Why Are We Listening to Children?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are being foolish when we treat progressives, Marxists and SJWs as adults, because they are not adult at all. They stultified back in the age of the terrible twos. Oh, they are in grown up bodies and have grown up desires, but mentally, they are two year olds. They never grew up. Just look at the way they act. They are all hypocrites, liars and hedonists. Just like a two year old. “Did you eat those cookies?” asked Mother. “NO! It was Tommy.” replied Susie, with chocolate all over her face.” Or put another way, “Did you steal the election Joe?” “NO! It was Don. And if you question me, that proves your a bad person!” Replied Joe, with ink all over his hands. Treating a child as an adult, even a child in an adults body, does a disservice to the child, us, and our civilization.

The progressive, Marxist, post modernist faction today mimics the toddler in manner, attitude and actions. While in a child of two, the terrible twos can be cute, in a man or woman in their 50’s, it loses some of the cuteness. A toddler has no sense of cognitive dissonance, so hypocrisy comes naturally to them, as it does a progressive. Two year olds lie when the truth would serve them better, just as do progressives. Children of that age are also very manipulative, they are clumsy about it, but they give it the college try. Progressives on the other hand, are deft at manipulation, but share a toddler’s lack of a sense of shame for it. The two groups also share the same moral level. A child who has seen nothing of the world doesn’t believe in God or miracles, like a progressive, but an adult who has… does.

The more immature someone is the more arrogant they are. There is a theory that when we first learn of a thing, we consider ourselves very knowledgeable about it, but as our knowledge grows, our certainty about how well informed we are, shrinks. Only after we become expert do we get back to the surety we had when we were ignorant. Which goes to show, ignorance breeds arrogance. Because certainty that comes of ignorance can only be arrogant and not merited. It would be hard to argue that the arrogant and ignorant are mature and well adjusted. It actually follows that such people would be immature to go along with their arrogance. Very efficient. Nevertheless, treating someone who is ignorant, arrogant and immature, as an adult, just encourages them to be more arrogant, ignorant and immature.

Children can be clever, what they lack is wisdom, and someone lacking wisdom is no one you want as a despot. You can play chess with a pigeon but the game will always end the same way. The pigeon will knock over all the pieces, strut around, as if it won, and defecate on the board. It’s not the pigeon’s fault, it’s ours, for treating a pigeon like a human being. Treating a progressive like an adult is the same thing. We are putting them in a position they cannot comprehend, which can only make them angry, especially when their ignorance is pointed out. Unlike a mature human being, who revise our worldview when inconsistencies are pointed out, a progressive will use personal attacks to discredit you, in their mind, to save themselves from having to do such hard work.

So… why are we treating them as adults? Listening to them on the nightly news as if they were grown up, with an eye to the truth and integrity… does them, us and society a disservice. Their arrogance is fertilized, propaganda is promulgated and our society lowered. They look like fools to adults making themselves laughing stock. Spouting such obvious lies, then pretending they are shocked, shocked I tell you, that they were wrong. So shocked they don’t even print retractions, like an adult would, because they are not adults, but petulant, arrogant and manipulative children. It is past time for us to give them a time out, along with jobs more suited to their maturity and intellect, digging ditch for example, would be a better alternative for progressives in politics, the media and education.


John Pepin

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