We All Live in a Theater of the Absurd

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, everything we see is theater, carefully crafted to direct us away from the real world. Moreover, anything that which is not theater, is vilified. The news is nothing but red herrings for us, to draw us away from the real, and to the fictional. As we argue how absurd this or that side track is, none of us are looking at what they are doing until it explodes… then we are redirected to a ghost. To protect them from the consequences. Why go to the movies when our lives are nothing but a movie, played out in real time, to herd us into the cattle cars of total control. Where we self censor our own thoughts, lest we become a racist, hater… or philosopher. We can continue to play along, else we could stop playing their game, behold the ugly truth and use our agency.

When the Hunter Biden lap top scandal broke, the media, big tech and new class et al, went to extraordinary lengths to suppress the information. To that end, they used red herrings like, “the whole thing is mere Russian disinformation.” Getting us to focus on the “bad guy” Putin, instead of the astoundingly corrupt actions of the Biden family. They chanted in unison, like witches at a black mass, to mesmerize us into thinking it was all lies. Then went to the mat, by actually censoring, not only the news… but the people who told it as well! The New York Post itself was banned on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for a time. Parlor was obliterated, in a coordinated effort by big tech to keep such secrets, secret. In that case they, provably, used manipulation, propaganda and outright lies.

Once the 2020 election happened, and the election fraud was obvious, while even the election laws themselves were not followed by the people duty bound to follow them… the media, big tech and the oligarchy kicked into high gear suppressing the story, redirecting our attention and vilifying anyone who told the truth. Even today, Youtube forbids its users from using the word “Fraud.” If it was indeed a free and fair election, why are they so afraid of debate? Because they know they stole the 2020 election, and if the truth were widely known, the American people would go ballistic. That is why the news is censored, we are told to fear the Wuhan flu instead of government corruption, and the capital is surrounded by troops. All promoted by the media that calls itself unbiased.

The one “riot” that can be attributed to conservatives, albeit as willing dupes, is called insurrection, while ignoring the hundreds of BLM and antifa riots all summer of 2020, and continuing to today. Actual violence occurred in the BLM and antifa riots. People have been beaten for defending their businesses, shot in the street for being conservatives, police ambushed and assassinated, businesses burn to the ground, government buildings besieged, some burned, wakening people in the middle of the night by “protesters” chanting in bullhorns, areas cordoned off and autonomous zones set up, leading to violence and trapping people in their homes, among many other atrocities we are not supposed to look at or speak of, because conservatives are the evil ones, for favoring our Constitution.

Today we are being told the fable the tsunami of illegal immigrants is Trump’s fault. They are using every trick in their bag. From red herrings, lies about the severity, and vilifying truth tellers, to big tech censoring the news itself. Remember the total outrage Trump’s “kids in cages” provoked? Despite the fact, he didn’t know about the Clinton/Obama policy until it broke in the news, then immediately rectified the situation. Biden has not only put the kids back in cages, but expanded the program to put literally thousands more kids… back in cages, now that is progressive. Everything we are shown is either a lie or misdirection today. If you watch the nightly news, you are being manipulated in thought, view and feeling. So… isn’t it time to leave the theater and go out into the real world?


John Pepin

This entry was posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth. Bookmark the permalink.

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