The Fundamental Role Of Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, any government that doesn’t value its youth, above all things, is a government that is, in the most fundamental sense of the term… illegitimate. The reason government exists is to protect the world for the youth. Any other reason is either subordinate else a fallacy. A subordinate would be the goal of defending the nation from foreign invaders, protecting the economy from fraudulent actors and keeping the peace with equality under law. Those are subordinate goals to the overarching goal of protecting the youth. Because the youth are the nation. They are its future, squandering them is squandering the future, for a fallacy. Since anything that is counter to a basic obligation and duty is a fallacy. A fallacy that by its nature is a mortal danger to the nation and everyone who lives in it.

Using the youth to fight in a war… is like burning down your house for an addition, giving your skin to a tanner for a coat, or jumping off a cliff to fly. It is spending that which is dear for that which is mundane. What could be as dear as the life of a son or daughter? More wealth for the military industrial complex, a global corporatist utopian administrative state, or maybe more youth who’s lives the elite can also squander? That so few appear to recognize this, is not because we lack human heartedness, but because we have been educated to be stupid. The government spends a great deal of money stupefying our children so they will not be able to think for themselves. They have expended years of man hours, creating a curriculum that will turn out graduates unable, even to reason, how a wheel works.

Which brings me to the education system, that should be set up to get every student the best possible education, that serves them individually. Instead we have a system to make people stupid. Squandering the youth’s potential. Instead of educating our children personally, and with an eye to getting the most from each and every kid’s innate talents, they go to a factory to be made into bricks. With the same computing ability. Why? When we have a plethora of options in everything else. What make, model, and color car do you want? What style of clothes suits you? What kind of house do you like? What brand of soda, cereal or vodka do you prefer? Our capitalist system has made them all available, high quality and cheap… but not education. Because the government has usurped the role… and failed at it.

I cannot understand how moving manufacturing from the United States to China has benefited the youth? Replacing good jobs with opiates and hopelessness seems to me to have been another epic failure of the elite. The political class burned huge amounts of political capital, in moving the jobs away from us and our kids, and bringing in fentanyl made in China to fill the void. Since they worked so hard on this endeavor they must have thought it worthwhile. For someone, clearly not the youth, who’s interests they are obligated to protect. Then there is the fact the elite, as a bloc, not only support abortion but are now pushing to get babies murdered after they are born, up to 28 days old, so far. All of which proves, the government and thereby the elite, are intentionally failing at their most basic duty.

If we accept that the government is obligated to protect the youth, and their interests, then clearly the elite have failed on a magnificent scale. The babies that make it past the abortionist’s knife are educated to be stupid. In many cases, the most vulnerable kids are preyed upon by perverts, and manipulated into self sterilization. Then there is the drug epidemic, that the government has a hand in, as it punishes the youth for it. That little swindle kills about one hundred thousand kids a year in the US alone. Offshoring our jobs was a total perversion of their duty. It was the ultimate back stab. Replacing jobs with opiates and inculcating stupidity, for those who made it past the abortionist, is not protecting the youth and their interests. Now the elite are starting world wars, are they failing… or evil incarnate?


John Pepin

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