The Most Racist Philosophy Ever

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives are obvious, vicious and intractable racists. They cannot help themselves. Since progressivism is based on envy, hatred and greed, it creates an enemy to rally people to its cause, fosters hatred of that enemy to solidify the followers, and exploits their followers to enrich itself at the cost to society, culture and humanity. Progressives claim to be the defenders of the downtrodden, but that is not the case at all, in fact they are the heel of the jack boot. The progressive philosophy is based on a power dynamic. To hold the banner of the poor is not a power dynamic but a compassion dynamic. Confusing the two allows progressives to point to a villain, Russians for example, and openly call for violence against them… as they usurp the high ground of charity, expertise and anti themselves.

Progressives always have an enemy and it is always based on race somehow. Originally progressives hated blacks. Woodrow Wilson showed the KKK film, Birth Of A Nation, in the White House when he was President. William Jennings Bryan ruled in Buck v Bell that the government can sterilize people the government deemed idiots, “Three generations of idiots are enough…” In Plessy V Fergusson that workers be separated by race. Today they hate white people, white culture and white religion. Openly condoning violence against white people for being white. Vilifying math, conscientiousness and empathy as throwbacks to the white patriarchal hegemony. In our colleges today progressives have set up “safe spaces” for people of any race, but white, to get away from “white culture.”

Since the Ukraine war started the progressive faction and all their mouth pieces have called for violence against innocent Russian people. Not much different than the progressive icon, Franklin Roosevelt, jailing all American citizens of Japanese descent… by edict. I find it amazing that people are facing stochastic terrorism, at the hands of the western elite via social media, the unbiased press and with the full backing of the bureaucracy, just because they are of Russian descent! That the bureaucracy supports the calls for violence, is proved by the fact no one is being arrested and charged, for openly calling for violence against innocent people. That is by definition stochastic terrorism. The progressive faction however, has always called for violence against innocents, in the name of peace.

Progressives use violence as a means to power. From the KKK at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to ANTIFA and BLM today, violence is always in their playbook. When the German progressives were tried for crimes against humanity, after WWII, they pointed to a progressive ruling in the US Supreme court itself, Buck v Bell, legalizing their actions. A ruling that is being leaned on heavily today to justify the government forcing masks, experimental biological agent injections and shutdowns. Showing the progressive faction today agrees with the ruling, that the German progressives used to justify genocide, forced sterilization and ethnic cleansing. No different from today with the government arrogance backed by egoistic, anti reciprocal and anti human edicts.

Progressives are indeed the most racist people that have ever lived. Anyone with an open mind and a speck of inquisitiveness can discern that for themselves. That progressives constantly point to everyone else as racists, is merely to distract from their own open, obvious and obnoxious racism, in the past, today and in the future. Progressives and progressivism is a philosophy based on envy. That envy creates hatred which leads to vengeance. Progressives demand luxury, freedom and opulence as they demand others sacrifice, subject themselves and join in the hate of the progressive’s enemy… at the end of a gun if necessary. If we want to get rid of actual racism then, instead of pretending to fight it, as we foster it, we need to call out the progressive faction for what it is… the most racist philosophy ever.


John Pepin

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