On Legalized Abortion

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, by having abortion “safe” and legal, more women are harmed by abortion than would be if it were illegal. As with most things there is the seen and the unseen. The most important factor, according to pro abortionists, is the welfare of the mother. If we accept this as the standard, for reasons of argument, it is clear that if legalized abortion is shown to harm the woman more, especially if the harm to women is much greater, then in the interests of women, abortion must be made illegal, as is rape, battery and DUI. I would further argue that anyone who doesn’t accept this standard is a zealot, who’s concern is not for the woman, but that abortion be performed for some nihilistic pathologically sick reason. So… does legalized abortion protect women?

There is that which is obvious to everyone, but other factors that are only known to a few people, these factors often change the entire profit loss of an endeavor. In his seminal book, that remains unread for the most part because it contains ugly truths, Bastiat’s example of the broken window in his, Things Seen and Things Unseen, illustrates the point. A boy breaks a window. The baker has to repair the window. The people watch and admire that the broken window has generated such economic demand. What they have not seen is that the money the baker uses to fix the window came from the money he had saved to buy shoes. The Baker will have to forego new shoes. So, what is unseen is that the window repairman’s windfall, came at the cost to the Baker and the cobbler.

The legalization and implementation of a national infrastructure, to facilitate the clinical slaughter of unborn babies, has resulted in many unseen negative incentives. For good or bad, Nature has hemmed us all in, in a myriad of ways. The danger of sex to a woman is both venereal disease and pregnancy. As innovators have made venereal disease less of a burden, and nearly eliminated pregnancy as an impediment to unlimited sex with random partners, not surprisingly we have seen an explosion of out of wedlock births, divorces and abortions. This was predicted by a Pope in some Papal Encyclical in the 1960’s… and was widely condemned at the time. Ugly truths and those that tell them are most hated, especially when they deny a glittering lie. These are things we courteously avoid seeing.

That explosion of sexual encounters has resulted in millions of unintended pregnancies and an epidemic of venereal diseases. The pregnancies can be “taken care of” by killing the baby and most venereal diseases can be solved with penicillin… but many cannot. This reduces our innovators to an arms race, and war, against pregnancy and disease… so our kids can have sex constantly with whomever they want. There are statistics that say that as many as 90% of Americans have at least one permanent venereal disease. Most being genital warts… that can lead to cervical cancer. The virus being so small it easily passes through a condom. Scientists have created a vaccine that protects from some varieties, giving those with that vaccine a false sense of security.

All resulting in over 70 million abortions since Roe V Wade in the US alone. Even as the out of wedlock birth rate has risen! Because so many more woman are getting pregnant out of wedlock due to the pernicious incentives of abortion. The number of woman harmed by abortion has also risen. The danger of any medical procedure cannot be removed, and so many more women and girls are getting abortions, the number of women harmed is way up. Add in the unseen… how many abortions were done to cover incest and rape, the objectification of women and the sexualization of kids… and we can only conclude that abortion on demand has harmed women and children in our society very much. Therefore… since the welfare of the mother is harmed by legal abortion, it should be illegal.


John Pepin

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