Paper Rights

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, without an enforcement mechanism, rights are not worth the paper they are written on. This truth has become obvious in the last year. In the Soviet Union, on paper, the “rights” enumerated were very expansive, in reality, they were nonexistent. Because those with the “authority,” police and laws, took them. Rights may be fundamental, natural and inalienable, but they stand in the way of the power of psychopaths. As impediments to the unlimited power of subhumans, who would be god kings, our Rights are granted at the end of a gun. Paper money and paper rights only value is the esteem we give them. Fiat money is worthless without public opinion to back it up. How much is a Greenback, Wiemar Deutsche Mark, or Soviet Ruble worth today? The same as your Constitutional Rights.

Rights that exist on paper but not in reality are mere manipulations. Manipulations that bestow unearned, illegitimate power… by stealing the basic human Rights of the people and replacing them with empty promises. In the US, we have the Right to freedom of speech, but in practice, access to the modern town square, the internet, is controlled by the elite. In a closet you can say anything you want, in public, the elite censor our speech to protect them from uncomfortable truths. Therefore, in the US, the First Amendment’s freedom of speech is a paper right, not a real right any longer. Most people would agree the Right to earn a living is fundamental as is the Right to buy and sell. Today those Rights are relabeled, privileges, and are being threatened unless we get proof we have had a vaccine.

A contract is only as good as its enforcement. If you buy a car under warranty and it breaks, but the dealership refuses to fix it under warranty, and you don’t demand they fulfill their obligation, that contract is worthless. If you sign a contract to build a house, give the money but the builder doesn’t build the house, and the courts say he doesn’t have to, because… why should he, that contract is unenforceable. Even the most basic contract must have an enforcement mechanism, else one party will certainly violate it, for their own benefit. That is why we have courts, police and laws. The contract between the people and the elite however is not enforceable. If the elite decide not to honor it, they simply do not, and there is nothing we can do about it. There is no enforcement mechanism.

Imagine how unethical the elite are, who disregard our Constitution, in favor of their usurped power over us? Obviously, someone who openly violates a contract is a liar, untrustworthy and a conniver… like the elite who run the world today. A conniver is always full of reasons why they would never do you wrong, just as a liar perpetually tells you, that he is the most trustworthy person alive. Moreover, someone who signs a contract with no intention of following through, is called a swindler. They sell a product, good or service they will not fulfill. They just want your money and prey on your honesty, gullibility and courtesy… traits they utterly lack. They run for office with the lie they will follow our Constitution but have zero intention to. Making them swindlers of the highest order.

It is nearly impossible for the average man or woman to safeguard our Rights, when we are lied to, silenced and our votes stolen. Add to that the clear politicization of the court system, the opacity of government and the national security state… and you have a perfect storm for despotism. We could stand, we could write letters demanding our reps to follow our Constitution, but we don’t. Many of us are scared. If they can so blatantly violate our Rights what is to hold them back from anything? A valid point. There is nothing stopping them from doing anything they want. Until and unless we force them to accept an enforcement mechanism and give it real teeth. Criminal penalties for violating the Constitution, as we face, if we violate their unconstitutional edicts. A Fourth Branch for example.


John Pepin

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