A Few Jokes… Before Humor is Made Illegal

Dear Friends,

It seems to me…

How is the vastness of space like AOC’s head? They are both filled with a vacuum.

How is the main stream media and the wholesome spice Turmeric alike? They have the same color.

What is the difference between a senator and a week old cadaver? You can smell the corruption from the cadaver.

How is post modernism like a bag in a dog park? They are filled with the same thing.

How can you tell when AOC is telling the truth? She isn’t talking.

How are the elite like molten metal? The dross floats to the top.

Why did the post modernist jump off a building? Because science is racist.

What makes a bureaucrat unlike a dictator? The bureaucrat is anonymous.

Two progressive attorneys were ripping up the Constitution one day. When the floor collapsed beneath them.

How is a progressive judge like a carpenter ant? They are both predictable, thoughtless and eat the thing that holds them up.

Who are the biggest white racists in existence? Post modernists.

How is Adam Schiff like old fashioned soap? They are both caustic and made from lyes.

How is a post modernist unlike a parrot? The parrot understands some of what it says.

Why does Hank Johnson refuse to go to Hawaii? It might tip over.

If focusing on historic slavery is progressive, while mentioning modern slavery makes you an extremist… then extremists are the modern abolitionists and progressives the modern slavers.


John Pepin

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