Time to Fight Back

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressive establishment is trying mightily to trigger us to violence, so the top can finally come down. I have warned many times on this blog about instigating violence. The democrats are allowed to destroy at will, but if someone, not even a conservative, even so much as leaves a gum wrapper on the ground, all of us are vilified for it. Know this and keep it in your mind at all times. Violence is not the answer. The media has proven it will suppress any information about how peaceful we are, while lying and calling pro democracy protests insurrection, treason and riots. Now we know that, protests are not the way to achieve what we desire… a return to Constitutional rule. The answer is to practice peaceful civil disobedience. Make the nation ungovernable for the progressive Nazis.

The hypocrisy of the establishment is breathtaking. I wrote before, that hypocrisy is a sacrament to progressives, and that was proven true this last week. There is a reason hypocrisy was considered by the ancients to be the worst of sins. (According to Plutarch). Even worse than murder. Because hypocrisy destroys the very foundation of civil society. While Murder is disruptive it is not catastrophic to civilization. Hypocrisy destroys any faith the people have in government. When that happens, famine, despotism and suffering walk the land. That we tolerate hypocrisy at all, is a testament to our weakness, fear and laziness. Let alone such open, obvious and self destructive hypocrisy. Mark Dice in this video, points out the hypocrisy in a narrative format, the best format to teach difficult truths.

Progressives lust for violence, chaos is their bread and butter, all they need is for us to emulate them and they can clamp down on the few remaining Rights we still have. Being the good Nazis they are, progressives use violence, intimidation and censorship to amass power. Just like their ancestors did in the German progressive party of the 1930s. It isn’t a secret that American progressives are in bed with the Chinese Communist Party. They are two peas in a pod. Nazis, Communists and Socialists all have the same ideology. That is why Nazis and communists were such mortal enemies… they recruit from the same flawed stock of humanity. The ignorant, easily manipulated and angry. A party that prefers violence, fear and intimidation, like today’s progressives, is one that is evil incarnate.

The destruction of the US is almost total today, tomorrow it will be. The elite have tribalized us in the worst possible way. Instead of a nation, we are a bunch of groups pitted against each other. Which serves the desires of the Lucifarian elite. All they needed for an excuse was the pretend riots at the capital, and voila, we have censorship, vilification and dehumanizing of conservatives. Despite Cuomo on CNN saying that protests are supposed to be violent, (when democrats do it), the take is exactly the opposite when conservatives are blamed for it… despite evidence to the contrary. Our constitutional system is gone, there is no longer any limit to the power of the elite. They can do anything they want. If you think they will back down, now they have won, you haven’t been paying attention.

The answer is not violent protest but peaceful civil disobedience. File for extension after extension before paying a penny in taxes. Change your withholding to 0, boycott all progressive businesses, including and especially Big Tech. “Break down” at the entrance to Google, Twitter and Facebook headquarters. Refuse military service. Inundate your “representatives” (overlords) with mail. Write to corporate CEOs letting them know why your boycotting them. Sooner or later we will have to call a general strike. They think they have won… and maybe they have. It is possible that the end times are upon us and all our efforts will be for naught. Nevertheless, it is up to the good to stand up against the evil. It is our moral duty. To not stand is to lay down. The choice is yours, slavery or freedom?


John Pepin

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