Man Made or Not?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that we must cast a skeptical eye on “man made” global warming. There seems to be a suppression of debate, similar to the suppression of debate that led to the execution of Galileo.

Any scientist that disagrees with the “consensus” is reviled and his/her credentials are threatened. Take for example where the funding is made the target. Are scientists that are funded by environmental organizations equally as suspect? Here at the ad homonym attacks are plentiful.

There is a great deal of evidence against the theory “Man made” part of the theory. Take for example The planet Mars is warming in virtual lock step with Earth.

With the Voyager Spacecraft passing the Heliopause and finding that it is expanding and contracting it suggests that the interstellar “atmospheric pressure” isn’t constant. and If this is so then if we (as a solar system) pass through an area of low “interstellar pressure” the density of the local solar wind will be reduced. This would in turn result in better transmission of solar energy to the planets, Global Warming or Global Cooling. There is ample evidence condemning the man made part.

The Earth is still emerging from the last ice age. The glaciers that formed then have still not fully melted and the temperature still hasn’t fully recovered. Land is still rising from the retreat of the glaciers in Asia .

The test of a theory is the way it stands the test of doubt. The test of doubt is the foundation of Western Philosophy since Descartes said “I think therefore I am.” You could almost say that Western Philosophy is the philosophy of doubt, epitomized in the realist tradition. If Man Made Global Warming alarmists seek to stifle debate it says a lot about their confidence in their own arguments.

Makes you wonder if there is some other agenda…

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