proving the IPCC is a propaganda outfit, progressives are all in. Because they believe their beloved authorities who claim climate change is man made. They’re the authority, and we like them… so they must be right. Sadly, they’re not right, experts are wrong more often than not. Making mindless belief a fools errand.

Appeal to common knowledge is also a fallacy in that it often leads to wrong conclusions. In fact, this is one of Francis Bacon’s Idols. He called appeal to common knowledge the Idol of the marketplace. While he apparently meant, the misuse of language that leads to misunderstanding, I mean it to be our common lack of omniscience. Because we don’t know everything, even as a species, let alone a community, or person. At one time it was common knowledge that leeches cured disease. While appeal to common knowledge can’t be malicious, manipulative, or egotistical like appeal to authority, it can lead to wrong conclusions. Because what passes for common knowledge today will probably be considered foolishness tomorrow. Since our understanding changes over time.

These fallacies have in common that they are a lazy man’s way of thinking. Common knowledge is common and so must be right… right? If someone is popular and has authority, they must be wicked smart… right? In both cases… wrong. No one or group of people is omniscient. Some may think they are, but those people have fallen into their own Bernay’s trap. There’s no shortcut to understanding and knowledge. School and education is only a starting place. Since so much of what I was taught back in the 1970’s is now discredited. How much more so the things taught in the 1920’s? Moreover, in a century, much of what we take for granted today, will be thought childish. Instead of strolling down a well trod trail, that leads to error, it behooves us to cut trail, to the truth.

An idea based on a fallacy is a fine place to start an investigation… to see if there’s merit. Talk about it with an eye to understanding the idea. Finally, seek to falsify it. If an idea passes all these tests, it’s probably true on some level. Then, hone the idea until it has an edge, and use it to cut to other truths. When we use mind crutches we do ourselves and the future a disservice. Because we act on poor data leading to poor outcomes. This is one reason progressives fail to see their failures and conservatives fail at change. Both factions base their aim on wrong information leading them to miss their target. So, instead of basing one’s opinion on an authority who probably has an agenda, or common knowledge that’ll change in a few years, let’s think, talk and experiment… to find real truth.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


There once was a court system so foul,

On the face of God they made a scowl,

The judge said in a huff,

Your Rights aren’t enough,

And under the color of law the tyrants did prowl.


There once was a fake prosecutor named Jack,

In the pay and working for the faction democrat.

He said in a guffaw,

As he broke the law,

Election interference is what I’m at.


The time to reform is here today,

Hold them down and put them at bay,

The powerful few,

So what to do,

Put RFK in as head of the CIA.


Equity means the politically favored get special gratuity,

Equality means the politically disfavored get opportunity,

The ditz just said,

I better get ahead,

And so Thrasymachus was right the elite seek inequality.


There once was a fake federal prosecutor Jack,

The man is a corrupt unconfirmed political hack,

He used the color of law,

To effect a political brawl,

And if justice be served he’ll get a legal whack.


Brainiacs are capable of handling diversity,

Holding to a weak position with tenacity,

A career is made,

By a smart knave,

Who can brilliantly argue for absurdity.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Political Associations

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, political associations exist for the benefit of the associates, and for no other reason. If a political association then stops benefiting one or more of the associates, then it’s no longer legitimate. The illegitimacy is doubled when a political association actually harms an associate. In that case the political association must be disintegrated. Because it no longer serves the interests of the associates. If the conditions are such that it benefits the associates to reintegrate the association, then so be it, but under a different paradigm. A system that protects the interests of all the associates. The only way a political association can be maintained, that harms it’s associates… is by force. Which redefines an association, as a bad association, while those that benefit are good associations.

A political association must be between equals. Any other association can’t be political it must be something else. Only equals can reach an agreement that benefits all associates. An association where one party has all the power, like Britain, is one where the parties are not equal, nor is the system fair, or just. Because the result will always benefit the strong at cost to the weak. Making it not so much an association as the epitome of Thrasymachus’ philosophy of injustice as justice. Any association however can be subverted by one or a few parties to their own benefit. At cost to the rest. In fact, I might argue, that is the normal evolution of political associations. They start fair, then the stronger party gains strength, and the weaker party becomes weaker, until the system becomes a sewer.

A lopsided association is one that drains the wealth, rights and humanity from the weak, giving it to the strong. Clearly, a political association that benefits only one associate and harms the rest isn’t fair. It could be called just in the Thrasymachian sense though. Where justice exists only as a means to theft. Theft of rights, property and persons. A political association that abets theft isn’t one anyone on the losing end wants to be associated with. Moreover, a political association can’t be based on force, that’s a master slave relationship, not a free association of equals. Which allows us to identify a political association from a master slave contract. Are the parties equal, is the system fair, or does it benefit one party at cost to the rest? Moreover, is it enforced by force, or mutual consent?

