Objective Versus Subjective Truth and Justice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, where truth is subjective, those with guns wield it, and where truth is objective, anyone can wield it. The first is called tyranny while the second is called liberty. How can we tell if the truth is subjective or objective? It is subjective if there are truths we are not allowed to say aloud, it is objective if the truth is the truth, no matter how objectionable. By that measure, our society has abandoned objective truth, for subjective “truth.” Moreover, where truth is subjective, so also is justice subjective. Subjective justice is also called arbitrary rule. Arbitrary rule is a form of tyranny. How can we tell if we have justice or arbitrary rule? Is everyone held to the same standard, or an arbitrary one? If not, we have arbitrary rule. So what, how does that effect me? Here is why you should care.

Subjective truth is when what is considered truth changes depending on the observer. This is understandable when two people see a crime and describe it two ways. That is because crime is experienced subjectively. Even if the crime itself is objective. We all experience the world subjectively and so throughout human history mankind has seen truth as subjective. Greek Sophistry was a philosophy that embraced subjective truth and arbitrary justice. (Until Socrates discredited Sophistry). While subjectivity has its place, ideals must be objective. That is how subjective truth becomes problematic… when it is used to describe ideals. Subjective truths are those that change depending on point of view. Objective truths are something very different.

Objective truth is a truth that doesn’t vary. 1+1=2 is an objective truth. Your favorite color is subjective. Both have their place but when one is imposed on the other problems are created. If everyone’s favorite color must be vomit yellow, many would not be happy, and if math depends not on empirical evidence but people’s feelings, planes would fall from the sky. Objective truths are things like standards, science and justice. They are overarching truths that when viewed subjectively create chaos. If you jump off a cliff, no matter who you are, you will fall to the bottom. That is an objective fact. It was the recognition of objective truths that was the warp and woof of the Enlightenment. Abandoning objectivism for subjectivism, returns us to the days of the Rights of kings, appeal to authority and sophistry.

Justice is an ideal that has to be viewed objectively. While laws must be made with an eye to the human beings that will be burdened by them they must be enforced objectively. The most fundamental definition of justice being equal treatment. Even a dog understands objective justice. Give one of three dogs a treat, and not the other two, and they will mete out justice to each other. If a dog can understand justice as an objective truth, why don’t most people? Because people, “being like animals, each striving for his own self interests make justice impossible, because for a man to be truly just he would have to act against his own self interest.” said Carneades. That is why there is such a draw for people to view justice subjectively, nevertheless, it must be viewed objectively for civilization to function.

Once a society has accepted subjective truth and justice, that society goes to war against itself, everyone against everyone else. Each seeking to grab enough power to make their point of view paramount. Since point of view determines what is truth and what is just. Clausewitz said, War, being an act of political violence, gives the most violent an advantage… Such a society then, would follow its leaders and become ever more violent, unjust, untruthful and pathological by the day, until it all crashes down… spectacularly. The answer then is to embrace objectivism instead of subjectivism. Because no matter how much the subjectivists agree with your point of view now, someday they will not, and even if they always do, the entire edifice of society will soon collapse because of it.


John Pepin

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