The Ideal Life and Our Nature

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, an ant’s ideal life is the life of an ant, the ideal life for a deer is the life of a deer, as the life of a human being is the ideal life for a person. The ideal life for a human being must be the one that fits human nature. We can glean some information on this subject from creation. Birds mate for life to rear fledglings. Deer mate once a year at a frat party, then the mothers deal with the consequences, alone. While snakes lay eggs and let the babies fend for themselves. Each does what its nature calls it to do. It is only man that demands to live in ways contrary to our nature. Like birds, some of us follow our higher nature, those people’s children are given much. Others, like deer, those children are usually given to Moloch. Then there are the snakes, giving need for orphanages.

Our culture today inculcates a disdain for our higher natures, seeking to make us something less, deer or snakes perhaps? Even as we are evangelized with the “rational” argument for atheism, the rationality is inculcated out of us. Those who do think for themselves are called racists, trans-phobes and haters. To the initiated, such arguments are logical, cogent and not at all hollow. Since oversimplification, ad homonym and changing the subject, are all the inculcated can follow, and logical fallacies to those who have been educated. Eradicating logic and thought, while preaching atheism as a rational religion, our culture builds houses of sand on a land of mud. Since the cardinal quality of humanity, is our ability to reason, (to fly) removing it from the masses is a necessary step to reducing us to animals.

Our government has created an ingenious set of pernicious incentives, to make us follow the deer or snake in us, instead of our birdlike nature. By punishing the nuclear family with taxes, regulations and a school system that inculcates irrationality into our children, the elite are motivating us. Impelling us to experiment being deer and snakes, keeping us on the ground. The welfare state exists to serve the deer, while our orphanages, foster homes and child trafficking, serves the snakes. Open boarders, high energy costs, defunding local police while superfunding the federal police, encouraging chaos in our streets, allowing iconoclasm, ideological indoctrination masquerading as education, closing our businesses and forcing us to prove our obedience, all serve to make us less than human.

Like deer, those who follow that lifestyle are perpetually afraid, as those who follow the lifestyle of a snake become cold blooded. Pope Pious XII, was roundly ridiculed for his encyclical on the birth control pill. Now, 60 years later, every horrible prediction he made has come true, and many he had not imagined. The “trans” movement for example. None of the good predictions of the progressives at the time have come to pass though. Look around. Is your nation in a good place right now? Is it being led to a better or worse place by its leaders? Are the people in your community soaring, living in a nuclear family, with fathers, mothers, and plenty of kids? Whatever you see, is the creation of the elite, with our tacit approval. Isn’t it better to teach our children to fly… instead of cringe and crawl?

It is the children who are the most negatively effected, by our eschewing our natures for hedonism, sloth and envy. Today’s culture is the enemy. The people we are told to look up to are human detritus. When the heroes are dirt bags… dirt bags become the norm. Our boys are proselytized with the gang lifestyle, as the slut life is glamorized and promoted to our girls. The government pitches in, pushing us with pernicious incentives, changing our nature, to pursue one night stands rather than a family, opiates instead of flying, and an SSDI check in place of purpose. As that scorned pope warned, marriage has become no more than shacking up, and the divorce statistics prove it true. What end does all the suffering caused by divorcing us from our higher nature serve? A diabolical end perhaps?


John Pepin

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