Will Despising Our Children Make Mankind Better or Worse?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we detest, loathe, and despise our kids. As a culture, our children are the source of our greatest hate, we as a society do everything in our power to harm their life outcomes, and as a people, we are determined to ruin them at all costs. Unlike past generations, who loved, cared for, and adored their children, we have set ourselves to damaging ours in every way possible. Very progressive. How are we harming our kids you might ask. In a myriad of ways, some ethereal and others brutal, all of them toxic. In truth, this is a grand experiment we are playing as a species. Will hating our kids make mankind smarter, more human hearted and better suited to survive, or will it lead to a dark age and perhaps extinction? Let’s examine this a bit more… shall we?

Today about a third of babies conceived are aborted. Those children are dismembered alive and fed to Moloch before they have a chance. It would be hard to argue they are loved by our culture. A culture that elevates abortion to a sacrament of the church of progressivism. It is so important that “medical procedure” cannot be infringed. Unlike our Second Amendment. Even when the baby is viable outside the womb. Like, for example, the day he or she is born. A society that values abortion over child birth cannot be said to prize its children. In fact such a society most probably despises its kids. Because you don’t kill that which you love, you kill that which you hate. Showing our culture and society cherish our children, every bit as much, as someone with malaria cherishes mosquitoes.

Our elite have decided that children should be manipulated into self harm to satisfy their perverted fantasies. Tricking them to self sterilize, before they reach the age of consent, to create male female chimaeras for the sexual pleasure of our perverted ruling class. They like them young because the victims, or rather, trans people, usually commit suicide at thirty or so. I don’t see a lot of good arguments on this issue that bathe our rulers in a good light. Such actions, manipulating prepubescent kids into self harm, for your own perverted pleasure, is something psychopaths do to victims they hold in utter contempt, not something someone does to another they love, and are trying to make into self empowered individuals, with agency and setting them up to live a long, healthy and happy life.

Destroying the economic and political futures of our children is another action we are presently engaged in. Printing trillions of dollars, (stealing that money from our children and grand children) to give to the uber rich, is not a thing someone who loves their children does. You steal from those you hate, else don’t know, only a true fiend robs his or her friends, and it is especially evil when it is your own children! Stealing their economic future, so people at the top of the Pareto distribution can get a little more, shows we love our despots, not our children. Bequeathing our kids a land bereft of free speech, where the established state religion is atheism, disarmed, enslaved, a despised minority in their own land and subjects rather than citizens, so I ask you, do we love, or loathe our children?

Those that make it past the abortionist, through the gauntlet of malevolent manipulation and have retained enough zeal for life, after the brainwashing, demoralizing and cultural vilification, (probably because they had two parents and were home or privately schooled…) will wade in a sea of depressed, ignorant and hopeless people, made that way by their own parents hate. We could end this grand experiment, in our narcissistic feeding on our children, but we would have to love them first, that we detest them makes changing course much harder. Then again, since this is a cultural and societal phenomenon, and we are part of the culture and society, we could initiate change, lead by example and make a difference. If we weren’t demons who eat our own children… that is exactly what we would do.


John Pepin

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