Coronavirus, China and Human Heartedness

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, wise folks around the world are praying for the people of China today. China is in the grips of another epidemic that is taking the lives of it’s people wholesale. They are subject to a collapsing economic system, disease and their own despotic government. History has been spastic with the Chinese. Alternating between sage emperors, despots and living as a conquered people. Today they contend with all three. Due to globalism however, their troubles are not isolated to China, they are exported to the planet at large. The Chinese one party communist state exports censorship, fentanyl and surveillance technology, while the country exports diseases like Bird Flu, SARS and Coronavirus, and whatever has liquidated all the pigs in China. Yes, wise folks are praying for the Chinese people.

The usurpations, despotism and tyranny of the Chinese communist party are legendary. From the artificial famines that exterminated tens of millions, whole swaths of the Chinese people, to the organ harvesting of political dissidents, the Chinese communist party has distinguished itself as a true communist party. China by the traditional definition is an empire… and an expansionist one at that. They threaten every single one of their neighbors, except Russia, with invasion, if land they “justifiably” claim is not turned over to them. No different that Hitler in Austria, Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia or Crimea at name the time. The people of China labor under one of the most efficient, ruthless and arrogant tyrannies to ever exist.

China has undergone several extermination events of it’s livestock of late. Due to overcrowding, poor agricultural practices and poor cleanliness of their herds, bird flu has wiped out millions of chickens in the last decade. Pig whatever has just in the last year almost exterminated all the swine in China, their principle protein source. This has obviously led to hyperinflation in pork prices… which has driven people to eat anything that crawls, walks or flies by. Mainstream scientists claim the Coronavirus came from bats at a wet market in Wuhan. If true, this could mean that the pork epidemic indirectly caused the Coronavirus epidemic. That Chinese shrimp are fed pig feces, in my humble opinion, is another place where an outbreak of disease is likely.

Globalism, of the virtuous market kind, or the malevolent government kind, removes barriers to the movement of disease… and despotism. Which means that no one is safe from whatever happens elsewhere today. Coronavirus has made it to almost every continent, the Chinese government effectively censors people in the US at will, and governments around the world are embracing Chinese surveillance technology and practices. The adoption of mass surveillance is slowly exceeding Orwell’s worst nightmare. Even the NFL with their “brave” attack on the US Constitution and freedoms by taking a knee during the national anthem, caved like a wet napkin when China was displeased with criticism from one if it’s players… who immediately apologized for saying Hong Kong should be free.

Often, what is seen as selfless, is the most selfish thing. Praying for the Chinese people is one. If our prayers cause the atheist communist Chinese government to collapse, replacing it with a limited government that guarantees the natural Rights of it’s people, not only will the Chinese people’s fortunes be elevated, but so will the fortunes of every man woman and child on the planet. If our prayers help stop such deadly diseases as SARS and the 1917 Spanish flu, we will have saved uncountable millions of lives. If our prayers can reverse the surveillance of the Chinese people… to the people surveilling the Chinese government, the world may follow such a virtuous lead. So, in this case, to be human hearted, virtuous and selfless, in praying for another, we are acting in our own self interest.


John Pepin

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