Utopia Achieved

Dear Friends,

It seems befuddling to me, why people in NYC have a problem with the violent crime, those in San Francisco worry about feces on the sidewalks, and people in Baltimore fret over their record murder rate… they voted for it. Perhaps the voters in those places do not worry about the situation, but those who live elsewhere and upon looking at them, are horrified, and project our disgust onto the people who live there. This may be a better explanation, since the voters continue to support the politicians who are bringing them the violent crime, drug addictions, homelessness, disease, hopelessness and gang violence. It may just be that the people who live in those places, like to be preyed upon, taxed to poverty, live in a glass bubble, and in a petri dish… or it might just be the elite who like such things.

Places like Baltimore where crimes are not punished, if they are committed by a demographic with political favor, amazingly, have high crime rates. George Soros has funded many local political races recently, and the one thing all the candidates he backs have in common, is that they openly refuse to punish “small” crimes. Especially small crimes committed by politically favored demographics. This has happened across the US. Places as diverse as Philadelphia and Dallas have new prosecutors who openly refuse to do their job. Another common denominator is that once elected, and their policies put in place, the crime rates skyrocket. Not only in frequency but in severity. One wonders if the two are not correlated? Not punishing crime… leads to more crime?

It would appear that in places that have lavished their public servants with absurd pensions and benefits, as well as astoundingly high wages, and where pay is in no way tied to performance… the budgets are a mess. It is no secret that progressives believe in a livable wage, especially for themselves. That is why in small communities like Fresno, town council members get one hundred thousand a year plus perks. Unionized public servants often get one hundred percent of their working salary and benefits when retired after twenty years. Dallas Texas, for example, has had to violate it’s contract with retired police. Detroit is effectively bankrupt and NYC is in the same cue a bit further back. It would appear that progressive policies are not conducive to healthy public budgets.

Homelessness, disease and filth, were once a quality of third world hell holes, but progressives have brought these things back to the US for us to enjoy. LA has seen a resurgence of Leprosy. Now that is something to be proud of. Typhoid, scabies, cholera, etc… diseases of filth are now popular in California. Where progressive policies have made the streets open sewers again, like back in the middle ages. Plague is even possible under these conditions. It is almost like… allowing people to defecate in public on the sidewalks, encouraging people to live on the streets and providing sanctuary for people from across the planet with whatever sickness… fosters the conditions for disease? Oddly, in old shows like Rockford Files, you see very little feces on the streets? What changed?

All these things, brought to the voters of our large cities by their progressive overlords, with their administrative governance, must be to the liking of the voters, else they would vote the progressives from office. Unless there is so much vote fraud their votes no longer count? Nevertheless, there must be widespread support for the policies that have led to such conditions, or there would be protests. Since we don’t see any protests against sanctuary cities or progressive policies, but we do for progressive foolishness. ANTIFA protests that are quite violent take place in the most progressive places, often using violence and intimidation to silence opposing viewpoints. Showing the voters either like their utopias… or have lost control of their government? Else people would be fleeing those places.


John Pepin

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