How the Present Predicts the Future

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, by looking at someone’s present actions, we can predict their future. This is no secret, people have been doing this since humans started walking, but it is a truth lost on many. If a husband puts a password on his phone, starts working late without overtime to show for it, etc… you can predict that in the future he will be caught cheating. If an employee comes in late every day, hung over and smells of liqueur in the afternoon, that employee will, most probably, be found to be an alcoholic later on. If a company stops paying overtime and checks begin to bounce, you can predict that firm will be experiencing bankruptcy soon. Moreover, if a government takes the guns from it’s citizens, then it is probable… that government has other usurpations planned for the future.

People have to follow laws else we will face the government’s monopoly on violence. Government’s, on the other hand, are supposed to follow their Constitutions, else they will be called bad names. When a person stays up late at night, is out at all hours, carries burglary tools with him and always has fairly new expensive goods, he will probably be discovered a thief. In the same vein, when a government works in the dark, wields law as a weapon, and always seems to have plenty of power and money to do whatever it wants, sooner or later the people will discover that government is a thief… of their Constitutional Rights. The difference is that if the person is caught, he or she faces prison, if the government is caught, it gets to keep the ill gotten power and no one is punished.

When a person is always talking behind other people’s backs, full of other people’s secrets and mealy mouthed when confronted, you can bet she is untrustworthy. A government that selectively leaks information to forward a political faction’s interests, uses personal destruction as the default mode, lies constantly, and redacts everything possible when forced to relinquish any information at all, you can bet that government cannot be trusted. Like a company that sells defective products. Everything you get from that company is either broken or dangerously defective. Would you continue to buy from that store? Everything government provides is defective, often dangerously, yet there is no remedy for a defective government product… while there is, for a firm.

Someone who is caught in lie after lie, is constantly manipulating people to create chaos, has no empathy and harms people without a thought… will be discovered a narcissist or psychopath later. A government who’s mouth is full of lies, manipulates people into self harm for fun and profit, imports criminals to do the crimes Americans and Europeans are too human hearted to do, pass laws that create pernicious incentives, consider human beings nothing but cannon fodder, and pass regulations that destroy people, businesses and towns without a care… will eventually be discovered to be malevolent and despotic. While the psychopath who is discovered has to move, and take his malevolence with him, the government of psychopaths does not, the people must endure that psychopathic government.

It all starts with people allowing their government to do things we all know lead to bad places… but doing nothing about it. Once it comes to the government rounding up the guns, like in Virginia, it is almost too late. Once government disarms the people, there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING stopping them from totalitarianism… but their “good hearted nature.” History is rife with examples of governments that telegraphed their malevolent intent beforehand. Hitler rounded up most of the guns, Stalin certainly didn’t allow guns, Mao only allowed the Red Guard to have guns, else how could they have gone house to house and taken all the food, leading to tens of millions starving to death? People do things to move towards a goal. We do not do things in a vacuum. Governments are the same.


John Pepin

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