Hope Cannot Be Lost… It Can Only Be Given Up

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if democrats pull off enough mail in vote fraud to steal this year’s election, then we should take a page from their playbook. Litigate everything they do to the Supreme Court. Then use civil disobedience should we lose in the stacked court system. This is necessitated by the fact democrats have moved what is acceptable so far from our founding principles. If we don’t follow them, and become every bit as unreasonable and intolerant as they, we will have ceded the fight before it is engaged… and with it, the advances of the Enlightenment. Progressive post modernists make no bones about it, they disagree with the Enlightenment’s objectivism, individualism and limited government, they want to impose subjectivism, groupism and unlimited government on the world again.

Von Clausewitz said that war is the exercise of violence, and as such, the more violent faction wins. Therefore war naturally evolves to be ever more violent, until humanity as a whole steps in, and decides some violence is going too far. After his death, his prediction was proved true by the various Conventions, made necessary by World War One’s atrocities. That convention outlawed a slew of warfare methods that had become too onerous even for psychopaths, chemical and biological warfare, hollow pointed bullets, etc… People came together to create rules for war. While those rules have often been ignored, especially by the more barbaric, they have nevertheless proven to be wise. The progressive faction never got the memo however… and have taken political warfare to new lows.

Weaponizing everything, even the administrative state, against all other factions, the progressive faction has become the defacto oligarchy. Examples abound of utterly perverting agencies within the Administrative state, like using the IRS to silence conservative groups, before the 2012 election. That was done without consequences for any progressive. That stunt possibly swindled the American people out of a real choice. First by installing Romney the Rino as the Republican… facing Obama the ostentatious. No real choice there, they are both cut from the same cloth. Creating Brown Shirts to sow violence is another political innovation the democrats have brought to America. Antifa and BLM, which democrats refuse to condemn. Imagine a republican refusing to condemn the democrat’s KKK?

Antifa and BLM are the violent arm of the progressive faction. Prior to now, the US had no need for a violent arm of a political faction. More to the point, such a thing prior to now would have been illegal and those who promoted such a thing, would have faced an ostracism, every bit as severe as the Ancient Athenian. Showing what is considered acceptable political discourse has changed a great deal. Where violence to promote an ideology was frowned upon now it is lauded as enthusiasm. When once corrupting the bureaucracy to political ends, might have got a politician kicked out of office, today it is the fault of the victim, for having such a wrong opinion. Time and space limit me in further examples but you get the picture. It is a paradigm shift in what is acceptable… at least for one faction.

Lest you mistake what I mean, I am NOT saying republicans should corrupt the bureaucracy as democrats have done, nor am I saying anyone should adopt violence as a tool of political repression as democrats are also doing. What I am saying, is that we must become more strident in our defense of our Constitution, the Enlightenment and God… than progressives are in their attacks. We need to coalesce and mobilize to protect our history, our Rights, our culture and principles. If we can’t get a voucher system, abandon the public schools anyway, hold a few boycotts of our own, project pictures of aborted babies on clinics, deluge legislators and CEOs with angry letters, and become unreasonable. Stop playing by their rules and start making a few of our own. Stop tolerating the intolerable.


John Pepin

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