Will History Repeat?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when someone who has a history of violence, tells you they are going to do violence to your person, only a fool doesn’t take them seriously. History contains many ugly truths and repudiates all of the glistening lies we are supposed to believe. That is why we are so loathe to remember it… and is the reason it repeats so often. As in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king, the person who understands the past, is a prophet to the future. In most cases, when a great evil was done to a people, the evil doer announced it beforehand, but was laughed at, the truth was far too ugly to behold. Especially when a glittering lie caught the eye. Today history is repeating itself, or at least rhyming, we have politicians and their minions echoing the statements of the past, that resulted in so much suffering.

Bernie Sanders is arguably the front runner for the Democrat ticket today. Who knows what tomorrow brings, but we are given a hint by the Project Veritas video of a Sanders campaign operative. He says if Sanders doesn’t get the nomination, Milwaukee will burn. He openly claims the police will get the brunt of the anger and violence. When asked what they would do if Sanders won the Presidency, the Campaign aid said gulags would be set up to re-educate Trump supporters. Yes, breaking rocks for 10 hours a day will give Trump supporters an attitude adjustment. Teach them not to be Nazis. Said the 20 something child in a man’s body. Thus displaying his ignorance, arrogance, egoism and violent temperament. A carbon copy of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Tamerlane and Pol Pot.

Elizabeth Warren, the used to be native American when it was expedient to get her a gig at Harvard, has come out as another full blown Marxist, er, socialist. The poor woman cannot tell the truth even when it benefits her. It must be hard to live life when your first intuition is to lie. Like when she was confronted by a voter who wondered why Warren sent her children to private school, but advocates for the hoi polloi to send our children to the failing government monopoly school system… Warren’s first impulse was to lie and claim she sent hers to public school. An easily verifiable lie. Yet she mostly got away with it because the unbiased media, an arm of the progressive faction, covers up for progressive faux pas. For all her faults, Warren, if elected, will accept her role as a face for the Administrative State.

Virginia today is an example of what the democrats under the stern tutelage of the progressive faction will inflict upon the United States, if they regain the Presidency, House and Senate. The open attack on the US Constitutional Right to keep and bare arms, along with the draconian punishments for law enforcement that refuse to follow their unconstitutional orders, removes the mask altogether. Showing the hideous visage that lay underneath. The black face governor of Virginia has openly threatened the citizens, that seek to stage a peaceful open carry protest, to protest the unconstitutional usurpations of the progressive faction in Virginia, with violence. Very progressive. We will have to wait to see how this plays out but rest assured, the same playbook will be used across the nation should they get power.

If we look at history through the lens of the rhetoric, actions and aims of the democrats this election cycle, the landscape is littered with ugly truths. Lenin said largely what Sanders says, and the 70 year slaughter that followed is the stuff of horror films. Hitler had the same arrogance, ego and violent temperament as that Sanders follower, and we all know how his election to Chancellor turned out. We even have an example of how the progressive faction will rule if in power. They will come for your guns, as they are doing in Virginia, they will not brooch any “Sanctuary” policy to protect Constitutional Rights, only to create chaos, as the path to utopia. This election, a vote democrat is a vote for the Administrative State, to take your guns, Rights and re-educate you if needed.


John Pepin

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