Power Struggles And Oligarchy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the resignation of Cuomo is shocking, for many reasons, none of which are being talked about in the media that calls itself unbiased. The fact a democrat has had his feet held to the fire, for the first time in decades, is astounding in and of itself. That he was brought down by allegations of sexual harassment, when that is usually a resume enhancement for democrats, is a sure sign that was not the real reason he was forced out… by the progressive establishment. As usual the truth is obscured by lies by omission, lies of opportunity and lies of convenience. Any good magician knows the game. Sadly, for Cuomo, he is a political enemy of Kamala, another pretender to the throne, so he had to go. He was allowed to throw himself on his sword. The victim of a power struggle he lost.

Some might argue that murdering thousands of people in cold blood, to forward a political agenda, ala, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot, would have been a bigger scandal than harassing bimbos, who knew the score before they joined the team. Many people are of the opinion, and I am one, that in the hierarchy of wrongs, murder is at the top. It may vie for top spot with some particularly heinous crimes, but I think it safe to say, most would agree, murder is a class A wrong. In that same hierarchy, grabbing a woman is certainly wrong, rude, and shows a lack of empathy, but I would rather a loved one be groped, than murdered. Now if we compare the numbers of gropings to killings, a few dozen gropings to thousands of killings, one can only conclude that the murders were far more egregious a crime.

One can never neglect the emotional damage done to a victim of sexual harassment… or the families of murder victims. Imagine making the heart wrenching decision to put your beloved parents in a nursing home, because they cannot feed, care for themselves or tend to their drugs any longer. You have to make all the gut turning calculations, “Could I handle their needs, drugs and stay sane?” Moreover, what if I were to fail and give the wrong dose and Mom died? How could anyone forgive themselves such a mistake? Coupled with the fact, many consider themselves less competent than they are, because that is what our culture inculcates, and Mom and Dad end up in a nursing home. Then to watch Dad get beat to death, on a Youtube video, by someone who is only there because he has covid…

So, if the murders were so much worse, then why did Cuomo resign for sexual harassment? Maybe it was to protect the other democrat governors who ordered covid patients into nursing homes, like small pox blankets given to native Americans? You would think that if there was a reason to resign, it would be the large scale slaughter of the aged, by spreading a pathogen in their living facilities. That would make far more sense than for sexual harassment. The same people calling for Cuomo’s head were silent at Bill Clinton allegedly raping Juanita Broaddrik. They remain silent at the stunning allegation of Biden’s finger raping a woman in the Senate chambers. So, clearly, sexual harassment is not a wrong a democrat steps down for. Nor is murder apparently. So why did he step down?

Only a few months ago Cuomo was lauded the hero of Corona. He even wrote a book about it. His star was rising. Oligarchies have limited room for rising stars however. The more power an oligarchy amasses the more deadly the power struggles become. Trotsky was in London when Lenin ordered him murdered. The top becomes more like a pin every day… until only one can dance on it. Anyone who thinks Cuomo resigned because of a bimbo eruption can be sold anything. While I will admit, Cuomo’s leaving the room has limited the liability of other democrats, who are also guilty of mass murder, It was a power struggle, pure and simple. I suspect the first of many. So, get out the popcorn, they are about to start eating each other on national TV. Like piranha deprived of food.


John Pepin

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