Big Pharma and Big Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when medicine companies lobbied against using foreign drugs, by claiming if drugs are not made in the USA who knows what we will get… then, once their monopoly was assured, they moved all drug manufacturing to China. Not only was that psychotically manipulative, outright deceitful and heartless, it shows the government is in bed with the dirtbag executives, else they could have never got away with moving all our drug manufacturing overseas, after claiming we couldn’t allow cheaper drugs from overseas, because we cant trust overseas manufactured drugs. Only someone in bed with government could get away with such dishonesty. Which shows the deep value of political favor and why a dollar spent on lobbying is worth ten spent on R&D.

In the 1990s there was a debate in congress whether to allow foreign generic drugs onto the US market to drive down drug prices to international levels. The drug companies screamed foul. They claimed that if drugs consumed in the US came from overseas the purity could not be insured. They went on to argue, that if Americans don’t subsidize drug prices for the rest of the world, all new drug research would cease. Using fear, and handing out money to politicians was quite effective, since the bill failed to garner the votes to pass, giving big Pharma a monopoly on drugs. The executives gave themselves a nice fat bonus… then moved all drug manufacturing to China, the least trustworthy nation of all. In essence, doing exactly what they warned us would be so dangerous, should we allow it.

Since the government handed US drug companies a monopoly, they moved every bit of drug manufacturing overseas. If you or I perjured ourselves before Congress, in the furtherance of a fraud and swindle, we would face very real consequences. Executives at big Pharma face no such danger at their malfeasance. They are above the law, as is the faction they have allied with for protection. The progressive faction. Remember, it was the progressive faction that bullied big Pharma back in the 1990s, and now big Pharma understands what side of the bread the butter is on. It is odd that the progressive faction, which ostensibly hates big pharma, or big anything, remained quiet at the moving of all US drug manufacturing to China. Unless they wanted it moved there.

The consequences for the American people of total reliance on a hostile power for our most basic drugs are very real and unavoidable. The CCP even threatened to cut the US off from pharmaceuticals, to gain leverage to divert blame for the Wuhan Flu, from them and their bio weapons lab it escaped from. Moreover, moving pharmaceutical manufacturing to the US or Canada is not that easy. The infrastructure was ripped out of the US and transplanted in China. Plant and equipment as well as know how has to be grown from scratch… you can bet China will not sell us that equipment, even at a huge profit. It will have to be built from scratch as well as the know how to make them redeveloped. China won’t send techs, like we did, to train their own replacements. They are not stupid.

Which brings us to where we are… every drug is imported into the US, nothing is manufactured here, putting us at the mercy of the merciless CCP. Thanks to Big Pharma and their enablers in government. I wonder how often tainted drugs make it to the US market? There is little testing once a drug is sold to consumers. The same nation that provides our drug addicts with all the fentanyl they need, to overdose at a rate of 70,000 kids a year, also provides us with pharmaceuticals. People who despise us and have a history of tainting products to increase profits, cannot be trusted, especially with our drugs. Maybe it’s time to claw back manufacturing and punish government enablers and drug executives criminally. Changing the incentives, so it’s worth it to spend on R&D… instead of lobbying corrupt officials.


John Pepin

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