Who Should Pay the Cost of War?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, war should have a cost, to the people that declare it, not just some janitor’s son. War, as I have said before, is a way psychopaths manipulate good people into killing someone, who otherwise would be their best friend. Instead, wouldn’t it be more human hearted to place the real cost on those who connive, manipulate and pull the strings? Instead of the bodies burning, maybe the generals gathered in their masses should experience white phosphorous, rather than children sleeping in their beds at night. In that, Trump’s liquidation of that subhuman leader of the Al Cuds forces of Iran was pure genius. Let the dirt bag who orchestrates the deaths of other people’s children reap his well deserved eternal reward.

Any argument that he was going to do such and such, is absurd, since it has to be based on information from the CIA, MI6, NSA, etc… and they have shown themselves to be liars of the highest order, over and over. They have proven themselves worthy of our absolute antipathy and disdain. No, the culling of that man was just retaliation for the many injuries he and Iran has meted out to civilization. As the leader of the Al Cuds forces, the special forces of Iran, he was by definition, involved in Iran’s obvious backing of factions in the Iraq war, that were responsible for many US deaths and injuries. Not of psychopaths but of baker’s and bus driver’s sons and daughters. Which, had Bush or Obama been Americans, not shills for the Administrative State, would have resulted in his death back then.

The Administrative State’s proxies have been advocating for attacks on the oil infrastructure. They apparently think killing a roustabout, scratching out a living filthy and covered in unwashable paraffin, on an oil rig in the middle of the desert, will have a significant effect on the Iranian regime. I have also heard a cyberattack would have been better in retaliation for the deaths of Americans. The Administrative State appears to hold the value of human life very low, unless that human is a psychopathic dirtbag, then they value it’s life highly. The one thing every suggestion of the Administrative state is that it would increase the cost of energy and plunging us deeper into war with Iran. Which suggests it believes killing thousands of cab driver’s sons will improve the lot of Mankind.

I am more of the opinion that the people who hide behind oak doors, in walnut paneled rooms, banked with books and setting behind large intimidating desks… should be the ones to pay the price for their ideas, not the kid of a farmer in Wisconsin or Khorasan. Since the psychopaths setting in those rooms in Iran seem to like inflicting suffering on parents across the world, perhaps their own parents should experience that suffering for themselves. If we accept the concept of reciprocal attribution. Those kids sitting in bunkers in Iran needn’t die for some Ayatollah’s fantasy. The Ayatollah should be sent to meet his god. What I am saying is that the only correct response, one that even Mo Ti might agree with, is an attack on the Ayatollahs themselves, and perhaps the Iranian parliament in session as well.

This is of course sacrilege to the psychopaths that run the world. They like setting in a safe place, orchestrating the deaths of thousands, it is cathartic to them. They are what Thrasymachus would call, Great Men. The kind of person who believes Justice is a means to oppress, not a means to human heartedness. To actually threaten them… is to threaten the very paradigm that makes war possible! After all, what person, even a psychopath, would start a war if they knew they would be the first to die? After all, in the rotten core of their hearts they know who and what they serve, and where their eternal resting place will be. Why go there without the reward of creating suffering on a global scale first? Cut off the head of the worm… and let it squirm until it grows another.


John Pepin

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