The Beast in the Bureaucracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the bureaucracy is a traitorous and loathsome Beast, that stands against the very goods that allowed it to come into being. You could say the bureaucracy is a nihilistic monster that has escaped it’s cage. Bureaucracy was invented to assist constitutional government with it’s increasingly complex duties. The more laws, regulations, usurpations, taxes, cronyism and graft, the more bureaucracy needed to keep it all going. Of course, corruption is very lucrative, and so, following the law of economics, when there is easy profit, many will crowd in. Typically in a market such behavior reduces that profit and creates perfect competition. In the case of government however, the more that crowd in, the more profit there is. Becoming a toxin that creates contagious zombies.

In Mary Shelly’s cautionary novel, Doctor Frankenstein didn’t create his flesh automaton to wreak havoc, it is just the natural consequence of creating something that can get out of control. Like Frankenstein’s monster the bureaucracy has escaped it’s bonds. The servant has become the master. Instead of the constitutional government, the Executive, Legislature and Judicial, running the show, the bureaucracy runs it. Unlike Frankenstein’s monster however, the bureaucracy is a tentacled thing, that clutches and consumes everything in it’s reach. It is so voracious it would consume everything and even itself once it is done with us. It is loathsome in that it is ugly to behold and so works in the dark. The examples of where the Venn diagrams of monster and bureaucracy overlap would fill encyclopedias.

The creature that is the bureaucracy detests us, considering itself superior to us, morally, intellectually and spiritually. Since it considers itself superior, and us inferior, we are like cattle to it. Cattle to be herded, vaccinated and eaten for nourishment. Like a werewolf eats hearts, the bureaucracy must consume those it… serves. The only thing the bureaucracy despises more than us is itself. A self loathing beast must be nihilistic, and we see its every action proves it’s zealous dedication, to nihilism. Moreover, that nihilistic beast has pulled its chains from the wall and now wields them like duel maces. It no longer follows the law, societal norms or precedent. It truly has escaped its cage. Nothing now contains it, not law, public opinion, elections or custom, it is a Blob that is consuming the town.

Before the, ahem, “election,” we could pretend it was chained securely to the wall. Now the bodies are piling up and we have to do something. It’s time to put it down, like any other man eating monster that is running rampant. Any sane people would put down a rabid dog, why hesitate with a monster orders of magnitude more dangerous? Might as well sleep with a rattler. Like a vampire the Beast is allergic to light. That is one weapon we can use to corral it. Any man eater will grow weak when not fed. So it would behoove us to stop feeding it our taxes, fees and loyalty. It deserves nothing but our contempt. We have grown so accustomed to its looming presence we barely notice it. Ignoring its snarling, grasping and the occasional victim. That time has passed, it is loose and we have to act.

A mortal blow to the Beast would be a return to Constitutional rule. A big change. Such big change is very scary to most people. We are used to hoping the beast will satisfy itself with someone else today. Like the fledgling, we fear the unknown, yet it is within us to fly. As we watch a monster pluck our nest mates and eat them, we have two choices, be a meal for a loathsome evil monstrosity that serves Lucifer himself, else jump out and fly free. If we rise up… like a mob, with pitchforks and torches marching to Frankenstein’s castle, maybe we can drive the beast out and slay it. Being immortal it can never be altogether killed, but it can be beaten down in our lifetimes, and that of our children. Only if we act before it has sucked out our life force. I say… Kill the traitorous Beast before it kills us all!

John Pepin

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