The Death of Science

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, post modern “scientists,” are so polluting their fields with cherry picked data, to forward a political agenda, our advancement can only be reversed. Climate pseudoscience is only the most odious example but all fields of research are effected. The infection of post modernism in the ranks of our professional class has hobbled their ability to perform their duties. Technological advancement is the most subject but all professions are exposed. Science requires honest investigation, nothing else will do, yet honest is the opposite of what the new class is today. They have traded professional authority for political authority. Rather than convince by force of argument, now they convince by force of mob, regulation and cancel culture. So, yes… science will certainly be a victim.

Post modernism is the opposite of modernism, in that post modernism does not allow for objective thought, all investigation by post modernists is subjective, and thus outcome based. They look to what they want to achieve, politically, then make their experiments fit the conclusion, not the other way around. That was modernism. Open minded and objectively looking at reality to discern the actual laws of nature. Modernists conclude their lab reports based on the outcome of the experiments, post modernists force the experiments to fit the theory. Data that doesn’t is thrown out. Because post modernists believe everything is about political power over others, even science, math and especially economics. The two ideas are diametrically opposed viewpoints. The one cancels the other.

It should be obvious to anyone, that once scientists stop using modernism’s powerful tools to plumb reality, trading them for post modernism’s subjective desires, science stops and sooner or later we will return to witch doctors, leeches and sweetening our wine with lead. Post modernist progressives censor because they don’t believe in debate, reason or authority, only a subjective desire for power. Like Thrasymachus. Post modernism is merely sophistry re branded with a new exciting name. A turd is a turd though… no matter if you call it fertilizer. If we return to sophistry, as our primary philosophy, we must also return to the technological level of that time as well. Science will quickly degrade and our children and their children will wonder at the marvels their grandparents made. The ability lost to them.

Now that science is no longer interested in finding out truths… I am sure it will discover many superstitions. Because a subjective view of reality leads to superstition, while an unbiased open minded approach, leads to deeper understanding. The human mind is awesome at connecting often disparate events in a way that provides a cogent world view. When those events are seen for what they are, without viewing reality from Bacon’s cave or building a Bacon’s play, they can be very helpful, but when seen from a cave or placed in ones own theatrical production, instead of informing, they misdirect. Creating a false reality. Anyone with the brains to keep their heart beating, knows that people who have a wrong view of reality, don’t last long. They do things like kill and sterilize their children.

The adoption of post modernism, which is simply repackaged Sophistry, can only harm our children and their children. (Those that survive the abortionist and are not made trans). There is no telling how low we could go. Technology and science came about because of the Enlightenment, and its advanced thinking on individualism, natural law, constitutionalism, justice, objectivism and debate as the arbiter of right. A return to the sophist ideals of groupism, the rights of kings, unlimited government, “justice” as a tool of political power, subjectivism and appeal to authority, is iron age thinking, and adopting that form of thought comes with consequences. Which puts us at a crossroads, shall we make a deal with the crossroads demon… or take the road less traveled?


John Pepin

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