The Consequences of Silence

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are expected to believe the most insane things today, else there are consequences. A few years ago if you claimed someone beat themselves to death, you would be laughed out of the room, yet today we are told it is common, for doctors in their 40’s who are about to testify against the Clintons. Or that people self strangulate often, especially when they have inside information about the elite’s crimes against children. From all white people are racists and thus privileged, to police are the biggest threat to black men, we have to mouth things we know to be lies, else face the anger of a mob. A mob wielded by psychopaths intent on destroying the US, limited government, individualism, the family, capitalism, objectivism and the nation state model for a globalist one… by their own words.

The entire thrust of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s book, The gulag Archipelago, was that lies lead to gulags. That thousand page tome is a list of atrocities inflicted upon human beings for the crime of having been denounced. A woman who wasn’t angry that another had escaped the Gulag, was forced to stand in the cold, until she died of exposure. The prisoners would take delight in torturing party stalwarts, who believed their incarceration was just a big mistake, and that soon they would be back in Stalin’s good graces. Because they were too stupid to realize they were captured by a lie. Atrocity piled upon crimes against humanity, is what always has and always will come, of going along with a lie. Those that demand we agree are psychopaths… would you demand someone else believe a lie for your benefit?

Believing in lies and absurdities is a sub-optimal strategy to get ahead. The guy who believes he can fly and jumps off a cliff to prove the point has a short life. The girl who thinks she is as tough as a man, because all the movies show the woman beating up the hoodlums, while her man quivers terrified in the background, is subject to violent correction on the mean streets of any city. The coward who holds that if only the mob is appeased, they will go away, will visit catastrophe on his or her nation. The student who thinks gender studies will get her a great job will spend their life hungry, angry and confused. Never is it the case that believing a lie gives someone an advantage. Indeed believing that which is not true cripples that person with a huge disadvantage. It’s how confidence men work.

Pretending to believe a crazy person’s fantasies only encourages them to have ever greater and more insane fantasies. It is one thing to encourage a child of four to play fantasy games, but quite another thing, to encourage a 60 year old wielding out-sized political power, to engage in fantasy play… at the expense of humanity. If someone has not the brains to understand reality by the time they are 50 they never will. Allowing them to engage in absurdity puts us all at a disadvantage. The crazy notions will increase, it hampers every one’s ability to get ahead, and the nation’s to function… but worst of all, such things lead through censorship, protecting the lies… all the way to Gulags. How many of us know this to be true yet stay silent? Our silence abets their malfeasance.

Going along with lies from people intent on our impoverishment, enslavement and diminishing us to sub human, to get along… is stupid. Maybe it’s easier today to stay silent when a progressive angrily declars an absurdity is not only truth but no one is allowed to debate. Like all right action though, the hard action today, saves a much harder decision later. Like a small fire in your house. Ignore it, and it will grow, until it burns the house down. Standing on the street, it is obvious the small problem should have been dealt with, but at the time it seemed easier not to. Our silence, enforced by fear of the mob, only makes them more powerful, crazier and thus, far more dangerous. In a democratic republic, our only power is our voice… we live in insane times because we don’t use it, by calling out absurdity.


John Pepin

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