On Inserting A Foreign Object In A Slumbering Bruin’s Bulbus Oculi

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Joe and Mary Shmo are far more interested in their own lives than in running the world, and as such, they don’t participate in politics, except on the most superficial level. It takes a lot of abuse to get Joe to turn off the NFL, NASCAR and Golf. About the only thing that will jolt Mary out of her daily life is to mess with her kids. This is a truth that has been known since Plato wrote The Republic. We masses just want to be left alone to live our lives. Political intrigue is for the elite. Now however, the elite have triggered Joe by perverting the NFL into a political propaganda outlet, and has outraged Mary when she saw what the government school is teaching her kids… and now she finds out, she has no say! Only a supremely stupid, or conniving elite, would provoke the citizenry like that.

It’s not like life is not busy, stressful and engrossing enough today. What, with trying to keep your kids from being brain washed into sterilizing themselves then commit suicide at thirty, off the pills so they don’t overdose and die, and out of the military which has just shown the world what they think of the sacrifice of young boys and girls in their service. Not to mention getting by when inflation is rapidly grabbing more of our attention every day. Even as the crime rates skyrocket everywhere across the nation, except Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket and Montecito, of course. As the government threatens to disarm the citizens while it empowers the gangs, allows BLM to riot and kill cops at will, we become distracted trying to stay alive. Nevertheless, all of this exposes the ugly truth.

The rise of state backed open and malevolent bigotry, isn’t as distracting as it is baffling, to someone raised in the US, with the culture that all people are equal under the law. We now have self appointed police of thought, so zealous, that if we ridicule one of the politically protected groups, we are personally attacked as racist, homophobic, and haters. How do we know what groups are politically favored and which are disfavored? By looking at who you are not allowed to criticize… and who you are encouraged to criticize. To those of us raised under the old American culture of equality, justice and fraternity, this is alien. To the children being raised under this new un-American culture of open racism, bigotry and political violence, this will be the norm, so why not act in their own self interest?

A people distracted are a people easy to rule, a people focused and angry, become a guillotine. That is why wise despots and would be autocrats always seek to placate the people with “democracy,” bread and circuses. It is the foolish that rile the people from our quiescence. We would have slept right through the invasion of our replacements, the rise in energy prices, the loss of our dollar’s purchasing power, the crime, loss of small businesses, hollowing out of the middle class, exporting of our jobs, open politicization of our courts and even the political corruption, since it isn’t being televised… had they not messed with our kids and the NFL. No one can ignore a poking in the eye like that. The elite must think they have a great plan, else they are too dumb to digest food and think, simultaneously.

I suppose the elite maybe thinking that if they make our lives distressing enough we will not have the time to look at their shenanigans. To that I say, true enough, but there is a limit to that strategy… and I think we have reached it. The elite have been fighting us in every way they can, without mercy, moral or restraint. Even going to the extent of obviously perverting an election, with mail in voting, to undermine our last non violent means to force political change. Now that Mary has been showing up to school board meetings, and letting the elite know what she thinks… they have set the FBI on her. Don’t think that the distractions the elite have created for us haven’t distracted us, they have, but they have also awoken a sleeping bear, protective of her cubs, and hungry mad at what woke it.


John Pepin

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