Category Archives: polictics of class envy

Objective Versus Subjective Truth and Justice

Dear Friends, It seems to me, where truth is subjective, those with guns wield it, and where truth is objective, anyone can wield it. The first is called tyranny while the second is called liberty. How can we tell if … Continue reading

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This is Misinformation

Dear Friends, It seems to me, the term “misinformation,” is itself a lie and a manipulation. We know this because the people who are pushing the term most zealously, have been caught lying over and over, so they must not … Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Two Competing Visions of the Future

Dear Friends, It seems to me, our vision for humanity is vastly different than that of the progressive elite. Judging by their actions, policies and rhetoric, the establishment wants to create a dystopia, as in the science fiction movies… to … Continue reading

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The Price Curve and Historic Turning Points

Dear Friends, It seems to me, when Rome needed a Solon, it got Marius and Sulla, today we in the West are at that moment in time, so what do you think, will we get a Marius and Sulla… or … Continue reading

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The Disincentive to Saving, Independence and Retiring

Dear Friends, It seems to me, the little guy is on the hook for everything, yet we are not even allowed to eat the bait. We work our entire lives to save a few dollars, and while we do, that … Continue reading

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The Enigma of “Shall not be infringed…”

Dear Friends, It seems to me, who would have thought “shall not be infringed…” was such an indecipherable statement? Then again, that is the job of a lawyer, to make the obvious obscure and to twist the truth into a … Continue reading

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Kings In All But Name

Dear Friends, It seems to me, when following “authority,” it is of the utmost importance to recognize and differentiate legitimate authority, from illegitimate authority. Legitimate authority is derived from long standing social structures, the social contract and yes, religious derived … Continue reading

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Our Political Injustice System

Dear Friends, It seems to me, our courts are either nakedly, openly and obviously political, else their sense of justice is twisted beyond recognition. The same people who persecuted Carter Page, ruined a war hero Major General Flynn, and abused … Continue reading

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The Epitome of Cognitive Dissonance

Dear Friends, It seems to me, many people will not eat non organic food, but they will put a largely untested genetic engineering experimental mRNA serum, into their arm. Injecting a concoction that changes your dna itself, (and by extension … Continue reading

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A Few Jokes… Before Humor is Made Illegal

Dear Friends, It seems to me… How is the vastness of space like AOC’s head? They are both filled with a vacuum. How is the main stream media and the wholesome spice Turmeric alike? They have the same color. What … Continue reading

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