The Court System Has Utterly Discredited Itself

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when you know how a judge will rule, depending on his or her political party, you don’t have law, you have arbitrary rule masquerading as law. We see this most clearly in the US Supreme court. You know how each “justice” is going to rule on any question only based on their ideology. The progressives always rule against original intent, in an attempt to evolve the US Constitution away from limited government, objectivism, and individualism, to unlimited government, subjectivism and groupism. They have given up all pretext of following our Constitution and foundational Enlightenment principles, instead setting themselves up as the absolute oligarchy. Not at all self serving, arrogant or psychopathic. Very progressive though. What are we going to do about it?

Elitist theory says that no apparently catastrophic fall happens in an instant, they are the result of years of corrosion, like when the justice system ceases being a justice system, and instead becomes a means to oppress. Elitist theory, a theory in direct opposition to class theory, also states that in any group, ten percent will gravitate to the top. That ten percent will run things, only changing members when they are forced to. It discounts race, ideology, class, religion, wealth, etc… as the determiners of who leads. The only thing Elitist theory gives weight to is merit and activity. Merit need not be virtue, it could be the will to power of a psychopath. Action is rigorous activity to achieve a goal. Because all things being equal, the person who works harder at a thing is more likely to achieve it… even if only to destroy it.

Every five to four split, along party lines in the Supreme Court, is an unambiguous signal that ruling is a political one. No other conclusion can be drawn. If we examine the rulings by the light of original intent, progressive judges always seek to move the US away from it’s founding principles, and toward post modernist progressive ones. In this, Chief “Justice” Roberts sides against our founding principles almost all the time, giving the progressive faction within the Supreme Court a slight hegemony. Which translates into, the law of the land is steadily being moved away from founding principles, to the principles that ruled the USSR, North Korea, China and Cuba. Each step further erodes our foundational principles and thus makes us more exposed to catastrophe.

The courts have made a total joke of themselves in the Micheal Flynn absurdity writ large they call legal jurisprudence. The political court system cannot allow him to go free, despite the fact he was innocent, exculpatory evidence was withheld, the FBI lied under oath, his civil rights were violated, his children were threatened by the FBI, the Justice department filed to acquit, his original judge was a political agitator, etc… the courts simply will not let him go. They ignored open perjury by the FBI on multiple occasions, when getting warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, yet are determined to nail Flynn for being accused of lying, even though he never lied! The blatant double standard is not as shocking as the courts lack of self awareness about it. Utterly discrediting the courts.

In the light of the fact our court system has become a political entity, that has wholeheartedly given itself to the promotion of a political faction and its anti American ideology, is alarming. How are we to believe anything that comes out of that utterly corrupted judiciary? Our lack of faith in the legal system is totally the making of our judges. They have so sullied their own image it can never be recovered. Not without something drastic done to insure they never get so corrupted again. A police of the elite, a Numa, would provide the oversight and transparency, as well as punishment for political judges. Because when someone sets themselves above the law, passing judgment based on subjective ideology, instead of objective truths, you don’t have a system of justice, you have a system of oppression.


John Pepin

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