A Progressive Innovation… Overlords.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, only and everywhere democrats are in charge… are the leaders not responsible for their own actions. Generally, when a leader runs a place into the ground, the people blame the leader, but where democrats rule, the media, politicians and professionals, (the New Class) blame those without power. Call it cognitive dissonance, ideological capture or normalcy bias, it all amounts to democrats creating dystopia while the people trying to stop them get blamed for the chaos. This plays into the fact democrats are above the law while we are below it’s protections. From weaponizing the bureaucracy against their political enemies, to spying on Trump, the progressive faction has, through it’s control of the new class, set up the democrats as a hegemonic power, (our overlords), in the United States.

Hegemonic powers have certain attributes that describe them. They are above the law, make the law, we are not allowed to criticize them and the government serves them instead of the people. In the US today the democrat party meets all of these requirements. They pass laws without having to go through the tedious Constitutional process, via bureaucracy… and by fiat when the President is a democrat. They are above the law. Anyone who criticizes them is a racist. Progressive militants, like ANTIFA and BLM are allowed to hold political riots, even destroying property, while churches are shut down and other political factions are silenced. Government especially the bureaucracy serves democrat interests not national interests. All of which is a clear indication democrats are the hegemonic power in the US.

Progressives all believe they are above the law but only democrats actually are. Examples of democrats getting away with things that would land a republican in jail are a case study in double standards. Al Gore raising campaign funds in is office and claiming he is above the law was classic. Fast and Furious would have ended the Presidency of any Republican and most democrats. Corrupting the IRS to silence conservatives would have resulted in impeachment for anyone other than Obama. The parade of progressive apparatchiks who have perjured themselves before Congress, the Senate, the FISA Courts and the public is astounding. Not to mention the shocking revelations of Podesta’s emails that exposed pedophilia by our top lawmakers, that was “debunked,” without investigation. Ala Epstein’s ”suicide.”

Trump is denied even the Right to the powers enumerated in our Constitution. Everything he does is litigated to the Supreme Court with almost every one being a 5-4 decision. Roberts is often the swing vote against our Constitution. Very progressive of him. In an act of pure villainy against our Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 ruling, Roberts being the swing vote again, that Obama’s nakedly unconstitutional Dreamer order, could not be overturned by Trump… because Trump hadn’t given sufficient reason Obama’s executive order, that everyone agrees is not Constitutional, should be overturned! You can’t make this up. It’s too absurd. Which means, Obama was allowed to violate the Constitution by fiat while trump is not even allowed to return our laws to Constitutional Muster.

Bringing us back to the original contention, that anyplace run by democrats for any length of time turns into an outhouse of poverty, crime, racism, with a bankrupt and corrupt government… yet they never get blamed. Detroit has been under monopoly democrat control since the early 1960s. It is a disaster zone of abandoned homes, rampant crime, gang violence, closed and rotting factories, crumbling infrastructure, bankrupt and corrupt to the core, yet it is only one of hundreds of examples where democrats took thriving cities, and decimated them with their policies… and escape blame for their own actions. Just like Cuomo is “not responsible” for his arbitrary order seeding nursing homes with covid 19. Democrats are clearly a hegemony in the US today, and overlords get credited… not blamed.


John Pepin

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