Does Evil Precede The Breaks… Or Do Breaks Precede Evil?

Dear Friends,

I wonder if God doesn’t give evil people the breaks, and good people tough breaks, or is it that getting all the breaks turns someone evil, while getting tough breaks turns someone good? Socrates implied the latter in Plato’s book about his death, Phaedo. Observed subjective reality implies the opposite though. That truly evil people almost always escape consequences for their transgressions. Moreover, for them, crime pays, and pays well. Take the example of George Soros. A Nazi collaborator, he made his wealth bankrupting nations central banks and impoverishing millions. I understand Soros is still under indictment in several countries around the world. Yet he is not only a free man, he changes the outcome of elections with his vast fortune, while you and I are politically limited.

Is it that Soros turned evil because he was never held to account, for anything, or is it that he was evil from the start, and thus was granted freedom of action denied to the rest of us? The Lucifarians might argue evil precedes breaks. In that their twisted philosophy has Lucifer, the snake in the Garden of Eden, as the good guy in the story. They also claim that God is a demiurge that is bent on keeping mankind ignorant. In that scenario, it would make sense that evil precedes breaks. Since their god is evil incarnate, it would only make sense in that world view, that evil, or from their point of view, the inner strength to do whatever is necessary for their personal advancement… is righteous. So, we might conclude that from a Lucifarian worldview, evil people get the breaks, or evil precedes breaks.

Could it be however, that Soros turned evil, because he never faced consequences for his actions? One might conclude from raising children, that when a child is not punished, he or she is not socialized. An unsocialized adult usually ends up in jail, on the dole and dead at a young age. Not all however. Flip a coin often enough and sooner or later you will hit a streak of heads that is unlikely. The same holds true of unsocialized people. Most quickly land a tail and go to jail, while a very few fortunate ones, always land heads, and so continue. Moreover, I expect that those who get away, up their game. Until eventually, they are evil incarnate, like George Soros, Klaus the varmint Schwab or the Rothschild family. It could be then, that the lack of punishment makes people evil, or, breaks precede evil.

Regardless of why someone turns evil, the reality is, their evil has a profound affect on the world. Since they are essentially unaccountable for anything they do, they land heads with uncanny accuracy. A few years ago, when Soros was only in his 80s, he beat the snot out of his scrawny 19 year old South American soap opera star girl friend. She went to the NYC police, bloodied… and was laughed out of the precinct. This year Soros is giving 250 million to the democrats in the 2022 election. Meanwhile, if you or I give more the 10k, we go to jail. Of course, Soros is not purely evil, no one is. Machiavelli himself told us that. In his idol of the theater, Soros is the good guy, moving power away from the gullible masses, and to the serpentine bankers… to save the world from the human race.

The damage evil people do is magnified by the stupid. One or two evil people can manipulate hundreds or millions of stupid people, into becoming demons. Does anyone really think Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amine, Fidel, or a host of other mini Lucifers, were stupid… or evil? Their flunkies and the masses that went along were stupid. These evil people that live unaccountable lives lower the lot of mankind drastically. Whether their outsized power is because evil precedes breaks, or breaks precedes evil, their power to do harm is undeniable. It is in our interests to limit their ability, to manipulate stupid people into becoming thought police. Government transparency exposes evil and so limits it. Until we demand transparency, in one voice, the elite will never subject themselves to it.


John Pepin

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