Separate but not Equal

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, nothing is more terrifying to an oppressor, than a uniting people. A smart tyrant or oligarchy then will do everything in their power to keep us separate. Individualism is wholly inadequate for this purpose, since it has the tendency to unite us by showing us our commonalities, instead of our differences. Oppressors must highlight our differences. We individuals are diverse yet we unite by nature. Our irrelevant qualities can be used to differentiate us though, then jealousy and envy can be applied to create enmity, between the “factions” progressives created from thin air. It becomes impossible to sell out a people if we are aware, but easy if we are disunited, our attention diverted and angry at a straw man. That is how you solve the fears of tyrants and would be oppressors.

The election of Trump was in part a reaction to our backstabbing aristocracy. Almost all of our societal problems are due to our leaders overseeing the intentional managed decline of the US. They despise us and our heritage and have made it clear by their actions. Selling us out to the CCP for a profit is icing on the cake they get to eat too. Like Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people…” Those who are not fooled, or are realizing we are the mark in a great confidence game, are growing in number and in anger. The tide of our resentment at those who have violated their oath to our Constitution and our great promise itself, is why Trump won, despite hoaxes reported as truth against him, literally a billion dollars spent against him and his campaign spied on by the FBI and CIA for Hillary and Obama.

The insane actions of the democrats today are their panicked attempts to separate us along whatever lines they can… race, politics, religion, state, county, mask wearer, and soon, by RFID. A mere Twelve years ago, the United States was so inclusive and comfortable with race, that Barak Hussein Obama was elected President. In eight years he destroyed race relations, swelled the rolls on welfare and food stamps, obliterated public education with Common Core, handed our existential enemies a path to nuclear arms and the billions they would need to get there, armed Mexican drug cartels and blamed American gun shops for it, exploited his power to abuse political enemies via the IRS, bugged reporters computers and spied on the Trump campaign worse than Nixon. All designed to separate us.

Yet those same policies are focusing us on their malfeasance, corruption and psychopathy. The open lawlessness democrats today are abetting, justifying and indeed leading is to further separate us. They separate us into groups then set us against each other. Pitting Blacks against Whites, rich against poor, landed versus tenant, new class against working class, immigrant versus citizen, the list is endless. Moreover, progressives have the audacity to stratify us by group in a hierarchy of oppressed and oppressor. The democrats prove Aristotle correct, when he said in Nichomachian Ethics, Democracy is the perversion of polity. In that polity is a general agreement while democracy is the tyranny of the majority… polity then makes us friends while democracy makes us enemies. Like modern democrats.

Separating us is what the groupism of post modernism is all about. To empower the aristocracy at our expense. The more we fall for the scam the more power we cede to the elite. People who, by their actions have shown they will sell us and our children out, for a good view of a lake. Black Americans had to be made angry because Trump had improved their situation too much. They were on the verge of waking up to the fact democrats need them poor and angry. Becoming rich and happy will not do at all. So BLM arose at the first “unarmed” shooting the elite could exploit to create anger. The result is bitterness between the races, where a mere twelve years ago… Truly psychopathic but effective. Especially if we keep falling for it. Our only enemies are the progressive elite trying to separate us.


John Pepin

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