How To Attack Freedom

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives cannot attack freedom directly, so instead they attack it’s related ideas, capitalism, individualism and objectivity. At this point socialism cannot be argued on it’s merits, they not only don’t exist, they have been proven conclusively not to. That was the singular lesson of the Twentieth Century. That socialism always fails, and fails spectacularly, no matter what the incarnation. From the French Revolution, starting the roll of failures, through Lenin’s reign of terror. Hitler changed the paradigm slightly and we all know how the Thousand Year Reich turned out. That glittering lie has too strong a draw for arrogant and foolish supremacists. So to convince enough people to go along, they claim there can be no objective truth, that individualism is fiction… which leads to open absurdity.

To start on the road to absurdity they first make the spurious rationalization that the Enlightenment was a lie. Ignoring the pragmatic outcome, science, the industrial revolution, outlawing slavery, medicine, and technology, and the basis for their own morality… they argue the intellectuals of the Enlightenment were greedy, racist slave owners, and therefore were bad people. Concluding we need to turn away from objective truths and individualism to subjectivity and groupism. What makes that argument, away from objectivity and individuality to subjectivity and groupism is that the argument itself negates the arguer’s ability to make it! If a person is only an automaton in service to the group, then that person, by their own admission, is incapable of making that argument. Only an individual could, but wouldn’t.

Basing their arguments on absurdity they go on to justify atrocities. Real Marxism has never been tried is as comfortable to a progressive as an old shoe. Ignoring the outcomes of countless experiments in socialism. That argument always boils down to, “Had I been the dictator, it would have turned out to be utopia. They just had the wrong leaders…” Some even citing South Africa and Nelson Mandela’s ANC. A Marxist political party that over saw the installation of a socialist Black government with little discrimination against Whites. Unlike Rwanda’s genocide and expulsion of Whites leading to famine, hyper inflation and economic collapse. The problem with having the right dictator is that everyone dies. Mandela is now dead and the genocide and expulsion has begun in earnest in South Africa.

The normalcy bias makes many, especially in the progressive voting base, think that revolution could happen and we would have more wealth, less poverty, violence and hunger. In the face of all the historical evidence to the contrary. They cannot imagine the people they have put their faith in, would usher in a Maoist style Great Leap Forward, starving millions. The possibility of a War of conquest and subjection based on hate for a certain race is unthinkable… especially when they are of that race! These things are unimaginable to the average progressive. Their normalcy bias keeps them in the absurd zone, thinking that socialism could work, this time. They honestly believe that the economic collapse of Venezuela is due to Western Imperialism, instead of Chavez and Maduro’s ruinous economic policies.

Enabled by people captured by their ideology, who gladly gobble down any absurdity their leaders pull from the derriere, the progressive faction’s leaders are empowered to attack freedom, albeit indirectly. Using the normalcy bias, greed and envy as tactics to manipulate their followers, also known as Marks, mob violence to suppress speech and thus thought, and teaching their toxic philosophy to our children, at our expense, they will laugh all the way to Hell itself. Those of us who are not mesmerized by the glittering lies must act, speak and vote. It is up to us, the adults in the room, to point out the glittering lies, the absurdities and then explain how those absurdities lead to atrocities, in the past, today and in the future. Act like an adult… else we and our children will have to experience atrocity first hand.


John Pepin

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