Self Censorship

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we self censor all the time, out of courtesy, but today we self censor out of fear. There is a big difference between the two. To self censor out of courtesy shows humility, human heartedness and wisdom. To self censor out of fear, shows there are those with power over you, who will extract a price for telling the truth. Because only truths are censored. Lies are either ignored else ridiculed. Truths are dangerous so must be controlled. Forcing people to speak as the powerful wish, by the application of fear, is not the action of someone who cares, is trying to help you, or is benevolent, it is a malevolent act by a malevolent actor. Knowing this is the first step to regaining the ability to tell the truth. We cannot solve a problem until we name it… self censorship through fear is a profound issue.

Using fear as a weapon is as immoral as it gets. One of the advances that Christianity brought into the world… is the idea that all people are created equal. Since we are all created in the image of God himself. How can an equal silence an equal? Only a superior can silence another, whether by force, guile or fear. To silence someone created in the image of God, especially from telling a truth, is to silence the image of God himself. Not only is that immoral, but it is the epitome of arrogance, egoism and impertinence. Such disgraceful people deserve no authority, instead they deserve that which they project on humanity, by reciprocal attribution… subjugation. Because reciprocity is the basis of all true morality, and there can be nothing more reciprocal than reflecting the attribution of another… back.

When truths are silenced, it is never for the benefit of those silenced, it is always for the benefit of the silencer. The best swindlers will convince their victims how virtuous, human hearted and unselfish they are. In our case they tell us, with puppy dog eyes, that we have to remain silent about truths that would expose their lies, since that would harm the economy, create racial injustice, or cause aliens to land. To believe the elite are virtuous, human hearted and unselfish, is to believe unicorn meat is available, canned, in stores near you. The one is as likely as the other. Self censorship out of fear, only serves the interests of unicorn hunters, but never ours. The means, self censorship by fear, exposes the malice of the ends, silencing truths that harm the elite’s power.

You have to admit, the caliber of the person who would use fear, to force people to self censor, is substantially less than .177. A BB is a cannonball to them. Imagine being so afraid of the truth, you would harm another for speaking it? What does that say about those that use fear as a weapon of censorship? It says they are liars, losers, and imps… who would be god kings. They add nothing to the human condition, instead, like the parasitic vermin they are, they only take. They would burn it all down… if they cannot run it, into the ground. Such people are the reason there is poverty, crime and want in the world. They create it all around them with their example. Bestowing power out of fear, only increases their hubris, and decreases our ability to stand up to it in the future.

Recognize when we self censor out of courtesy… or out of fear. Those who manipulate us into self censoring out of fear, claim it is out of courtesy, conflating the two and calling lying a virtue. Once you understand what truths the powerful do not want us to speak, yell them from the rooftops! Bravely speak like a human being with agency. Don’t be rude, speak those truths they would suppress, don’t blurt out untruths masquerading as uncomfortable truths, simply to trigger. Not all knowledge is good, or even should be known, those things that the powerful would have us ignore however, are never of that species. So, self censor out of courtesy, but NEVER out of fear. The elite have every reason to fear the truth, we do not… only their reaction to it. They cannot punish a tsunami of truth though.


John Pepin

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