We Have Achieved Arbitrary Rule

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have entered a time of arbitrary rule in the United States. It was a long time coming, but finally, to the joy of progressives across the fruited plain, we live under arbitrary rule. Laws are enforced depending on a person’s political favor, passed to protect the powerful and adjudicated to convert our republic into an Administrative state. Law has become a means to oppress rather than a means to justice. The problem with arbitrary rule though, is that no matter how much you agree with what the elite are doing with their unlimited power today, be wary, because you may not agree with what they do with it tomorrow, but you will have given them that power. Sadly, many people, (Progressives, Socialists and Marxists) don’t have the intellect to think it all the way through.

Favoring arbitrary rule was a reason someone was ostracized in ancient Greece. They understood that arbitrary rule was a means to arbitrary power, and many Athenians favored justice over tyranny. No matter how virtuous a person claims to be, unlimited power will corrupt them. Lord Acton said, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Arbitrary rule is the definition of absolute power. In ancient Athens, democracy was a cherished facet of life. The people of Athens loved their freedom and personal political power, thus they were loathe to give it up to a would be despot, who favored arbitrary rule. Pericles, on the other hand, exploited the ostracism to create arbitrary rule for himself. Showing that even a people dedicated to protecting their freedom can be manipulated into loosing it.

Arbitrary rule can be very attractive. The would be tyrant claims he or she will use that power for such and such a good, and many ignorant people will joyously follow, because they are captured by the glittering lie, while at the same time, turning away from the ugly truth that is arbitrary rule. They are mesmerized by the glistening lie… arbitrary rule will solve all of humanity’s problems. The idea of arbitrary rule has got many people. As Jung said, “People do not have ideas, ideas have people,” arbitrary rule and the “good” that can be done by it, is just such an idea. It is lazy, yes, it is weak minded, yes, but you cannot argue that the idea that someone else can solve all your problems for you, is very attractive to many. Especially those who believe themselves incapable or oppressed.

History is unambiguous on the outcome of arbitrary rule. It always leads to tyranny and oppression, it never solves those problems. Oh, every tin potted dictator starts by claiming he will address the ancient evils done to a people, by giving him unlimited power he will right the wrongs, cure the sick, heal the environment and lower the sea level. When Obama came into office he said as much… now he was elected, the sea level would drop, the sick would get healthcare and the oppressed would find succor. Of course the opposite happened. Instead, Obama used the mechanism of government to oppress his political opponents, arbitrarily abusing his power, silencing people with the IRS, spying on them with the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, obliterated healthcare, as well as killed US citizens without trial.

The impeachment of Trump is the epitome of the use of arbitrary rule by progressives. Trump was denied any Right to post a defense in the House… against all precedent, but then again, it wouldn’t be arbitrary if it followed precedent would it? Trump is not even accused of breaking the law! Instead he is accused of “abuse of power” and “Obstruction of Congress,” both charges made up on the spot… arbitrarily, to undermine an national election and the will of the people, by a cabal of progressives, who are allowed arbitrary rule. Even as Trump as been arbitrarily hindered from performing his basic duties by a Judicial system controlled by the progressive faction. It cannot be denied the progressive faction wields arbitrary power in the US today, to our great detriment… perhaps we should address it?


John Pepin

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