Tax, Spend and Regulate

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that we are on a slow slide to oblivion. People immediately look to government if anything goes wrong in their lives. When government is spending the people into the poor house and bankrupting businesses with the tax burden the need for social services is greatest. But tax revenue is always going down. Because government taxing, regulating and spending drives business away.

Firms have to leave the people. Even firms that wholeheartedly want to stay are forced out. As business leaves an area the tax base necessarily goes down. But the need for government spending goes up. Government then always raises taxes. Forcing more business out of the state or municipality. Raising the need for government spending. The cycle is like fire… self sustaining.

Apparently the rulers of Michigan and Illinois don’t realize this simple fact. So they have run those two states into the ground. Jobs are evaporating out of the states. Driving a greater need for social services funded by taxation. (People are trained to look to the state). Taxes are already very high in those states. Now budgets are breaking.

The example of these two states should give one pause. But the Elite are determined that we not see it. They redirect our gaze to dancing with the stars. This vicious cycle has manifested itself over and over in history but we doggedly refuse to learn the lesson.

That is government cannot support the people. That is like a roof of a house supporting the foundation. No matter what, some foundation must touch the ground, else the laws of physics are broken (house floats). The more government tries to support the people the more stress is put on the whole structure of the state.

To argue that the rich have too much and the poor have too little and so it is just to take from the one and give to the other is no different than arguing the learned have too much knowledge and the ignorant have too little. Let us take from the one and give to the other. (Supposing it was possible).

The basic premise is that the human being is not sovereign upon himself. Once the door is opened a little it can be easily thrust open all the way. Because if you and I are not sovereign then we can be compelled to do any number of things that are not in our personal best interest.

A gruesome example would be; A scientist discovers that if a certain type of person is tortured to death over a two month period. After the two months his or her body would produce enough of a substance to save ten million cancer patients. Would that be morally acceptable? The logic is the same. The one person has too much health and the ten millions of people have too little. Let us take from the one and distribute it to the many. As long as the person that produces the substance is not sovereign he has no say. Some would argue it morally good. In the name of distributive justice it would be duty and therefore is an imperative and thus moral… A priori. Ergo it must be done.

When theory bumps up against reality theory gives way. That is the scientific method. But not in political governance. The political animal has no measure for his actions. Unlike the tradesman the modern legislator acts a spectator and feigns outrage at the injustices he has visited on the people.

Who knows what will become of Michigan and Illinois. The federal government may bail them out for a while but the federal government is on the Eurostar to the same place. They will be running out of money soon. Raising social spending much faster than revenues could ever keep up. As jobs are driven out of the country the tax base will necessarily go down. Taxes will be raised. The need is too much for government to curb it‘s profligacy. And voila! we are all on the treadmill.

Maybe… the Elite think that houses can float?

Well if it’s comanded by the Supreme Court they will!

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