Open Sourced Election Software Should be the Norm

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, election software should be open sourced, and be shown running in realtime on election night. That would allow us to have some sense of ease in the legitimacy of our elections. As it is today, with shadowy organizations running proprietary software, that advertises it can get the buyers reelected, only a simpleton would believe in the legitimacy of our elections. One thing we all agree on, is the legitimacy of a government depends on the consent of the people. Lacking that consent any government is illegitimate. Consent can only be given through the democratic process. When that is undermined, to give a usurper a false air of legitimacy, that government is doomed. The only way to insure the will of the people is followed is by free and fair elections done on open sourced machines.

Allegations fly around after every election like fruit flies a rotten apple. This year the allegations are backed up with very damning statistical data. Whether or not you believe Benford’s law is 100% indicative of election fraud, anyone with an open mind can only find the conclusions drawn from a Benford analysis, to be alarming at the least. Sufficient to warrant further investigation. It is at least anecdotal evidence of a crime. Ask yourself this, “If the sides were reversed, what would the elite be calling for?” If Biden was winning, then republicans had shut down counting, ejected democrat poll monitors, then in the morning, Trump had miraculously gained the lead? Would democrats be scrambling to verify the election without any real investigation? Bush V Gore answers that question.

Who knows if Sindey Powell is crazy, fell for a swindle, is a double agent… or is really onto something. Her charges are extreme to say the least. She claims that the software in the 2020 election was designed with election fraud avenues… as a feature. Not only does she say it had back doors to switch the votes, but it has the capability of running an algorithm, (a program in the background that runs a formula), that made a vote for Trump count less than a vote for Biden. She goes on to say that this software has been used internationally to change the results of elections. Moreover, she claims that the software was designed by Hugo Chavez for specifically the purpose of election fraud. Very extreme allegations. Like I said, who knows, they bare investigation since they are clear indication of opportunity and means.

Given what we know about the elite, their psychopathic nature, virtue is no defense. You can’t say that the elite are too nice to do anything like that. Unless you are Pollyanna. You don’t get power unless you are willing to get it. Power is never handed, it must be taken, and only those who want it go to the trouble of taking it. Therefore those who lust for power over others are the ones who usually get it. Psychopaths. Others, by the time they have fought their way to the top, have become sociopaths, and so are no better. To say that a psychopath or sociopath, has an ethos that allows them to kill without remorse, (start a war) but doesn’t give them the latitude to engage in election fraud, is to say a fish can’t swim or a bird would never fly. The elite are more than capable of such malevolence.

Democrats are ecstatic that they are almost in a position to change the US and the world. As Biden is appointing a dream team of neocon warmongers, globalists and corporatists. With total power dangling at their fingertips, they have announced their first act will be eliminating all limitations on their power… the filibuster, adding states, enact laws to legitimize election fraud, etc… Giving them motive. If guilty, democrats will stand in the way of any investigation into the election, like any common criminal. The first thing that must be done is for all the software, including updates the night of the election, to be decompiled and made public. Along with a full forensic analysis of the signatures and counting… if that is done, republicans will concede, anything less is proof of election fraud and will lead to chaos.


John Pepin

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