Progressives Radiate Hate

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, many progressives radiate hate… like a fire does heat. One only need listen to them with an open mind to feel the hate. Ask them what they hate and a progressive will harangue you for hours with everything he or she despises. They husband and nurture their hatred like one does a child. Seething inside and despising anything that they have identified as hateful. This makes progressives dangerous, because those who dwell on hate, become angry, bitter and most importantly… vengeful. Their hate fulfills their morality. To a progressive, the morality they create, based on hate and envy, is the highest and best. Since it is the epitome of all morality it justifies any action. That hate empowers a progressive to lie, cheat, kill and sterilize, because the “greater good,” the ends justify the means.

Examples abound of progressives who seethe both inside and out. Recently, a US congressman said he would bulldoze Jerusalem… how hate filled, and progressive. Bernie Sanders is a very bitter, angry, hate filled man. He supported Mao, Pol Pot and Castro, even today he will not condemn the slaughter they inflicted. Listen to the race baiters like Kamala Harris, Obama, Elizabeth Warren, etc… they cant help but expose their naked hatred for the American way. Their loathing of our Constitution cannot be denied, and their contempt of us filthy masses who live in fly over country couldn’t be made more plain, when they try to eliminate the electoral college. Can anyone argue that Hillary Clinton calling half the US population “deplorables,” was an act of love?

George Orwell said, it is not that socialists like the poor as much as they hate the rich. In fact, in Orwell’s day, and ours, socialists despise the poor and hold the unwashed in utter contempt. This is what explains their hypocrisy. Sanders would never be caught on a commercial airplane, nor would Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, or Adam Schiff. They fly private jets so they don’t have to smell us. What is perhaps most telling is that wherever progressives get power, the poor get poorer, even as the politically connected get richer. Actions and results speak louder than words, and progressive actions bespeak highly of their hatred of the little guy. Yet, they seek to garner our support by claiming their harming those they hate… will somehow help us.

Hate inevitably leads to vengeance. Nothing good comes of hate, bitterness, envy, and vengeance. They all lower the lot of Mankind. Hate diminishes the person who husbands it in her heart. That hate must destroy the hater’s soul… leading to vengeance. Couple hate with atheism and anything becomes possible. Because vengeance is righteous… or at least it feels like it to the hater. Even and especially when the innocent are punished, because once hate and nihilism have hollowed out a man’s soul, he finds joy in the suffering of others. Vengeance leads to more vengeance, an eye for an eye until everyone is blind. Anger, bitterness and vengeance never built a civilization…. it only rips them down. Those consumed with hate only serve to break, never to build or renovate… only destroy and oppress.

Stand next to a progressive as he or she is spouting their hatred of the patriarchy, or whatever boogeyman they hate today, and you can feel the hate radiate from them, as if you were standing next to a bonfire. Listen to the speeches of the democrat candidates today for President and feel the hate radiate from your TV. They hate Jews, Christians, capitalists, the rich, the poor, Americans, patriots, white people, Asians if they get too uppity, the Founding Fathers, the unborn, children, conservative blacks, in fact, anyone who doesn’t serve their power. On the other hand, they profess to love illegal immigrants, especially when they rape, kill and steal… and the “oppressed.” Progressives do not oppress to help the oppressed, they oppress because they are hate filled, and love to oppress.

John Pepin

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