This is Misinformation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the term “misinformation,” is itself a lie and a manipulation. We know this because the people who are pushing the term most zealously, have been caught lying over and over, so they must not mean liars when they use it. Therefore misinformation does not mean lies. What does it mean then? It would appear that the term is subjective, in that there is no objective definition of it. To one person it means lies, to another it may mean something very different… perhaps truths that they would rather others not know? Maybe a mix of lies and ugly truths? Maybe anything that undermines a certain political platform? Whatever you think the term misinformation means, someone else thinks it means, something else. Making it a great word to manipulate people.

The elite have never called the Russian collusion hoax misinformation, despite it’s being proven a lie… at great expense. So misinformation cannot be another word for a hoax. That epic lie, propaganda, was perpetrated on us by the very people that use the term, misinformation, most often and to best effect. They even seek to shut down alternative news sources because, misinformation. What are we to think of people who push a lie, to destroy a man for four years, and when caught, never use the word misinformation to condemn it? Hypocrites? They pushed a hoax, a swindle on us for years, yet expect us to accede to their usurping the role of defining, what is information, and what is misinformation? Letting a known liar define for us, what is the truth, very progressive.

The elite did call the Biden hard drive misinformation, despite knowing it was an ugly truth. Proving again that the word misinformation, cannot be synonymous with a lie. They knew the Biden hard drive was a legitimate story, but our oligarchs suppressed the news, by calling it misinformation. Then tying it to the Russian collusion hoax. In this case, the truth was re-defined as a lie, by a lie, calling the truth misinformation, to protect the Biden candidacy. If the truth can be misinformation, and a lie is not misinformation, then what the heck does the term mean? Does it mean the truth then? It cannot mean the truth, because the manipulators that use the term also apply it to lies, like the Q Anon swindle. Meaning the term has no connection to truth or falsehood… but to something else.

The uniting factor in the use of the word misinformation, in both instances, is the political effect. Clearly, a lie is not misinformation if it promotes the progressive cause, and the truth is misinformation, if it undermines that cause. So. the only logical conclusion we can draw, is that the word misinformation means, to disagree with the progressive viewpoint. With that in mind we can examine the utility of the word. A word, such as misinformation, that means to disagree with a political viewpoint, but is perceived as a lie, is very useful to manipulators, swindlers and psychopaths. It is a ready made red herring they can drag across the path of anyone on their trail. Recent history shows how well they have used that device and how effective it has and continues to be.

I, for one, do not like being manipulated… especially into self harm. That is just me though. It would appear that many don’t mind it a bit. Most of us know in our hearts that the term misinformation, is a manipulation, but accept it anyway. If they meant a lie, they would say lie, and if they meant truth they would say truth, that they don’t, but pretend they do, is sure proof the term is a manipulation. Swindlers love subjective words, they are empty vessels. Like the Tao Te Ching says, the utility of a vessel is in it’s emptiness… it’s ability to be filled up. In the case of subjective words, like misinformation, that emptiness is why they use it. So we can fill it up with our definition. The answer then is to see the term for what it really is, a manipulation, and treat it appropriately.


John Pepin

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