
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there is a tension in every society, one side pulling it inexorably to one form of pathology while the other to its opposite. There are not just two opposing forces, but millions, each with varying degrees of power, to pull society from the pinnacle of health, to their preferred pathology. Which means all of these competing forces need to be balanced. If one or more are cut off, or over balanced, whether from ignorance, fear or malevolence, society must be pulled from health to illness. In a balanced and thus healthy society, most of the forces cancel each other out, keeping society at the top of the mushroom of well being. Our society in the West today, has become unbalanced, by the unchecked forces of elitism, materialism and eugenics. Creating disequilibrium

Today the power of the elite is ascendant. The nihilist new class runs everything and is nearly uniform in their thinking. That uniformity is due to their indoctrination by the post modernist education system. In other words, they are captured by an ideology. Therefore today, the post modernists have a hegemony on the bureaucracy, media, big tech, the medical system, our courts, the prosecutors and any other position with a modicum of power. Pulling us to disequilibrium. Even with so much power to do anything they want, they produce a collapsing currency, hopelessness, an opioid epidemic, needless wars, people who don’t know if they are men or women, hell, they even created a chimeric virus then released it upon the world, whether by intent or stupidity. Yet the elite want even more power?!

Materialism is the hegemonic ideology among the elite today, even as its countering force, religion, is ridiculed or patronized. The average Joe is fooled into thinking science explains everything, and so is lost when trying to understand the nature of existence, evil and the mind itself. Materialists have arrogantly claimed science is the answer, but don’t know the most important questions, what is morality, why are we here and what are we really? Science is wholly unequipped to give us any insight into ethics, moral action and why be honorable. How can the nature of reality be understood through purely analytical means? Some questions require the intuition of the wise. Sages who’s wisdom has passed the test of ages. By coupling analytics with intuition can we answer those big questions.

Eugenics has always been the ideal of the progressive movement. From Marx, and Woodrow Wilson through Hitler and now the progressive oligarchy, eugenics has been the end. To change man himself to fit the wants of a mad scientist. The blind arrogance of someone who would change mankind itself to suit his or her pathetic needs, obviously derived from a deep inner inadequacy, is worthy of ridicule and contempt. Not content merely to rule mankind, they seek to breed us into sheep. This was Pol Pot’s reasoning for killing millions in Cambodia. He was thinning the herd of the unwanted genes. As was Lenin’s thinking in the genocide of the Kulaks. The US Supreme Court even ruled that eugenics is “constitutional,” because, “Three generations of idiots are enough…” In Buck v Bell.

This imbalance caused by the elite’s grasping, stupidity and immodesty has pulled our society from health into the pathological. Evidenced by the open censorship, lawfare and lies we are required to repeat. No honest person could argue these are healthy things in a society. Meanwhile, as the progressive insanity gets ever more insane, those opposing the idiocy back down, because we are scared of being called a racist for supporting Constitutional limits, haters for not wanting our children sterilized, or ridiculed as old fashioned for believing in the nuclear family. The more we allow the balance to be pulled from equilibrium to absurdity, the more we can expect to suffer. The answer, is to cut the power of the progressive faction, to a fraction… thus restoring equilibrium.


John Pepin

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