The Attack on Thanksgiving

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… there can be nothing more unAmerican than attacking Thanksgiving. The first truly American holiday. Dedicated to Thanking God for our great good fortune, to have enough to eat, a roof over our heads and warm clothing. That is all. The insane unAmerican attack on Thanksgiving by our corporate overlords, shows who they serve, and it’s not God. Today, we across the globe and in every corner, have it better by every measure, than everyone else in the history of Mankind, yet we are thankful for NOTHING. In this time of plenty and utter ingratitude, maybe we should embrace Thanksgiving, instead of turning away. Most of our deep societal problems can be traced to people being ungrateful for their good fortune. Are you grateful… or are you an ingrate?

Thanksgiving has nothing whatsoever to do with oppression of native Americans. That is changing the subject. To trick people into thinking good is bad and evil is good. The ground is constantly shifting under your feet, when arguing with a progressive, because they constantly change the subject. That is the only tool in the progressive’s toolbox. If someone makes a cogent argument a progressive can’t address, they call you a racist, changing the subject from discourse to a personal attack. Use logic and facts backed up by links to authoritative news articles, and a progressive will exclaim, he is tired of your hate speech. The unAmerican attack on Thanksgiving is exactly the same, changing the subject, so they don’t have to address the core argument.

Being thankful is the only path to human heartedness. How often do you thank God for your good fortune? When you sit down to an awesome meal, do you say grace? When you buy a new car, do you thank God for the ability to buy it, or that it exists at all? When your children smile at you, are you grateful for them? Even the smallest thing is reason to give thanks. Giving thanks to God does nothing for him, but it does everything for us. It changes our mindset from one of anger, bitterness and competition, to one of joy, acceptance and cooperation. The human hearted are thankful, psychopaths are not, nor will they ever be. So they seek to make everyone else as ungrateful and miserable as they are. Gratitude is the solution and Thanksgiving is the means.

You have more to be thankful for than you know. Even if you are dying of Cancer at the ripe old age of 50, you have it better than most of humanity. Imagine being a slave on a ship rowing all day? Little to eat and a lash to provide incentive. Your life would have been short, painful, unfulfilled and fearful. Yet I bet there were slaves who were far more thankful than the richest people today. Do you think Sundar Pichar, Mark Zuckerman, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, etc… are fundamentally happy? Of course not. If they were, they would let the rest of us be, but they hold bitterness against God. They are angry at creation itself and so gleefully serve Lucifer. It is pretty hard to deny. Anyone who attacks Thanksgiving cannot be grateful. Those who call evil good, and good evil, are not good people.

Look at the people around you. Are the people who have much but are bitter, ungrateful and angry… or happy and satisfied with their lives? What about the people who have little but are thankful? An open minded survey will answer the question, of whether or not it behooves us to be thankful, or ingrates. Ingrates can never be happy, while the grateful unburden themselves of ingratitude, so they can carry other burdens. Depressed? Try thanking God in the morning and afternoon for everything you have. Soon that depression will go away. Sad? Thank God daily and that sadness will turn to joy. Scared? Thank God for every moment of life, and that fear will melt away like so much dew, before the Texas sun. Ingratitude smothers your psyche while gratitude elevates it. It’s your choice. Choose wisely.


John Pepin

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