You Get What You Deserve

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, while I would prefer to have seen the republicans win in Georgia last night, I have to admit, they don’t deserve to. The establishment loves stabbing the American people in the back. Mitch McConnell has done everything in his power to alienate the American people from the Republican party. For that you have to admit he is a true progressive. No one is to blame for their loss more than the republicans themselves. They deserve to loose and loose big. The beautiful part is, now republicans have sided with progressives, to pervert the election process, cheat the American people and continue the perpetual wars… they will loose their jobs. The idiots think they will not be defrauded out of their cushy positions by progressives. Proving them too stupid to keep their heart beating.

The stimulus was a real poke in the eye. Pollsters say the Georgia republicans dropped 5% the day McConnell closed the door to giving you more of the $79,000.00 loan, (2.6 trillion divided by 330 million people) they took out in your name. The rest going to them, their cronies and foreign dictators. Very progressive of them! Since they thought that was a great idea for us. I propose to take out a $79,000.00 loan in Mitch McConnell’s name, and give him $600.00 in cash from it, to spend anyway he wants, then take the rest for myself. He can use it to and make the first payment on that loan. The American people are not stupid. Some are but most are not. We know when we are being victimized, and when it is done by people we have supported, it stings all the more.

The Georgia election had not even happened when the republicans screwed the American people out of high paying jobs. They met at night and passed a bill to stop Trump’s ban on highly skilled immigrants, to compete with Americans for jobs, while the economy is shut down. Very very progressive of them!!!! Republicans colluded with democrats to get our children into unpayable and inextinguishable debt, to get a degree for a career the elite will not allow him or her to get! Preferring immigrants to drive down the wages for our kids and grand kids. You have to admit, that swindle was as elegant as it was malevolent. Someone today, who has a degree in computer science can’t get a job for $10.00 and hour, because there are dozens of immigrants willing to do it for less. Thanks Republicans!

Mitch the bitch refused to help Trump in any way. Despite the obvious tsunami of election fraud, Mitch did nothing to curtail it, then nothing to address it, now nothing to call it out. He deserves to be thrown out of office. Not only for backstabbing his constituents but the entire US system of government. He is an active force for the overthrow of this nation. In that I am sure he has garnered much favor with the progressive establishment. Nevertheless, in his next election they will screw him just like he helped them screw us. His comeuppance will be soon. I am so incensed at his dishonesty, malevolence and backstabbing, I am considering moving to Kentucky just to vote against McConnell. I don’t have to though, because progressives will drive him from office through election fraud, then imprison him!

The reality is, the US had a great run. Our nation lasted for 240 years as a constitutional republic. The last century or so, the writing has been on the wall, that the elite will not tolerate a constitutionally limited republic any longer. Both the democrats and republicans agree, the American people have it too good, so we must be punished with lock downs, permanent wars, towering unemployment, a police state and robbing our children of their future. The Chinese communist party is the template they plan on imposing on us. We don’t have a say anymore. Our voices are silenced, our jobs are shut down, our children’s futures stolen and our freedom crushed under the jack boot of the State. Now the elite can set themselves to creating Hell on Earth… and we deserve it, for not speaking up when we could.


John Pepin

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