The Reasonable are the Unthinking Tools of the Unreasonable

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, reasonable people will be the end of liberty, wealth and in the end… the human race. Reasonable people are mere tools of extremists, to forward their diabolical agenda, because reasonable people always believe “reasonable” is within the Overton Window. This is the case even and especially when the Overton Window has been moved to the absolute extreme, making the “reasonable” people, in truth… zealots. The “Reasonable” are the easiest to manipulate into self harm and so they are the preferred loyal opposition. All a psychopath need do is change what is acceptable speech and thus thought in respectable circles. This is easy to do, since, as Alvin Gouldner pointed out, the world bends to the intolerant. Making the reasonable the playthings of the unreasonable.

Gouldner noticed that it is always the intolerant that change society. If you think about it you will see this is true. If you are giving a dinner party for some friends and one is a Vegan, you will probably have a dish for him or her, but if they cannot tolerate meat in their presence… everyone will have to eat vegan. The intolerant call the shots. The same holds true of a political movement, a faction will get more of what it tolerates and less of what it does not tolerate. In this we see that the reasonable factions are always walked upon, while the intolerant factions get their way… no matter how absurd it is. A modern example would be, the republican party tolerates vote fraud, on the part of democrats, while democrats don’t tolerate republicans stating obvious facts.

The intolerant set the agenda by deciding what is acceptable speech and thus thought. They set the parameters within which each of us must think, to go outside those parameters results in very real consequences. Someone who speaks ugly truths, is likely to get fired from their job, attacked on social media, face death threats, be abandoned by the police, have their guns taken away and their address doxed so a mob can get them, should they care to. All of which sets very strong boundaries around what we are allowed to say and think. These boarders, set by the intolerant for everyone else, are what is called the Overton Window. It is also called political correctness, which President Truman characterized as, “Picking a turd up by the clean end.”

The reasonable then, simply stay within the Overton Window, because to do otherwise would not be reasonable. They may worry that the Overton Window is in a place that is absurd, but they hold fast to the sure knowledge their reasonableness will be recognized, and they will be put in charge. Then they can move the Overton Window back to a more reasonable place. All the while ignorant in how that which we are allowed to say and think, is not set by the tolerant and reasonable, but by the intolerant and unreasonable. Making the ideas of the reasonable and tolerant, their feelings and indeed suffering itself, irrelevant. The reasonable have agreed, by their reasonableness and tolerance, that their extermination is an acceptable end, the negotiation then, is the means.

Today the intolerant run our nation, the Constitution is null and void as the Supreme Court itself has sided with the intolerant against the reasonable. Churches are reasonable and not holding services, while gambling, abortions, weed and liqueur sales go on unimpeded. That is what passes for reasonable by the US Supreme Court today. The Constitution’s First Amendment is superfluous. The reasonable, like John Roberts, go along, I suppose because to follow the US Constitution, as he pledged an oath to do… would be unreasonable. It’s past time to get rid of the reasonable men like Roberts, Grahm and Barr, and put in more unreasonable people, like Pete Olson, Ted Cruz, and Louie Gomert to push the Overton Window back to the sane.


John Pepin

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