Self Awareness

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world is experiencing an astounding epidemic, of a lack of self awareness. Talking to people today about the news sharpens the point better than I could in words. Folks are indignant that Russia invaded Ukraine, but when asked of the US invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc… their response is preprogrammed… “That’s different.” Could someone be less self aware? While that lack is epidemic, the progressive faction has embraced it as a sacrament. 1984 like doublethink wanders about our culture without a speck of irony today. That people believe them without any self reflection is amazing, that no one points this out, is diabolical. If people want to be anti sentient, that is fine by me, however, that lack of sentience lowers the lot of Mankind, and so is a problem to be overcome.

Our progressive would be overlords don’t mumble their absurdities, they shout them, daring anyone to stand against their vitriol, bile and canceling. Common logic today is that a child is too immature to decide to take an aspirin, drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes… but mature enough to get sterilized on a whim. We are told that the culture has zero affect on our children… yet the same people who claim that, would burn down the school rather than allow a Christian prayer said in it. Our politicians claim they cherish life, as they try to get babies murdered even after they are born. Everyone in the elite chime in as a choir, that democracy is the highest good, even as they do everything in their power to undermine it with fraud, replacing it with the despotic administrative state. The definition of doublethink.

During the covid experience the lack of self awareness of the elite was on display for all to see. The hypocrisy was not only public it was sickening. While they ordered the arbitrary closing by unconstitutional edict of politically disfavored businesses, mandated wearing political iconography and a shot that amounted to an experimental biological agent… that, as it turns out, has a death rate of over 1%… they went on vacation to places that were not shut down, didn’t wear masks when not on camera and flaunted their own orders. Now, hypocrisy is not a lack of self awareness, but when hypocrisy is practiced with such abandon, the only explanation is a total, utter and complete lack of self awareness. Because every oligarch knows better than to expose their hypocrisy to those they oppress.

The elite’s lack of self awareness flows down to the whole culture and from there to us. Most people have the self awareness to know not to pee, poop or pick their nose in public. Yet folks mentally pee, poop and pick their noses in public, when they utter absurdities and expect to be regarded as a hero for it. Like a child learning the potty. “See, I believe there is no difference whatsoever between boys and girls… but you better treat girls with respect and boys with contempt.” People have been shown that doublethink is rewarded today by the elite. Meanwhile, logic, self awareness and perspective are punished as subversive. How do I know this? Because of the elite in Canada’s reaction to the Trucker’s protest. Requests for freedom were met with false flags, propaganda, then crushed with violence.

Open your eyes to the hypocrisy, doublethink and lack of self awareness that pervades our culture, and it will stand out like a bread line in a rainstorm. Once it is seen it cannot be unseen. The scope and scale of our elite’s hypocrisy, egoism and lack of self awareness boggles the mind. That we follow our leaders puts us at great peril of becoming as subhuman as they. The only way to protect ourselves, our culture and society from their corrupt influence, is to admit to ourselves that we are in some way complicit, then point it out to others. It is only by exposing all the hypocrisy, egoism and lack of self awareness that permeates our culture, can we rectify these things and bring our nations back to a state of health. Reading this article is the first step, the next is to look for it… and then call it out.


John Pepin

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