The Primary Difference Between Progressives and Capitalists

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the fundamental difference between a progressive and a capitalist, is the use of force or self interest, as a means to encourage people. Capitalists believe that self interest is the best way to motivate people while progressives believe in the lash. Both are motivational. The one achieves an efficient and prosperous economy, people and society, while the other guarantees famine, despotism and Gulags. Another difference is that capitalists like having their philosophy thrust upon them… while progressives despise being treated the way they treat others. Making hypocrisy another fundamental quality of progressives. Now that the progressives are in a position to put their system into action, expect more force to be used on us… since free will is so loathed by them.

Chalk and clam shell are made of the same material. Clam shell is strong as ceramic while chalk is, well, chalk. The difference is, chalk is forced together, while clam shell self assembles into a brick like structure. The progressive system of force makes chalk while the capitalist system creates clam shell. The difference is clear to anyone with open eyes, sense and an open mind. When a substance is forced together, it bonds in a jumble, (like chalk) not in an orderly fashion, (like clam shell). Economies that are forced, instead of self assembling, become like chalk, easily broken, friable and when air born… toxic. While societies that self assemble are like clam shell, durable, strong and hold a tasty treat inside. History is unambiguous about this. Socialist societies are like chalk, easily broken, friable and toxic.

Force as a means to motivate has been used since time began. Slaves have always been subject to the lash as a means to motivate them. Now our backs can feel that form of motivation as well. The movie Ben Hur shows how the lash is used. The slaves are chained to a deck and whipped to keep them rowing. If the ship they are rowing goes down, the slaves are drowned, while the masters escape in life rafts. Slaves are replaceable. The thing that makes whipping so effective is the fear it generates in those that watch. Like the doxing of Senator Josh Hawley. No politician wants a mob to show up at their house in the middle of the night and terrorize their children. Instead of punishing such antics however, progressives encourage them, to create a state of fear in anyone who would oppose their use of force.

One thing that cannot be denied… is that God himself thinks free will is paramount. One of the biggest arguments atheists make against God, is free will. They despise it. “Why,” they pathologically ask, “does God allow evil in the world, if he is good?” Why would he allow us to do such bad things if he is omnipotent and omniscient? Because… free will. If we are denied free will and are forced to be good, we are not good, we are robots. Only a human being with free will can be good… or evil. In that way, progressives seek to rectify “God’s mistake,” in giving us free will. Taking it upon themselves to force everyone else to be “good,” by their twisted definition. Which in fact, makes no one good, but many become evil under such a system. Their trust in force, they believe, puts them above God himself.

You don’t have to accept force, as the primary means of ordering our society, you could demand we return to self interest. Of course, progressives will immediately use the lash on you, it is their way. Like an alcoholic tasting a beer. He or she cannot stop until they are in a stupor, else out of liquor. The lash is the same thing. Once a progressive gets a taste of whipping people, they cannot stop until the whole of society is whipped to death, else the lash is taken away. We are at the beginning of this process. The progressives have just drank their first gin and tonic and they have found they like it. They like it a lot. Yes, the primary difference between capitalists and progressives, is the use of force or self interest. Self interest has brought us untold wealth, science and health. The lash will bring nothing but pain.


John Pepin

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