The Hidden Option

Dear Friends,

It seems to me mankind is at a crossroads. We are told the options are, a World government enforcing totalitarian socialism, or World government that enforces a totalitarian Caliphate. There are no other options being promoted by the World’s Elite. They are of one mind… Total World government is the answer. The unbiased media are completely on board with this pernicious notion as are most academics and political Elite. They wish to run headlong into this oppressive societal model they see as a utopian vision of World peace… the peace of the slave to the master. The individual, they see, must be controlled and re-engineered into ants, that merely serve the collective. Both are false options, evil incarnate, and will lead to more human suffering than any dictator has ever visited upon his people… Mao included.

Speaking of Mao, Obama and his allies see him as their ideal model. They have often mentioned Mao in their speeches and revel in quoting him, “Political power comes from the barrel of a gun,” Obama had a Mao Christmas tree ornament on his tree, and so forth. Mao also believed in a World government that is all powerful. Today we have both political parties in the US proposing the total state as a viable option. One wants to race there the other wants a more measured pace. No one proposes the option that was enumerated in the US Constitution… individual liberty and human equality. Mao was an enemy of individual liberty as are the political, cultural and intellectual Elite around the World. Mao championed of economic equality.

This mind set is not only pervasive in the US but we see it around the globe. Europe is racing to that goal in many ways. One is by destroying the economies of Europe. The European model of economics has the roof supporting the foundation. They see this as ingenious… that they could get the government to support the people. The perpetual deficit spending and eroding of the work ethic is another facet of this mastermind plan. The Elite don’t see any problem with more and more people leaving the workforce to become dependent. This is the natural course of economic evolution… according to them.

This model has been so thoroughly discredited by history, one would think it obvious, but the Elite lower the level of education to the point of non education. Non education being the dumbing down of children and convincing them their eyes lie while the self serving utopian politicians tell the truth. Why believe an uncomfortable fact when the Elite claim comfortable untruths as verity? Not only our children are subject to non-education but we are as well. The culture encourages this lunacy on everyone who consumes entertainment.

The unbiased media report partial truths, untruths and outright propaganda. Like the sophist redefining of human equality into economic equality. The media is filled with nonsense like, what entertainer is running around on their spouses and fiction about global warming, that has to be renamed global climate change, because no one knows if the climate is warming or cooling, or how it is occurring… just that it is evil capitalism and freedom causing it. The unbiased media withhold real truth because it doesn’t promote the party line while the movies almost universally show goodness as bad and badness as good. Look at the lionizing of Che in The Motorcycle Diaries.

History is white washed except where it backs the totalitarian program. We are regaled with every evil that the West has visited on mankind without a word to the evils every other civilization has visited on humanity. The one sided story is promoted as profound truth further promulgating the non education we are subjected to. Colonialism is preached as total evil, (which it was), while the horrors Mao visited on his people, starvation as a political tool, mass murder of dissidents, reeducation camps and so forth, are glossed over… because he believed in economic equality. Pinochet’s atrocities are given full light, while the inhumanities of the communists that he was fighting, are ignored. Tamerlane’s murderous rampages, the destruction of religious monuments, wiping out of the Egyptian language, subjugation of people, Dhimmi status of other religions, abuse of women, the invasion of Europe and all the other atrocities of Islam are forgotten. The list of misdirection, erasing history and red herrings are endless.

We are being taught to be subservient to the State. We are being told anyone who seeks individual liberty and individual sovereignty is evil. That we are bad in our hearts and that it is only the total State that can rectify our sins against mother nature. We are bombarded with the pernicious notion that God doesn’t exist and we are to worship the created, or a man… instead of the creator. All this has one possible outcome… A new World order, where we are controlled by a very tiny cadre of self serving Elite, that have total power. Our willing ignorance feeds directly into their plans.

The question is, do we want one of those futures for our children? Maybe we should wake up, and give them liberty and prosperity instead, or are we going to deliver our children into the hands of these megalomaniacs? As I said in the beginning, we are being told there are only two options, but in fact there is another. It is up to us to take the hidden option. I hope and pray we do else or children will pay a heavy price.


John Pepin

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