Our Corruptocracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our collective noses are being rubbed in the government’s corruption, and many still refuse to acknowledge it! They stand there, faces covered in filth, and claim there is nothing to see here. Either they are blinded by their zealous affection for the good that can be done by an Administrative State, with unlimited power, else they are too stupid to operate their heart and eyes at the same time. Today, we are surrounded by obvious evidence of out of control corruption in the bureaucracy and government, from Suicides that are clearly not suicides, people who are obviously above the law, the Constitution used as toilet paper and every other crime you can imagine covered up. Which makes it amazing that some refuse to see.

Lets face it, Jeffery Epstein did not commit suicide. No reasonable person looking at the evidence could conclude that… unless he has an interest in finding it was suicide. Let’s run down a few facts… The camera’s outside his cell were turned off, the guards that were supposed to keep watch mysteriously fell asleep, he supposedly self strangled with paper sheets, so hard he broke and slit his own neck. Yea, not at all suspicious. Even the NYC medical examiner threw up red flags, but was told it was a suicide… so they dutifully claimed it was suicide. Never mind the fact that the entire global power structure trembled at the information that would have come out had Epstein gone on trial. Moreover, had the whole thing been on the up and up… it wouldn’t have been papered over.

Hillary Clinton is clearly above the law. Her crimes are numerous and storied. From White Water, where their business partner went to jail and their “best friend,” committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head, through the FBI files scandal, to her server, mishandling classified documents and finally wiping a server under indictment, all without consequence. She is not the only democrat that is above the law. The Awan brothers were allowed to leave the country with a trove of top secret data gathered while they worked for the DNC managing their House servers. Adam Schiff lies on the floor of the House like the rug he stands on. Holder lied under oath to congress with only the merest slap on the wrist and Lois Lerner walked even though she used the IRS to silence conservatives.

Obama weaponized the bureaucracy, the Administrative State, against his political foes… to the cheers of the unbiased media. He put malware on reporters computers to spy on them, he used the IRS to silence conservatives, and he abused the FISA process to spy on his political foes, (I wonder if he did it to Romney in 2012 as well)? Many heinous crimes point to Obama. Like Fast and Furious where he was letting guns walk into Mexico, thus arming the drug cartels, even as he was trying to shut down gun shops along the boarder, by claiming it was them who was arming the drug cartels. Thousands of people died in Mexico and the US because of that criminal broadside against the Constitution. Obama even authorized a US citizen murdered by drone… without trial.

The list of crimes unpunished grows every day. This impeachment that is not based on high crimes or misdemeanors, but on a policy argument between the Administrative State and the Executive, the open sewer that is the State Department, protecting George Soros NGOs and Hunter Biden as well as Nancy Pelosi’s son, rather than forward legitimate US foreign policy as stated by the President, The judiciary acting as a defacto Executive, over ruling every action the President makes until their judicial over reach is overturned by the Supreme Court, the stench of rot emanating from the DOJ, FBI and CIA over Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the list goes on and on, but I have limited room. The only people to see but not acknowledge, are the media and those with a dog in the race. Can’t you smell that smell?


John Pepin

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