A political association can be a national government, an international agency, a faction, a fraternal organization, all the way down to a local D&D club. They exist to serve a need of the members. Such associations pop into and out of existence more often than do virtual particles in quantum physics. While most are ad hoc, many are long term, and degenerate to be enforced by violence. Often called the state’s monopoly on violence. In these associations the equality of the participants is mitigated by force. The greater the political inequality, and the greater the harm, the more illegitimate the association becomes. This paradigm usually evolves, until it becomes intolerable, and some of the associates violently dissolve the association. Because equals hate becoming slaves.

Are all the political associations your in legitimate? The EU harms its associates. Italy has been banned from sending migrants to Albania, and then back home, should it be deemed safe. Instead, the absurd standard for foreign nations is, safety in every corner. While in Europe, no one’s safe anywhere. Is the PRC, North Korea or even the US a free association of equals? Can you leave your country and drop your citizenship? Do you have suffrage, or is there so much propaganda, election fraud and or intimidation, elections are for show? Are the laws equally administered? Does the association benefit or harm you? These are the fundamental questions we need to ask ourselves. If the answers aren’t to our liking, it’s up to us to change the paradigm… as equal associates in a political association.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Law, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear friends,


Multinational corporations are a confusion,

Few work while many prefer a diversion,

Imagine that,

He cut the fat,

And brought X into a more efficient Pareto distribution.


There once was an employee at Twitter,

She dwelt in anger and was ever bitter,

She said with a squeak,

How dare you speak,

And censored us like a bad baby sitter.


There once was a media of elves,

Diligently putting ideas on shelves,

They’re in the fight,

So try as they might,

They just can’t help themselves.


The elite just want to dumb us down,

Those IQ points only make us frown,

Toxin protects enamel,

Like flies do a camel,

And had we been smarter we might have stopped the meltdown.


There once was a corporate culture so raw,

Satan himself was impressed at the flaw,

They said with a sigh,

Oh yea we lied,

But it doesn’t matter because we’re above the law.


There once was a pretty girl with gumption,

Starting a farm was an act of presumption,

She did it anyway,

And is farming today,

Proving the folly of misbegotten assumption.



John Pepin

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Modern Science Fiction

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason modern science fiction is having a hard time connecting with audiences, is that the stories aren’t relatable. People don’t identify with the characters. We can certainly empathize with the struggles of a clone, alien or android, but we don’t identify with them. Keeping a curtain between us and the stories. Moreover, those unidentifiable characters are usually a stand in for some marginalized segment of our society. Further alienating many who just want to be entertained and not preached to. Further, there is the propensity of studios today, to have women play the hero role. Which is all well and good, but it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of the heroes myth, in human cultures. All adding up to expensive productions that don’t appeal to anyone.

When its done right science fiction meshes potential innovation with human stories to explore the big questions. Not with an eye to answering them but intending to expand our thoughts. In an almost Socratic method. Logan’s run, Babylon 5 and Star Trek TOS fall into this category. In Logan’s Run, ideas like death, what is a good life, a rigid versus complex society, and the nature of friendship are all explored naturally, as a natural consequence of the scenario itself. Instead of contrived. Babylon 5 is world building at its best. Exploring the nature of power, authority, just action, and even alcoholism and drug addiction. Of course, Star Trek TOS, is legendary for its story telling. Making philosophy available for everyman. These are only a few of the science fiction stories that elevate.

Many times the stories are antithetical to the scenario. When this is the case, the story has to warp to the scenario or the scenario has to warp to the story. Star Trek Picard I consider in this category. It both warped the scenario and the story. Leaning heavily on nostalgia, and listless in theme and execution, I’m surprised it did as well as it did. Then there’s Star Trek Discovery. I have a hard time getting through a single episode. Many new science fiction is so inhuman hearted, they’re unwatchable. Because the authors are trying too hard, to shock, and not tell a story. Some of the Korean Science Fiction is like that. Too gory to enjoy. There are many other examples I’ve seen, but they’re so forgettable, I’ve forgotten them.

The fundamental reason for the existence of the heroes journey is for young men to navigate the path from boyhood to manhood. Young women by the fact they are women are desired. Young men, on the other hand, have to earn desire. To sharpen the point further. Men rate women’s attractiveness on a bell curve. While women rate men’s attractiveness on a power curve. Which means almost all men have to earn attractiveness. We’re not born with it. That’s where the heroes journey comes in. In the heroes journey a boy becomes a man. Whether by defeating a dragon or a puzzle. The story structure illustrates the need to take risks and go on adventure to get the girl. Which is always the real goal. Treasure is only a means to that end. Which is lost if the girl goes on the journey instead of the boy.

Good science fiction challenges us intellectually, philosophically and metaphysically… but doesn’t claim to have the answers. Only more questions. If people feel the desire to be preached to they’ll go to church. Moreover, action adventure alienates boys and men when the hero is a girl. No matter how pretty she is, a boy can’t identify with a girl on a heroes journey. In fact, the prettier she is the less they identify with her, and the more they want to win her. Which is impossible if shes the hero. Then there’s the clumsy attempts to illustrate how horrible our culture, society, nation and ethnicity are in the eyes of the storyteller. More than once Stargate SG1 did this and it diminished a great show as a result. If producers want to connect with audiences, I would offer, give them what they want, not what you want.


John Pepin

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