The Epitome of Cognitive Dissonance

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, many people will not eat non organic food, but they will put a largely untested genetic engineering experimental mRNA serum, into their arm. Injecting a concoction that changes your dna itself, (and by extension all your children and grandchildren’s) to make your own body produce proteins that trigger an immune response, to covid… how could that possibly go wrong? Rather than try a few people first for a year or two, to see what the long term effects are, the elite want all of us to get it, as soon as possible. The whole thing just goes to show how utterly gullible we are. Perhaps it is not that we are gullible, but that fear shuts down our critical thinking… Nevertheless, before we make a species wide existential mistake, a mistake that we cannot step back from, perhaps we should?

Risking great possible harm to humanity, on a fundamental level, must be weighed against the good that is supposed to be produced. Great peril should bring great rewards… not the status quo. To wage one’s children, grandchildren, and on… forever, is the greatest wager that can be made. It puts Pascal’s wager to shame. You bet potentially millions of souls very existence. A true capitalist weighs the cost versus the benefit, then applies strict pragmatism. Sadly, apparently our government monopoly school system has erased that mindset from our kids, and indeed most of us as well. That we are incapable of making that wager, or weighing the facts, sanely, is a testament to the brain washing so many of us have endured, at the brain cleaning station… otherwise known as the nightly news.

There is one way to always tell a scam… it is immediacy. That we must all get “immunized” immediately is a sure sign of a swindle. The scammer needs the money now, else the chance of a lifetime will slip by. Aren’t you confident that the shot will work this time? Just because no other covid type vaccine has ever worked before, doesn’t mean this one won’t be magical. I can put you at the head of the line, all you need do is, give me payment now. Make sure you don’t hang up, stay on the line while you buy that cash card, then just give me the numbers on the back. In the meantime, you can tell me your social security number and mother’s maiden name, to verify your mailing address. Don’t consider the consequences, the possible species wide catastrophe, just do it, do it now.

I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be, I am slightly informed about science, biology and how the “vaccine” works. I defer to others for a more learned opinion, weigh it against my own, then come to a rational conclusion… not always on the side of the professional. I think it is a duty of all people to listen, consider and decide for themselves, what is best. I may not be the smartest person in the room, but I and others like me have a myriad of viewpoints, that give subtlety to the morality of the zeitgeist. When I see doctor’s voices suppressed, to support a narrative, especially a narrative that relies on doublethink, I cannot but become suspicious. This is not Smallpox, it is not even Consumption, it falls far short of the Spanish flu, yet we are doing the unthinkable to stop it… is that rational?

We now know that Covid 19 is not a deadly disease. It is no more fatal than the seasonal flu. To wager our future on an untested genetic engineering experiment, to prevent it for a few months, seems an idiots wager. That we consider it at all is because the swindlers have boxed us in. They won’t open up the economy until we get it, and even then, they might not open it up… Wearing a mask only reinforces the fear, fear that keeps us lining up to be guinea pigs. The Wuhan flu has been with us for a year and the overall death rate has only risen slightly. Meanwhile, the death rate from overdoses, suicides and the murder rate in our inner cities, are all off the charts, but let’s not look there. Let’s get our very dna changed forever to fight a flu for a month or two… but don’t eat corn, its genetically engineered.


John Pepin

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